I will blot out my name so you don't know my true name.Ooh, because once we know you're really called Bernard Lord, we'll be on your doorstep in an instant!
It's just not in a teenager's blood to understand.Well excuse me, I never ever spammed the 'Vault with crap maps (I've only posted, I think, two 'Completed Maps', my compo winners) and I've been here since I was about fifteen. Kindly don't excessively stereotype
I recommend hard difficulty for everyoneDefinitely seconded. I found it far too easy : not once did my health drop below eighty.
Some Standard Editions ship on DVD too, at least in Europe.Far'z'I know, they all do this side o'th'pond.
perhaps it's a good idea to write a tutorial on what comprises of a high quality SP and MP mapYou'd be lucky
Replies: 666Wasn't that the Doom port?