Does anyone have a good gravity tutorial or example map? I've tried to get a gravity free zone with func_gravity and having it set to 0, but it doesnt change anything, i have also tried triggering it but still nothing...........
GMan is more like Agent Smith than one might think, if you listen carefully to GMan he has the same voice!! (ie: word stresses, sylable emphasis and pausing), its almost like Hugo Weaving copied it, which means he plays half life, which means he is cool........-er.....
def. Gman, if u listen to him closly, he has the same voice (ie: stresses, sylable placement and pausing) as Agent Smith.........almost....., who by the way is the coolest character in a film EVER!
ok, got the basics done for my stargate map, spawn areas, the gates, stuff like that, but its still a bit thin....... what else do people want to see in it?
Ok, i cant get my head round this, but it might be more simple than i think:
I want to get the player to activate say... 2 switches before a door can open, each switch is in a different area of the map, only after both switches are activated will the door open, im not worried about the order in which they are activated............... any help?
Is it just me or... with a large mortar field set up, you can semi control where the explosions are by the direction you are facing when it is activated.... just wonderin what other people experience
I need a really good tut on how to improve the look of a level..... its all too boxy at the moment, and when i try to improve it, each room starts to look similar. Is there a cure for this,doctor???
What about killtarget??? Wouldnt that get rid of the barrel?!?!? Any entity could 'kill' the barrel, so long as the barrel has a name and the entity is run at the same time as the explosion, check around in the properties for KillTarget, then put the name of the barrel there!!
I was lookin at the results for the make a movie contest, but not having a computer capable of HL (OH GOD!), i could download the files... so has anyone got a tutorial or stuff on how to make these.....movies?? So i could try my hand at it when ive got my computer back!!
Ok, this might sound a bit ambtious..... but bear with me..... Is it possible to make real-time cameras in HL so that you can see what is going on in other areas of the map?? And could it be fixed onto something you can control, maybe a pivot or even a set of wheels!?
Ok, so ive made a six sided tunnel.... but i want it to spin, like those hamster wheels in parks!!! I tried using func_rotate, but failed miserably whilst getting crushed between the tunnel and a wall...... Anyone got some ideas???
Ok, i think i know what im doin, but im missing some vital information, how can i make the circular gate? I looked at the vertex manipulation tutorials but im not sure if that is 100% compatible with my ideas.... Anyone got any instructions or advice?