All of these people fucking complaining about how the world sucks and we are gonna die, well heres the thing, if you fucking care so much, get your lazy ass off of your computer and do something. Do anything other than be a lazy ass and complain.
um... Im not complaining about anything.
And by the way, I do do things to improve the world... Don't be too quick to judge...
A way for humans to relieve (Word? Relief?) themselves of the burden of knowing that their life is in their hands. It's just a way of saying "oh fuck, this life sucks. Oh well, heaven, yay.".
This may be true for some individuals, although it is generally believed by religious people that our life
is in our hands, and that God has sort of "loaned" us this body. Life is a gift. It has been trusted to us... which is why I am not fond of "suicide".
A way for leaders to control their population.
heh, I'd like to hear your reasoning for that
i don't really have much to say on religion execpt that they're all crazy people
How old are you?
Support the troops, but not the war. And for those of you who didn't know or couldn't figure it out, I do live in the US, and will be voting for a somewhat better president at the next elections.
The War in Iraq was origionally started because of a defence issue. It was known by the UN that Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction. I personally believe that they did have WMD. Think of how easy it is to smuggle these weapons out, and how much time Saddam had to do it... Just because we did not find them doesn't mean they do not exist... Also, Saddam had obvious ties to Osama Bin Laden...
I cannot see how this war can be viewed as having solely bad results... Yes, people died... This is obviously bad... All war is bad, but that doesn't mean that there is nothing good out of it.
Sadam obviously was a "bad" person... He torture his people, tested his own chemical weapons on his own people, ruled as a dictator, refused to acknowledge UN rules, and tried to lie when question about them.
Well, guess what? We got em', hiding in a hole.
The government of Iraq is developing... It is becoming a more free nation, run by the people, which is obviously the whole concept of democracy. I cannot see how you would not support a government by the people, run by the people, decided by the people, in order to create equality for all, and protect their human rights...
oh, and Fragmeister...
The colonists of America did not fly planes into buildings, killing thousands of innocent lives... They did not explode themselves on a bus full of innocent people, just trying to get along in life. They stood up for their freedom. They did not conduct their acts out of hatred and cowerdice. They Stood up before the colonial rule of Britian, proudly. They even signed with their name a document that meant for them certain incrimination.
Terrorists are different.
You cannot argue for terror...
Terrorism is killing the innocent out of hatred, and cowerding in the shadows.