Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 07:29:43 UTC
in Puzzle Mappack for HL1: Op4 Post #138930
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 05:56:59 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #138926
Hes already said he is doing all the mapping.

What do you mean by VA?

BL: send the script(s) and I will record the samples for you today. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 05:32:43 UTC
in Puzzle Mappack for HL1: Op4 Post #138925
The screen shots are just teasers, its a "state of the art" research base in the 50's, hence why everything looks old. I will take some more screen shots soon.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 21:28:49 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #138876
Well, if you send me a small section of each of the aboves scripts (or the whole thing if you like) and I will try them out and see who I feel I could do best. :) <-- mail them here and I will do them tommorrow and upload the examples.

I could also "put on" or edit in a deeper voice if you like, for the grunts.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 20:05:22 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #138868
I would be happy to help with voice acting, I have a very decent microphone and a set of walky talkies which make for awesome "over radio" effects.

Example of me using the radios and mic combined (I already had the file floating around from a previous mod);
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 19:58:59 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #138866
I have posted your request on the HIT forums, check it out here.

Hopefully someone will be willing to help. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 17:34:39 UTC
in Puzzle Mappack for HL1: Op4 Post #138852
EDIT: The linking isnt working, probably because of my host, click the links for pictures.


The setting:

Top Secret Millitary base in the 50's, the first ever teleportation experements are taking place. Scientis have basic teleporter technology working but anything they try and teleport doesnt come back, instead things from "Xen" come through (they dont know anyhting about xen yet), so far lumps of rock, plants, Xen Wildlife and a few Energy crystals have come through.

Determined to see where these things are comming from the scientists try to open a very large portal that can stay open for long periods of time and is big enough to allow explorers through into the other side to see this new world, they get the portal open, but thats where it all goes ary and now you have to find out whats gone wrong, and more importantly, how to fix things in this twisted nightmare.

The maps will span through time consisting of many puzzles to find out whats gone wrong and how to fix it. - "Can you escape your worst nightmare come true when the nightmare is all in your head?"

More updates soon.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 17:17:04 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #138850
Nice idea, I wouldnt mind lending a hand if you want some help.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 11:16:16 UTC
in What do you think? Post #138406

This is how a lot of people around my way sound, and yes, I made the video.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 20:41:05 UTC
in Gat'tag: Source. Post #138151
The plan is to release it in episodes, unlike SIN you wont have to pay for these, therby we can bug test and get feedback from the community at the same time.

Thanks for the reply. I already have a Coder and possibly another coder and a modeler aswell working on this, I am a mapper but if anyone else is interested wait for me to release the first examples of my work so you know what sort of standard we are aiming for. After that feel free to apply.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 14:40:55 UTC
in Gat'tag: Source. Post #138076
Gat'tag: Source.

Ok, I have a plan for a Single player Mod, I have a lot of experience in HL1 modding (been on a few teams, and I have moved my mapping skills onto Source.

Rather than keep the storyline a secret I am going to lay it down to see if anyone thinks it?s a good idea / something they want to work on.


The basic outline (for those who don?t want to read through the whole story):

A space ship, a planet far far away "Gat'tag" (cue music), Zombies (non head crab), Robots, an evil Artificial Intelligence, laser guns, AK47's, Infested abandoned cities, a secret base, Soldiers, Ant Lions.

And the full version:

A colonized planet far far away (cue music) has sent out a distress call and the only ship able to respond is a large Space Carrier which the player is on, when they get to the planet it seems abandoned, a scout party is sent. The scout party returns to the ship with heavy casualties saying there are monsters on the planet, a heavy assault team is sent to rescue the remaining cut off scout squad and to rescue any remaining colonists.

The player is part of the heavy assault, down on the planet the assault squad finds the rumors are true, Ant Lions are everywhere on this desert planet and a ?Star Ship Troopers? Part ensues. Come night fall all the Ant Lions retreat to their dwellings. The soldiers set up a small camp to heal the wounded and gather them self?s ready to make a break back to the drop ship zone.

However the city isn?t quite so dead after all, zombies roam the streets at night, when the Ant Lions aren?t around. A Ravenholm like episode happens. The Marines make it back to the Drop Ship Zone and call in to be picked up, some of their men wounded badly by zombies, some dead. The ship comes down and everyone makes it back to the ?mother ship?.

The player is badly wounded and the medics put him into a ?Healing Chamber? where he will sleep while the chamber heals his wounds. When the pod opens it is several hours later, the ship has turned into a horror show, some of the wounded soldiers have themselves turned into zombies and now the ship is infested and the main power is out. Player tries to get to the bridge to send out an SOS but soon it is clear this ship is doomed so he makes for the escape pods with the remaining portion of the surviving crew.

Back down to the planet, its dawn, the Ant Lions are back. More bug combat, at night the soldiers set up base holding the zombies away from a large building in the town. One of the bridge crew informs the soldiers that an SOS had not been sent because of an error in the communications system possibly caused by the Zombies tearing the place up. As going back to the ship is virtual suicide as it?s completely infested with the zombies, who have flourished in the humid crampt cold conditions of the ship, they have to find the Colony Central Command the colonists had set up on the planet and use their communications array to call for help.

Of course, the player is instantly volunteered with a squad. They make there way to the Colony Central Command fighting through mindless zombies (who until now were believed to of been infected by the Ant Lions). As they approach the Colony Central Command the zombies turn from being mindless meat eaters into highly dangerous and armed cyber enhanced zombies with AK?s and Pistols. The order comes in to continue and re-enforcements are sent from the planetary field camp.

The soldiers fight their way into the Colony Central Command and start to make their way up towards the Control Room. This base if filled with these cyber zombies and there is also a disturbing bio mass seemingly growing over electronics and computer systems. The fight continues and they get to the Control Room, but everything in here has been stripped, any computer left behind is smashed or has been used for spare parts. Following the cables leads the soldiers down deep into the engineering area of the base where they discover a secret base.

This secret base is hellish, it?s not build but humans and the strange bio mass that covers a few things in the Colony Central Command is covering everything down here. They see that all the operations of the Colony Central Command have been routed into this base and begin their search for the control room to see who is running this hell bound show.

Making there way down they discover the zombies are being cyber enhanced here at this base and what?s more there are robots here who haven?t taken a liking to the soldier?s arrival either. It appears the robots are turning the zombies into cyber slaves. After a large battle through the ?assembly area? of this underground base the soldiers reach the heart of the base. A large battle ensues with very dangerous robots, when the soldiers finally break through into the control room just in time to see a large super computer transmit itself away.

The soldiers now have control of the base and call for help, but the signal is jammed! The large mother ship which they arrived in has had its AI taken over, which is why they couldn?t send an SOS in the first place, and now the super computer down on the planet has also transmitted itself up to the mother ship and it now has full control of the ship and is making more and more Cyber-enhanced zombies and robots to send down to the planet to finish off the remaining crew.

Now the players and a squad have to make it up to the space ship, fight through the infested corridors and destroy the ships Processing Cores in the engineering and bridge area there by stopping this evil alien AI from thinking. ? I wont tell you the last bit because I feel you have heard enough but lets just say its going to be good.

Anyone like the story line?
Anyone think I should go ahead and make this into a mod?
Anyone want to sign up for the team? :biggrin:

I am open to suggestions and questions.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 14:52:07 UTC
in last resort recruiting Post #109794
I'm pretty sure by "paying out" he means flaming.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 20:29:26 UTC
in Toying with the idea of a mod. Post #107480
Yea, custom texture are the next step, I have a texture artist lines up, but as I said; This is still a concept. I wanted a little feedback from the community to see what you guys think (Hey, somone has to care ;P) before I put any actual commitment into the mod.

I am also scoping to see if anyone is interested in mapping for this mod, personally I would be happy doing it all myself and getting it just the way I can picture it but that would take far too long.

Aiming for 15/16/17 maps in total, in depth story line, new weapons (all of them), new enemies (of sorts). And a nice addition to the Half-Life story line. Those of you who are cleaver and have read my previous posts will of realised by now that I'm aiming for a prequel to the original Half-Life events.

A very rought story outline;

1948, first ever teleportation experiments taking place in the UK with British scientists working with American supplied equiptment. Several strange life forms and artifacts appear in the teleportation machine in early tests and soon a large scale containment and study facility is set up in the old World War 2 bunker. But eventually three of the more intelegent creatures break free and wrech havok in the base cutting all access off from the surface. A myserious stranger offers to get you out of this mess if you will do several erends for him around the base and so you must fight, climb and sprint through the dark and damp tunnels, fighting for a way out while untold horrors are unleshed around you.

Theres a very basic outline, the plot is actually a lot deeper than that and so far the story line is still a little fluidic so changes may happen.

But for now, the only thing I want is feedback on the concept.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 19:46:28 UTC
in Toying with the idea of a mod. Post #107475
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 19:35:09 UTC
in Toying with the idea of a mod. Post #107472
Yea, those shots are bad, and I am trying not to reveal too much. I will try to get some better ones.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 18:20:05 UTC
in Toying with the idea of a mod. Post #107453
For the past week or so I have been toying with the idea of a mod. 99% of mod never get out of pre production, 75% of that never get half way 50% of that actually get finished.

As you can see I am skeptable about starting a mod. But the story I have come up with and the concept behind my latest mental concuction have spurre me to seriously consider pre production of this mod.

I have made a "concept map" which is about 30% / 45% completed. So far its 3 rooms, 4 coridoors 1 flight of steps and 1 flight of stairs. Now please, let me make this clear; THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, what you see here does not represent the final product (if it gets finished).

So here are two screens, just as a taster to see how the community takes the setting, which is 1948, converted WW2 bunker. Here are two screens.

Feedback appreciated.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 12:01:47 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Coders. Post #96489
Hey all, sorry I have been away for so long, got a lot happening in my life ATM.

Are there any HL2 coders out there? If so please send me a mail / add me to your MSN contacts. I got a few questions about HL2 coding.

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-30 18:21:23 UTC
in Invisible Models Post #75659
Right, I have two junk cars sat in my CS:S level, they work fine, however the chain link fence I am using is invisible? I made it a prop_detail and CS:S didnt like it, Porp_static, its still invisible, its there, I can shoot it and jump against it and hear the noises it makes, but its invisible. The same goes for the junk on the floor and the fuseboxe's and trees.

Anyone else getting this problem? Anyone know how to fix it? I even tried making them into Prop_physics, the damn tree fell on me (well I assume so it was invisible).
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 11:05:00 UTC
in Question about rights. Post #73724
BLASPHEMERS!!! You know so long as whatever you do with it doesnt make money or stop valve from reciving there rightful money for the game (wares) there is no legal reason you cant have the logo.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 11:02:28 UTC
in YAY! I finaly finished my first level! Post #73723
Tsk tsk, no screen shot.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 11:01:32 UTC
in op4 source code Post #73722
Hmmmmmm... posting with no answer. :|

I hope there will be an Op4 source code but I doubt it. Op4 is unfortunatly one of the less popular HL Mods.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 10:59:26 UTC
in my maps... are not posting. Post #73720
Why HELLLOOOOOOO Dajuppi's avatar... I think i have a crick in my neck, care to 'examine' me :P :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 10:57:34 UTC
in Mapping for HL1 Post #73718
I am currently finishing a Mod (The Last Mod), which is set in HL1, the sequel (if there is one, IF this one gets done) will be set in HL2 engine.

I think HL1 mods are going to die off a lot (hey no shit) but I think people will still use HL1 because of its familiarity and simplicity to pick up and map for in comparison to HL2.

Cant wait for the HL2 FDG to be released though and yes I know, you can get it from the Leaked version but the leaked HL2 FDG doesnt work. You cant spawn monsters. :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-16 22:45:15 UTC
in HL2.. Who has it? Post #73513
Yea I have had HL2 since 5:40pm (GMT). Its now... 1:45am and I am pissed off with HL2, I have been playing for about 7/8 hours solid now, I am at prison base place where you get to use ant lions against combine.

I have a complaint about HL2, I had to stop playing for foor, toilet and a drink, when I stood up my legs started kaning! Damn game is so good I have got cramp from playing it so long lol.

Yea it rox. :)

I can see a load of MP race maps sprining up :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 13:52:12 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72668
Yea I am waiting on a texture artist :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 13:51:19 UTC
in Anti Grav Post #72667
On many mods/maps there have been parts where the gravity is lowered (like in xen). There have also been parts where the player is pulled/pushed in a certain direction as if they were being sucked towards a vacum. How do you do these things?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 13:49:08 UTC
in Entinties Post #72666
hahaha, Arnt rookies great? :)

Load up hammer, Go to Tools, Options.

Select the Game configuration tab. There will be a box "Game Data Files", if this is blank you have found you problem. Press ADD and look for the Half-Life FGD, it should be somwhere in your Valve Hammer directory... if not, Download the latest one. (google + Half Life FGD)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 12:57:31 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72663
Some of the screens are taken in Noclip, hence some of the angles look funny, I have already had to explain this to MopX as he said the same thing. Dont worry, its all good in game :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 00:40:14 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72605
Ah.. I screwed up teh URL :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 00:35:31 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72604
Heh, nice, why have you hosted again?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 21:50:32 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72598
Heh heh...

Here are some screen shots of one of the first maps you will play in The Last Mod. Note these screen shots DO NOT represent the final product yada yada. There is still a little work to do.

Set in a lab complex where a huge ship has punched its way through the wall and the grunts on board are raiding the place for equiptment and supplies. The ship is the big grey cube, or rather that is part of the ship. The thin black line comming out of the grunts guns are actually Laser Sights not errors :)

Again, first impressions? I would be willing to take a little crit at this stage but dont go off on one, there is still a lot to do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 19:12:09 UTC
in The Last Mod Post #72565
No, don't worry, its not the end of TWHL... Its a Mod I and a few others, namely Rabidmonkey and the_6th_monkey, are working on, there are a load of maps I have that are nearly done (just waiting on my microphone arriving and a few voice's to be sent in). Theres not really a lot to show off yet, a few screen shots of unfinished maps but I aint happy with em so I aint posting them... yet. Proabably have them done by tonight.

So, here the story (no spoilers, not full) to keep your appatite wetted instead. The story is finished and it gets a lot deeper than what is written here but, I've said too much already... no! NO! There here AAAARG! your hear a scuffle and what sounds like a silenced weapon being fired.

The Last Mod:

-is set inside a computer that had crashed, the person who owns the computer decides to delete his copy of Half-Life and format the computer.

?Damn game. Gah, my comps filled with viruses and crappy spy ware! That?s it, I?m Formatting.? The user says.

Meanwhile inside the crashed computer the Half-Life characters and world has gone haywire due to the crash. The Half-Life characters are now free to do as they wish and the game environment became temporarily unstable allowing the AI in the game to grow and expand by its self.

Because a computer can calculate things as an astronomical rate, the time it takes for the user of the computer to set it formatting (apx 15 seconds) in the game world is more like 15 years. Every game environment ever created and every mod and style ever though of is available and the characters and game entities are free to roam around each level and mod as they please.

In the 14 years of game time that has passed many factions and organizations have popped up, after the initial chaos of the first few months of freedom (a killing fest of aliens and grunts) a peace treaty was signed between the two main Scientist and Military groups, as the scientist had discovered that they were in a game. The remaining Xen life forms were either banished to Xen class maps, killed or captured for study and slavery.

Now, in the 15th year of the gaming empire (all contained within a single crashed hard drive) the format is close to starting. The G-man has only recently realized that the format is coming (having been able to study other data on the computer and hacking into the Voice over new function, he hears the User saying "Damn game. Gah, my comps filled with viruses and crappy spy ware! That?s it, I?m Formatting" and realize). Being able to study all of the other data on the computer the G-man has discovered that this computer has an internet connection and plans to use this to escape onto another computer.

Gordon has ended up working for the main faction in the computer empire, the Sci-Core, consisting mainly of key scientist and military personnel the Sci-Core is the prime ruling force in the Cyber Universe. They act as the police, government and military all rolled into one. Gordon?s job is to go around and stop other minor factions from getting a foothold in strategic or important maps or "mod zones".

That is all for now (there is obviously more, about 3 pages more infact) but this should give you a general idea of what to expect from this mod. No new code, all original Half-Life enemies but there are new modles, a ton of new sounds and new textures.

Expect highly detailed atmosheric acradeish maps with good combat and gameplay, deep story line and a very large possiblilty of "The Last Mod 2" on the HL2 engine. Screens will be up shortly, what do you think for first impressions?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 10:31:04 UTC
in Congrats Seventh-Monkey! Post #69201
Congrats Seventh
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 07:21:12 UTC
in CS map making - help Post #68530
Yea, Info Player_start is a Counter Terrorist Spawn point and Info Deathmatch_start is a Terrorist start point... dont ask why, I dont know.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 15:06:15 UTC
in Good things that happened Post #68379
I'm having chemotheropy - nothing good is happening to me.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 10:08:33 UTC
in Christmas Special Mod Post #68117
Sounds stupid if you ask me. You obviously don't realise how much work 20 maps is.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 18:12:59 UTC
in cs_1337siege Post #67691
...Your point? :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 10:50:23 UTC
in Spelling correctly Post #66671
Yea, but sometimes you just dont think to read through what you have put before you post. Hence typo's Oh sorry, Typing errors.

Way I see it, so long as you understand what someone is saying it doesnt matter how they communicated it. But I agree using 1337 speak on forums in place of ususal writing is just plain lazy.

On the other hand, it comes in handy sometimes for getting points accross. 'E.G. OMFG WTF TYCELL IS TEH 1337 H4X0RZ!'

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 10:06:54 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #66664
ROFL - PaLO, The rocket launcher idea sounds v good.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 15:31:31 UTC
in odd mods Post #66492
Nah, people should be allowed to express themselfs in Modding, If a mod isnt good it just makes the really good ones seem all the better, If you have no contrast it would get v boring.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 08:47:56 UTC
in My first release Post #65221
cs_1337siege, first map I have ever released online. Been mapping sice HL came out (98) and this is my first release ever...

I think its quite good, but I would, I made it, Plz post sum comments and start playing it on CS. I want my map to spread like the plauge >:D
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 04:42:51 UTC
in cs_1337siege Post #64984
Hmmm, I like the look of that 1337 generator...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 06:00:20 UTC
in cs_1337siege Post #64812
Ah.... good point, I figured with steam I would need to have a host for some bizzarre reason. :S I mean old CS, as in not Source.

Ok I need at least 4 CS players to play test the beta and then the final with me. I'll get some screens and then make a date for the game. Any takers?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 16:06:34 UTC
in cs_1337siege Post #64691
Ok, I'm makin this map, its old CS. I figured that seeing as nearly everyone hates siege coz of its nooberness I would make a better version seeing as its ona me fav maps.

I wont release it into the map vault yet (I iz regular here) but I do kinda need a server to host it for play testing etc. If anyone can spare a server 20 mins and about 6 other players at some point in the future I would appreciate it.

I will post screens soon so that u can decide with added visual enchantment.
Oh the magic - Ra ta-ta-tar.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 05:52:37 UTC
in what will u map when hl2 comes out? Post #63540
OMG a legal dispute could take years, litrally. FFS!!! Whos with me, I'm going to hold all of Sierra hostage until they agree to the terms. Cocks shotgun
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 05:43:57 UTC
in New screenshots... Post #63539
OMG HL2 SCREENS... NEW ONES... OMG OMG!!! Opens his bottle and takes his pills

:O! New VH screens has heart seisure
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 11:37:19 UTC
in Phase 5 Post #63171
Why teh fuck u wanna DL it?!?! Just buy the damn game and install it. If you buy the Deluxe edition you get loads of extras aswell, probably just a few misfit bits of material they chucked in but hey its HL2 and it will sell.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 11:30:40 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #63165
lol Aye. ;D
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 19:36:02 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #63009
I have already made the harder part of my map - expect me to post it soon.

Its a train where the rails move giving the impression that the train is moving.
Its set in a XEN enviroment.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:44:59 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #62918