
pepper18 years ago2005-12-22 13:09:23 UTC 0 comments
For keeping up the christmas spirit i changed my avator, no, im not a shotgun wielding crazy drunk.... yet.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-12-22 08:06:18 UTC 0 comments
Sweet, got my BF2 Veteran Medic badge, a gold star, and the Valorious Unit Ribben, all in the same round. Hectic: seventeen revives and ten heals. :heart: Karkland. 303 points to promotion now.

Bought a lot of Christmas presents, too, and got three Elliott Smith CDs which I happened upon.
Howdy18 years ago2005-12-21 20:21:02 UTC 0 comments
Hello Howdy! This is your 300th login. Woohoo! :roll:
pjmiller43518 years ago2005-12-21 16:18:38 UTC 0 comments
I'm in the works with my team to make a game called

Brute Force.... the site is dull and not close to being done as we are spending most of our time making this game and compiling maps and editing and adding source to the engines.

BruteForce website is located at

The game is a modification to Half-Life 1 and also Half-Life 2, that's right two versions. We're currently only working with Half-Life 1 so that we get fimiliar with it first and this will aid us when we move onto our full out release for Half-Life 2 modification.

The Game - Brute Force without giving out too much detail for now is going to bring back fun and excitement back onto the P.C. something that games such as Doom, Quake, Half-Life, and Counter Strike did.

You play Jon Ashton, a nobody in the void of exsistance. We wanted to make our playable character like everyone else in life, just an average jane/john doe.

Jon Ashton is a young 20 year old kid who dropped out of school when he was 17 years old, has a lousy job, smokes weed, and that's his day to day life other than hanging out with friends.

This of course will be a FPS.

Some features we are implimenting into the F.O.R. (Full Out Release) for the Half-Life 2 source is.

Viewing Aware Envoirment - the A.I. knows what and where you're looking at. E.X. If there's a female character you're talking to or following they will know AND react if you stare at say their butt or chest, etc. OR if you objective is to find X where X is a tool or object you only have a limited knowledge of and don't know exactly what it looks like, if it comes into your F.O.V. (Field Of View) the A.I. can warn/tell/advise you of it.

Many other features will be implimented and added as well. Too much to mention, I'll just update to tell you when the site is fully launched and it will have all the detailed information.

We are re-creating everything, all characters, models, some textures, etc. We are making the Half-Life 1 modification as an example of the endless possibilities the HL2 source will have in it. If you come to enjoy the HL1 source then HL2 source we will make will blow you away.

Other than to get fimiliar with HL1 and showoff what HL2 version of the game will have and extend it, why HL1? Why not hop into HL2 now you ask? Well, we are using an updated version of Half-Life, if you view the early version of Half-Life the graphics are ehhhhh not up to par with todays standards, but with the updated patch that automatically comes with Blue Shift, the graphics are acceptable, not mind bending or blowing nebody away, but very, very tollerable.

Thank you for viewing,

Paul Miller
Dorian2718 years ago2005-12-21 11:38:27 UTC 0 comments
Kind of a mini update. I came up with a unique idea for lighting my de_syrinx map. The layout and everything is done and Spawn points are set... and oh yeah.. NO LEAKS! It is really easy to find and fix links with the displacement method*.
I read an article by DaveJ about gameplay and layout, and I took his advice. It takes exactly 13 seconds for either team (CTs and Ts) to reach the bomb target. this makes a wonderful choke point. I added some little diddies like evidence of how each team arrived at their spawn points (ex: rope leading down from ceiling).
The only work left is some texture alignment, and maybe a little more detail. I made sure to check to see if you could plant the bomb in a place where CTs coundn't defuse, and I fixed them (Its really annoying when Ts plant the bomb between 2 crates).
Ill post some screenies, either tonight, or tomorrow. Expect the map to be ready within the week. I've got Xmas vacation, so I'll have some quality time to work on it.

*The Displacement Method:
(**Note this method is only effective if you have 1 leak. It will work if you have multiple, but it is tough to figure out)
Make a large brush in the shape of a cube, and cover a big portion of your map with it, and run a minimal compile(No RAD or VIS). If you come up with a leak, move your cube to a different area of your map. Continue this until you have no leaks found during compile. Make the cube smaller to pinpoint the leak, each time compiling after changing the cubes size, to ensure you still know where the leak is. Continue this until you have a small area to search, and look for the leak, and seal it.

-A tutorial by Dorian27
Daubster18 years ago2005-12-21 11:03:23 UTC 0 comments
G'bye school...
3 weeks of holidays.. :glad:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-12-20 13:03:31 UTC 0 comments
I released my prize winning compo entery in the vault. I removed the mod so now you can all play in it. :)

I also added the RMF.
Logins (per day): 1600 (5.4)
Snpbond18 years ago2005-12-20 12:16:20 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 666th login. Diabolical.
Spooky18 years ago2005-12-20 11:17:28 UTC 0 comments
Hello Spooky! This is your 100th login. Nice!

SpaG18 years ago2005-12-20 09:48:10 UTC 1 comment
Hello SpaG! This is your 1337th login. 9o()|) s7|_|p/-/!
Teh w00t
User posted image
Red18 years ago2005-12-20 04:38:25 UTC 0 comments
Hello Red! This is your 777th login...
38_9818 years ago2005-12-20 02:44:59 UTC 0 comments
200 days at TWHL since yesterday. Not too bad, and its the last day of school. Everyones just mucking about.

But unfortunately, i have a school pantomine today, which is horribly acted. I can just imagine my fat science teacher in tights...

shivers :zonked:
The Mad Carrot18 years ago2005-12-19 14:26:50 UTC 0 comments
Hello MuzzleFlash! This is your 3000th login.
Dorian2718 years ago2005-12-19 04:55:45 UTC 0 comments
I've gotten a lot of work done on my map. I decided to call it de_syrinx, I used egyptian textures. I had to deviate from the original design a little bit due to height inaccuracies. I expect to finish the map soon, after I fix the leak (!)

In other news, I'm almost done with "Legend of Legaia For those of you who have played it, you know how good a game it is. For those who haven't played it, I suggest you go out and buy it, before its gone forever. It is on the Original PSX so not many copies are still floating around.

In other other news... I shaved my head, but I had some fun in the process
User posted image

In other other other news, I got my SAT scores back. I got a 1700/2400 which is equivalent to 1130/1600 on the old test. This is a pretty good score, not enough for the coast guard academy :( (1900/2400) but good none-the-less.

in other (x4) news: Hello Dorian27! This is your 189th login:nuts:.
fearian18 years ago2005-12-18 14:36:11 UTC 0 comments
Registered here at TWHL. Ive viseted before for the tutorials. but now I think Ill settel down! ;)

What I'm working on:
CS:S - a small paintball style map for my clan with wide spaces above ground an two thin winding tunnels underground. called 'Ravine' because of the huge ravine that divides the map
HL2:SP - A small single player series of missions to showcase my work. opens in a sewer level complete with barnicals
HL1:SP - Havnt really started yet, just a little somthing to occupy my time when I only have acess to my lappy.
well... better get posting! maybe Ill write a Source tutorial... :