Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-05 00:08:17 UTC
in Help! Math problem in mapping Post #221028
My brain is shot at the moment. I'd suggest posting it on a maths or physics forum, they usually crank an answer out quick-smart.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-04 12:00:49 UTC
in TWHL Mix 2? Post #220976
Looking nice, though I reckon change the ceiling texture (looks kinda weird being the same as the floor texture imo).
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-03 04:20:17 UTC
in Maps of Schools/ Other Public Places Post #220804
Wtf?! Surely this is a breach of civil rights or something? He didn't do ANYTHING. One of the first maps I made was my high did it suck balls. I've also done:
  • my house
  • my apartment building
  • a castle
  • xen
I have fantasies of making my uni campus; that would make the SWEETEST deathmatch level...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-27 14:35:27 UTC
in What games to buy Post #220278
I'd definitely recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as well. Pick up Oblivion if you don't have it, also.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 12:10:37 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #219973

Guess I'll have to pony up the very steep sum of $10 to get HL1. Bugger. :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 10:32:14 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #219963
Howdy people. I wouldn't mind having a lash on the server sometime. Can it be played using Half Life Deathmatch: Source?
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-30 09:38:27 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #187587
Looking very nice. I like the designs, they feel very consistent and seem to work well with the setting.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 04:13:10 UTC
in Editing the HUD? Post #187419
OMG i am SUCH a retard. I had my sprites folder named "sprite" :tired:

Working now. Thanks anyway. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 01:00:59 UTC
in Editing the HUD? Post #187405
I'm trying to change the appearance of the numbers in the HUD, I used SpriteExplorer to create the sprite, set it to the same name as the original "640hud7", and put it in the sprites folder.
But I load up the game and its still the original half life numbers. I compared the palettes of the original sprite and my sprite, and my sprite's palette is a mess.
Could anyone recommend the programs they use for this kind of thing?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 09:07:37 UTC
in "Miasma" HL1 Mod Post #187305
Splash screen. The zombie is a placeholder for a picture of a more traditional zombie model, when I make it. Lol.

User posted image
Dark screens...Even for me so I wreckon you'll get a lot of comments on that.

Nice models.
Thanks. I might change the time of day to twilight. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 08:12:34 UTC
in "Miasma" HL1 Mod Post #187295
I've started work on my first Half Life mod, currently titled "Miasma", its a single player and multiplayer modification based around the deliberately typical "zombie survival scenario".
Combat will be highly involved, involving hitting strategic targets on your enemy based on what weapon you are using. All new weapons, too.
Multiplayer will involve players teaming up against the NPC zombies, each player starting away from others in areas such as a town. Players must find equipment, weapons, npcs and other players, and move towards some goal in the map, such as a rescue helicopter.
At the moment it's myself doing modelling, mapping, programming and just about everything else, and a friend of mine working on sound and music.

Here's some shots, just because shots are fun:
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 02:47:31 UTC
in Exporting to MDL with MilkShape? Post #187251
Oh, I didnt have any keyframes set in the animation. I set that. This is the error message I get when I try to compile:

"grabbing blood mod/clawHammer(ref).smd
grabbing blood mod/hammer_seq.smd
********** ERROR **********
blood mod/ist2_802833_hammer_with_characte not found"

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 06:45:30 UTC
in Exporting to MDL with MilkShape? Post #187097
I dont seem to be able to decompile either. I tried decompiling the zombie model and nothing files created??
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 02:41:44 UTC
in Exporting to MDL with MilkShape? Post #187074
Hey, I'm working on some models, and I want to export to .mdl format. The only option is .smd format. So I fiddled a bit, exported a .smd, generated a .qc and tried to get the right values in there, and compile it, but I really have no solid idea of what I'm doing.
Could anyone give me an idea, or point me to a tutorial or something? I'd appreciate it. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 22:20:19 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #180889
heres my last resort: making the func_wall a world brush... its going to create MASSIVE face splitting but im ready for anything at this point..
I'll make the bridge a world brush and then re-make the sections of cliff where the bridge meets so that it's one surface rather than 2 intersecting surfaces, that should sort out alot of polygon issues (hopefully).

Did some work on the first of the real artificial structuring:

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Proved to be pretty nasty on account of the angle it was on from the VM I did with it. Won't be doing that again...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 11:48:45 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #180743
The landscape sounds very interesting!

I think a pseudo-random quest generator would be entirely possible. The placement of "possible" monsters and items within the map, and when inciting the quest the code assigns the pattern of the quest over a selection of these possibilities, and removes the unselected.

That's probably non-sensical, its very late and I need sleep :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 20:51:33 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #179681
Ah righto, wow sounds like a lot of effort you've gone to. I don't remember if I did any carving actually. It's pretty much all VM, so it should all be to the grid.

I'll try sealing the entities with world brushes. Thanks very much for the help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-11 10:58:31 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #179471
biax email the map and wads to me ill run a compile and test for leaks i can usually find mine in under 30 minutes depending on how major you messed up
Awesome, that'd be a great help, I'll get that to you tomorrow some time.
Like the piccies.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 10:25:33 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #179156
Nice setting! Just hope you've got the player character well designed beyond "the prophecy fulfilling absurdly odd-defying hero", not that i disapprove of that; i LOVE those kind of characters, as long as they are sufficiently developed and not just plonked in there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 00:07:14 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #179135
I think they mean you only pick up 1 grenade but you can carry more than 1, right? :
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 10:25:20 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #179030
What about a Legen of Zelda: A Link to the Past style map? A simplified grid representation of key areas.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 11:01:00 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #178544
I just wanted to say, I had a play of the demo and the level of quality is just every-oriphice-bleedingly good. The problems I had with it seem to be on your list of things to address, and I am REALLY looking forward to the next release of this. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 10:58:57 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178543
Oh I see! Something to keep in mind for my future leak hunt :glad:

Last screenshots before bed...

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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 09:10:51 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178530
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I'm feeling quite happy with this treeline now. It took a LOT of screwing around trying to get some textures, but in the end it's come out well I think.

@Dorian: Thanks alot :). It's been a new experience for me, though I have had a fair bit of practice with making models, which is a fairly similar process. :zonked: Yeah that's pretty much what I've been doing with my skybox, but I'm pretty sure its the models causing the leaks now, so I'll have to get onto that some time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 08:05:29 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178526
Looks rather nice, keep it up.
Thanks :D
Yes it does.
Hmmm, that's baaaaaad news, lol.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 04:51:44 UTC
in WADs from BSPs? Post #178509
Hmm, I dont have the steam version of dod, and the decompiler crashes on the dod maps. Gah! I cant win!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 04:30:55 UTC
in WADs from BSPs? Post #178505
If they're from official maps, just get the textures from "day of defeat.gcf"
I couldnt find that anywhere in the half-life/dod directory, where is it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 04:28:58 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178504
Ah I sorted it out, it was to do with how batch compiler was set up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 02:57:57 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178493
User posted image

I don't know WHAT is going with this. Its only rendering entities, and its doing it with this weird texture. All of the clipping still works, I can run around the level fine. Does anyone know whats going on??
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 00:56:31 UTC
in WADs from BSPs? Post #178482
Awesome, thanks. Well I was specifically wanting treeline textures from official DoD maps, that's allowed, isn't it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-04 23:51:23 UTC
in WADs from BSPs? Post #178474
Is there any way to extract textures from BSP files?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-04 22:55:42 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178471
There are brush base entities exposed to the void, but they pass through the hull.

EDIT: Aaaaah the models, their outer boundaries go outside the hull, does that cause a leak?

What do you mean open the saved version?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-04 22:35:41 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178468
Ok, back on track with this! I've just got to be more careful. I've detailed the bridge more:

User posted image

Anyone know any wads with good tree-line textures? I want the summits of the cliffs to have trees along them. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 03:44:54 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178108
Well I've been using that, but the leaks are appearing in places where the geometry is sealed in the editor. It's making holes when its compiling.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 01:54:07 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178091
I just converted to map using hammer, did a fast Vis and it came out like this:

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Similar improvements were in other areas of the map, but it still just doesnt work.

M_gargantua: I can't avoid using a skybox because of all these leaks. And yeah the terrain is just too complex it looks like this map could be doomed

I don't know what else to do :(

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 20:47:11 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #178072
Gaaah! I sealed the level with a big skybox...took 8 hours to compile with a normal vis, and there were some really nasty problems:

User posted image

I used HLFix to convert the RMF to MAP. Could that be an issue? :x
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 06:05:29 UTC
in Halo-esque deathmatch map Post #177863
I've started working on a heavily terrain-based map, which is all new territory for me. Having some problems with it at the moment, if anyone could check it out, I'd be really greatful:

It's going to be very Halo-like, having terrain with structures melding into it, though it will still be to it's very core a Half-Life map with lots of cool interactive map elements like bounce pads, locking doors, and various traps. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 11:33:37 UTC
in Sky disappears? Post #177494
Ahh yep that fixed it, cheers :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 08:48:42 UTC
in Sky disappears? Post #177470
I'm working on a very geometrically detailed map set in the outdoors, and I've started running into some glitchy problems with the Vis, namely, blocks of sky disappearing when viewing them from certain positions:

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Does anyone know how I would go about fixing this?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-26 01:55:07 UTC
in Making an overview Post #176776
Oh I didn't before, but now I do and it still doesnt do anything :aggrieved:

EDIT: I managed to get it, I committed suicide in the game and it went to the view. But I just realised...this is a 5 storey map, how effective can an overview be?? lol
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-26 00:52:50 UTC
in Making an overview Post #176768
I just tried following the tutorial in the intermediate section for creating an overview image of the map, but the
dev_overview 1
command does nothing?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-25 23:34:18 UTC
in Condemned (CS Map) Post #176760
Almost got the layout and detailing completed!

Here's some shots of the second battle area (the roof) and the hostage rescue (the ground):

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Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 23:35:03 UTC
in Tree Prefabs? Post #176350
I've seen some absolutely increbible trees around, which I'm certain are brush work. I think I read somewhere that they are Day Of Defeat trees, are there any prefabs of them I can get somewhere?

The tree I'm thinkin of is the big one in
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 23:00:24 UTC
in Really complicated leak... Post #176347
Well this problem wasn't actually caused by carving, I just thought it was. So my record is still in tact :cool:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 22:14:17 UTC
in Condemned (CS Map) Post #176339
Well this is the first map I've worked on in quite a long time, and I'm pleased to say its the biggest, highest quality, and most finished map I've ever done. It's a condemned apartment building, hostage rescue, and is designed for 16-24 players (its pretty damn big).

So it's getting close to play-testability, and I thought I'd tantalise with some screenshots:

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Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 22:02:46 UTC
in Really complicated leak... Post #176338
Well I've just been carving rectangular prisms out of rectangular prisms for things like doorways and windows. I don't useit all the time, just when I know its a time saver and is going to do exactly what I would have done with the clipping tool anyway.

And so far I've had 0 problems due to carving. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:39:49 UTC
in Really complicated leak... Post #176312
I tried the "Big Pink Sky" method...took a long time to compile but I found it straight away. Lol the leak was very noobish: I had copied a breakable window into part of the hull, then changed it to func wall with Normal render properties and thought the compiler would think its part of the hull...wrong Ryan...suffer.
Leakmarker looks like a fantastic program, I'll surely be using it in the future.

Thanks for the help everyone, I'm back on track to getting this map finished :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 07:38:03 UTC
in Really complicated leak... Post #176219
Oh cool. It gives an error though "not enough free particles" and only draws the pointfile line up to a certain point, which I'd say is only about the first 1/5th or 1/4th of the whole file.

Thanks for the tip.

EDIT: thanks, I'll change that
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 07:18:50 UTC
in Really complicated leak... Post #176213
Oh damn I forgot to mention I also got one of those funky hull 3 leaks, I don't really know what it means :

Warning: === LEAK in hull 3 ===
Entity info_player_start @ (-352,-980,-316)
