Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 15:18:54 UTC
in Texturing Post #287885
Yeah i guess that works. Carving simple shapes like 6 sided cubes into other 6 sided cubes works, but carving more complex objects like cillinders and arches... OUCH! Don't do that.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 14:48:06 UTC
in Texturing Post #287883
Carve, carve, carve, carve, too much carving but I'm okay and I like it
You can carve all you want but be ready to face Unforeseen Consequences...
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 13:48:49 UTC
in Strange problem Post #287880
Ah yes, that would explain it. You were probably not using developer mode so you never knew what the engine was telling.

You should always enable developer mode when you map and playtest maps so that you can read the console messages.

You can do this by adding -dev to the hl.exe executable.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-12 22:19:20 UTC
in Texturing Post #287860
Had a look at the problem using Teamviewer, he was clicking the mark button on the texturebrowser everytime he selects a texture. That selected all the faces in the map that had the choosen texture applied. All he had to do is just double click.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-12 18:50:33 UTC
in Texturing Post #287856
You want to cut a whole in the wall that is the size of the one object?
You can do that by carving the object into the wall, but as stated before, carving is bad. It creates a mess of off-grid vertices which can cause leaks and ugly cracks in the wall ingame. Don't do it.

Its better to create individual brushes in combination with the clip tool to make the hole you want.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-12 17:47:21 UTC
in Texturing Post #287854
Select the wall.
Click the clip tool.
Draw a line on the selected wall.
Depending on the mode, the left side is either red while the right side is white or vise versa, or both sides are white.

Click on the clip tool to select the mode you want.
Then hit enter.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-12 16:44:04 UTC
in Texturing Post #287852
You need to click on the clip tool button multiple times to switch modes. There are three:

Keep right half (white lines), remove left half (red lines)
Keep left half (same above)
Keep both halfs (all white lines)
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-12 12:24:31 UTC
in Texturing Post #287843
Do not carve. Period.

The clip tool (not to be confused with the CLIP texture) is perfect to cut a hole in a wall for a door or window. Do that first, then apply the texture.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-11 14:37:32 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #287826
Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, Bejeweled 3.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-10 12:34:40 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #287796
Make sure you add comments to your code so it can be easily found and transferred to my own HL code project.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-08 17:05:10 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #287772
muzz, I had a forum post saying that I got the cleansuit scientist working sometime earlier.
Yeah i saw it. However, im not mapping anything so right now, this is a low priority.

But i still want those OpFor entities in my mod.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-08 13:29:14 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #287768
I know the mighty atom had done it in his uplink mod
True, it was done by another HL mapper, but don't ask me to do it. C++ makes no sense to me.

I do want that fixed non-healing scientist code...
And the desert eagle from Opposing Force...
And the Pitdrone...
The Gonome...
The Voltigore...
The Shocktrooper...
The Shock Rifle...
The Displacer...

Basically, the Opposing Force enemies and two weapons.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-06 13:07:52 UTC
in Need da temple / church textures Post #287723
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-01 16:25:50 UTC
in Reactor complex teleport Post #287520
Is the player teleported into a tight room textured with a "white" texture and lit in green? And then a trigger in that same room activates the trigger_changelevel entity to load the Xen level?
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-27 19:52:45 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #287397
Looks great, Urby. Win! :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-25 20:13:53 UTC
in Competition 29 Post #287290
Well, make sure you're using engine 2009 as the game engine for Episode Two. I know i am and the grids look fine.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-24 19:33:13 UTC
in Game Launcher Post #287263
Funny, i made my own little launcher last week:
User posted image
Note: very basic.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-24 17:58:41 UTC
in Competition 29 Post #287253
Looks like its working now (Ep 2 mapping using 2009 engine, no mod).
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-24 15:41:19 UTC
in Competition 29 Post #287247
Is mapping for Ep2 still messed up? Last time i gave it a chance, the grids still did'nt look right. That and a bunch of other bugs/glitches that appeared since that engine update a couple of months ago.
  • Edit -
Just started up Hammer for Ep2 using engine version 2009 to see how it behaves now. Grids look just fine so there's still some hope left. Next thing to try is see if it actually compiles a map without problems.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-23 19:03:52 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #287211
The Hole (2009)
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-22 14:57:40 UTC
in Mapping on Windows 7 Post #287183
So do I, no issues here and i have UAC disabled and so should you. It's mandatory.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-16 14:47:00 UTC
in Can't connect to steam Post #287085
Do you have another computer nearby? If it has Steam on it, see if you can connect to the Steam network on that one. If it does, then the connection is fine and the problem narrows down to your main computer.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-15 11:37:54 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #287076
Andre Visior and Kay Stone - Something for your mind (Original)
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-14 12:29:23 UTC
in how to making healtkits (wall mounted) p Post #287068
I think the functionality of health chargers (and suit chargers as well) were removed from the Counter-Strike gamecode during its development. In that case there's no way way to get them working, but you might be able to fake it using a trigger_hurt with a negative damage value.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-14 12:24:30 UTC
in Setting Hammer for Half-Life 1 Post #287067
@ xzec:

However minimizing was kinda a pain in the butt. So instead I'll host each individual file separately.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-13 20:03:52 UTC
in Setting Hammer for Half-Life 1 Post #287056
Couple more usefully programs and utilities are available here:
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-13 16:10:31 UTC
in Can't connect to steam Post #287048
Try this:

Disconnect your network cable and start Steam. It should prompt you for offline mode. While in offline mode, change the download region, plug your network cable back in, Restart Steam and see what it does now.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-13 10:35:25 UTC
in TWHL Grand Benchmark Showoff Post #287039
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor 3.6 GHz:
19.5 seconds.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-12 15:59:20 UTC
in How to make brushes reappear? Post #287012
Im not entirely sure what you're trying to do, but maybe the func_wall_toggle entity does what you want. This brush can be turned on (visible) and off (invisible) when triggered.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-09 16:18:07 UTC
in Desktops of Novemer Post #286934
Rofl, Pocket Tanks. I've played that. Fun game.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-08 15:38:50 UTC
in Leav error (makes no sense) Post #286906
I think you can pretty much ignore this warning, you can still compile and run the map just fine with it.
But if you get more than one leaf portals saw into leaf warnings, you want to do something about it. Here's what Tommy's error page has to say:

Basicly this comes from an area whose floor is not square enough, square floor areas never give this problem. Note: often if there is only one leaf saw leaf in a map level, it can be ignored. So before getting busy, see how your map plays!
Solutions to try when you have a lot of leaf saws, or problems from leaf saws:

1. VIS -full compiles were designed to help with this problem, so the FIRST thing to try is recompile with VIS -full and see if it goes away.
2. func wall any brushes within the coordinates given for the problem, this will simplify VIS in the area because func wall brushes are invisible for VIS.
3. Move walls in the area to make the floors more square.
4. Put a HINT brush across the trouble area. HINT brushes cut VIS leafnodes, so they will reshape the area and may fix the problem.
5. Finally just start ripping brushes out of the area.

Fixing Leaf saw error has also been known to fix other errors in later RAD, like
FindTransferOffsetPatchnum returned -1 looking for patch 1570 in patch 199's transfer lists and other problems.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-31 12:20:25 UTC
in Few questions Post #286718
Monster_furniture works, as well as cycler entites. Depending on the model, the model is either solid or non-solid.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-30 11:18:05 UTC
in Few questions Post #286698
You can always fake a longer animation with more than 10 frames using any framerate. However it requires some clever entity work.

Here's an example i've just put together using 3 frames:

1. Make the textures (the frames).

2. For each frame, create a func_wall_toggle brush and apply each texture to one of its faces. Then name them:
1st frame: fwt_frame1
2nd frame: fwt_frame2
3rd frame: fwt_frame3

3. The func_wall_toggle that has the first frame applied to it should start visible. The other frames should start invisible. You can do this on the Flags tab by checking the Start invisible checkbox

4. Place the following point entities:
1 multimanager
6 trigger_relay's

5. Open the multimanager property window. Name the multimanager:

6. With SmartEdit off, add the following keyvalues:
Key: tr_frame1_2
Value: 0

Key: tr_frame2_3
Value: 0.5

Key: tr_frame3_1
Value: 1

Key: mm_anim_cntrlr
Value: 1.5

The values here represent the actual framerate, in this case, 1 frame every half a second.

Finally, set the multithreaded flag.

7. Now for the trigger_relays. Here's an image to help you identify them:
User posted image
Name: tr_frame1_2
Target: fwt_frame1
Trigger State: Off

Name: tr_frame1_2
Target: fwt_frame2
Trigger State: On

Name: tr_frame2_3
Target: fwt_frame2
Trigger State: Off

Name: tr_frame2_3
Target: fwt_frame3
Trigger State: On

Name: tr_frame3_1
Target: fwt_frame3
Trigger State: Off

Name: tr_frame3_1
Target: fwt_frame1
Trigger State: On

And thats all. All you need to do is trigger the multimanager.
Note that this example uses 3 frame. More frames equal more entities (more trigger_relays).
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-26 16:21:11 UTC
in Leak problem... Post #286640
You need to follow the line from blue to red. It's the red end of the line wich leads you to the leak. It may not bring you exactly to the hole that causes the leak, it end at the nearest entity (which is mentioned in the compile log). Look closely.

Also note that brush entites don't seal your level, even if they completely block access to the void (the empty space outside your level).
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-23 14:06:48 UTC
in Can someone setup a hammer package? Post #286579
Maybe you'll find what you need here:
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-19 18:43:12 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Mutation Launcher Post #286525
Play your favorite Left 4 Dead 2 mutations on your favorite campaigns with just a few clicks!
User posted image
Something i came up with, thanks to saw1833's latest journal post. Basically, it allows you to play Left 4 Dead 2 with any of the previously released mutations released by Valve.

Simply select the campaign, the starting chapter, a mutation and click the Left 4 Dead 2 button at the bottom to launch the game with the selected map and selected mutation.
No need to waste time in the game's console to figure out the mapname and the mutation, just make your selections and you can play.

DOWNLOAD (1.6 MB, zipfile)
Prerequisite: Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0

Posted 14 years ago2010-10-15 10:14:55 UTC
in TWHL's Got Talent Post #286380
I Googled "Half-Life Uplink Extended" the other day and found tons of websites that had a review and/or a download link to the mod.

I mean, seriously:

Link (Trivia section)
Link (complete with screenshots made by the author)
Link (Some Spanish forum, i don't know what its about)
Link (Another foreign languaged forum mentioning HLUE)

:nuts: Was it that good?
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-15 09:54:19 UTC
in env_beam rotation Post #286379
Ow like that... I don't think you make a ring beam to stand vertically.

You'll have to fake it by creating one beam for each face of the ring. The more faces your ring has, the more env_beams, info_target are needed.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-14 18:19:43 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #286365
Last Post: 31 Dec 69, 21:00


Max Farenthide - Can U Feel It (Base Attack Rmx)
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-14 17:35:01 UTC
in env_beam rotation Post #286364
Not sure, but this might help you:
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-10 08:09:35 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #286255
No, that won't work. HLLP is mainly just a front end for launching any map for any game/mod from the systemtray.

You'll have to come up with your own.

Do you really need an installer for your mod? A simple zip/rar file won't do for you? I hate mods that come with installers as they leave behind al kinds of crap like temporary files, possible registry keys and whatnot.
I prefer to install a mod manually, by simply extracting the mod folder to the correct location.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-09 12:40:18 UTC
in Colony 42 Post #286237
Good to see you picking this up again. :)

GoldSource is not dead. Not at all.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-09 10:33:51 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #286235
Version 1.0.35 is now here.
Users of previous versiond should download the program manually, do not use the Check for new version button, as the code is not compatible with the previous method.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-06 18:44:06 UTC
in Minecraft Post #286184
Yep, that is one of my all time favorite movies.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-06 15:51:32 UTC
in Minecraft Post #286180
Never played the game but THIS (11016*5776, 12.2 MB) is pretty darn impressive.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-05 17:36:22 UTC
in [UTILITY] Compilator 3 Public Beta Post #286171
Yes. But as you may know, the Source SDK is a broken down mess. Im not implementing Source support until Valve fixes it.
After many weeks of hard work, i can pretty much say that Compilator 3 is finished. There are probably still minor issues left here and there, but the that won't stop the application from doing its job.

So stay tuned, it won't be much longer. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-05 17:26:30 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #286170
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-05 16:40:32 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #286168
Update is pretty darn hefty.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-05 13:32:53 UTC
in Time in hammer (hammertime?) Post #286158
How can you people map? The Source SDK is a broken down mess, with the exception of the L4D and L4D2 SDK's (i think).
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-03 15:54:37 UTC
in How to set health on respawn? Post #286054
You should've posted this in the correct forum so we know which game your question is for. Tell me and ill move it.