Forum posts

Posted 1 year ago2023-07-26 08:20:28 UTC
in Programs/tools to edit Half-Life´s UI? Post #347730
Steam goldsrc/source engines have a built in VGUI editor. Open the dialog box you want to edit in game, then press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B.

But if you want to edit the colours/fonts/etc, edit the trackerscheme.res file (copy them from <half-life>/platform/resource/ to <half-life>/<yourmod>/resource/).
There's probably already a tool out there that lets you edit this scheme file that I didn't know of.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-25 22:48:36 UTC
in Programs/tools to edit Half-Life´s UI? Post #347729
Are there any programs that make easier to edit .res files and such, rather than having to edit them manually?
Ooh DoD! Haven't touched DoD mapping in over a decade and a half I think.
I think maybe Rust had some tutorials for it back in the day? I can try taking a look and see if I can find anything from back then.

Otherwise you could open a capture-the-flag in a bsp viewer or decompile it to see how the author made it work.
If someone has an example map with some flags in it I'm sure I could use that to figure it out. Source instructions do not work. I'm using J.A.C.K. at the moment because I couldn't get the regular hammer editor to work with the modern steam infrastructure, but I've been able to successfully compile and launch a map so I'm sticking with it. Just haven't been able to get the flags to work.

In Day of Defeat 1.3, once a team captures all the flags the victory music plays and everyone goes back to spawn and a new round begins. That's essentially all I'm after.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-23 22:32:45 UTC
in verticalx3 Post #347725
It looks nice, you should upload it to our very own Map Vault!
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-23 18:33:11 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347724

Progress on the Unified SDK

SDK Changes

  • Added checks to prevent entities with class none from becoming hostile to player (e.g. if a scientist is killed near the G-Man the G-Man is marked as suspicious which makes him hostile. He'll try to attack the player but, lacking weapons, resorts to stalking the player like a Terminator instead)
  • Prevent allow_follow being set on script entities
  • Added check to prevent level changes from breaking if they are too close to each-other in relative space. The game will instead notify players who touch broken level changes that the level change is incorrectly placed
  • Reduced size of fixed size containers to optimize memory usage in sentence system
  • Use lookup table to get sounds to speed up lookup
  • Eliminated unnecessary conversion from sound index to name and back again when starting sounds
  • Clamp health before conversion to int when showing entity info (prevents entities with huge health values from showing up as having negative health)
  • Properly set scientist head when using random head setting to prevent other body groups from being changed
  • Fixed allied human grunts continuing to fire for a few seconds after killing the last enemy in an area

C# Changes

  • Update env_spritetrain sounds when upgrading maps (same as func_train)
  • Added hack to install default config.cfg file with correct key bindings
  • Added MapUpgraderDocGenerator: converts XML documentation generated by C# compiler for the MapUpgrader.Upgrades library to Markdown for use in documentation

Asset Changes

  • Added polygons under bigrat paws
  • Create valid sequences for unused HD zombie sequences
  • Added test maps to test level changes being too close to each-other
  • Added studio property to a few entities in fgd file
  • Added files used by prototype scripting system

Broken level change detection

If you go through a level change and you're touching a level change immediately after loading into the next map then all level changes will break. This has been fixed so that the level change responsible is instead disabled and a warning is shown to make this clear:
User posted image

Memory and performance optimizations

The new sound system had some performance issues that have been fixed:
  • The memory used by the client-side sentences list has been reduced by about 3/4th from 2 MiB to just under 600 KiB. This was done by reducing the size of the fixed size buffer used to store sentence names and the list of sentence words. For names and word counts that exceed the buffer size additional memory will be allocated. The new buffer sizes were chosen based on the minimum, maximum, average and median counts for both to minimize waste of memory
  • Sound lookup on the client side was too inefficient due to having to compare sound names against every sound used by sentences before regular sounds precached by the server were checked. This now uses a lookup table to dramatically reduce lookup time
  • Sounds and sentences started on the server side are no longer converted from an index back to a name and then back to an index again, which eliminates the need to perform a lookup altogether
These were the only outliers in SDK code that showed up when checking the game with a performance profiler. Most of the game's CPU time is spent in the engine which can't be analyzed more thoroughly due to a lack of access. Memory usage is pretty good with no notable outliers.

Prototype scripting system

The prototype Angelscript-based scripting system has been made available in the Git branch nonfunctional-prototype-scripting.

This prototype implements a number of features that can be used as a starting point for a more complete and functional scripting system:
  • Plugins and map scripts
  • trigger_script
  • Event System
  • Scheduler
  • Call functions from C++ using helper functions and types
  • Entity APIs
  • Custom Entities
  • Per-Entity User Data
  • Console Commands
A more complete overview is included in the documentation. The documentation explains the concepts behind these features, how they work and where the design can be improved.

I updated the prototype to include all changes made to the project and i added a couple more features i thought people might need an example for but as noted in the documentation this prototype is nowhere near ready for use. You'll need to put in a fair amount of effort to get it working.

As i noted in the Closing Thoughts you should evaluate other scripting languages to choose the right one for the job. Angelscript is powerful but that also makes integrating it into a program difficult, and when something goes wrong (and it will) you'll need advanced level C++ knowledge to understand what's happening.

Documentation and changelog

I've added documentation for as much as i can. The documentation covers everything from new features, new, modified and removed entities, tools, scripts and prototypes.

I've also added a changelog listing all changes made in the Unified SDK project (not including changes made in the Updated projects):

The changelog is about 13 A4 pages when exported to PDF.

The main documentation readme acts as a hub for the documentation to allow navigation to the documentation and links to other projects related to this one.

Potential Upgrades

Remaining open Github issues have been moved to a "Potential Upgrades" project. I've also added issues from my TODO list to this project.

These are issues that could be worth investigating and cover bug fixes, API changes and new features. They are by no means required to be added at any point, they're just things that are worth investigating.

Remaining work to be done

  • Update changelog to include all changes (mostly complete)
  • Write documentation for all new features (mostly complete)
  • Review all changes (done)
  • Stress test the four campaigns and fix issues that show up (second test done)
  • First release candidate build
There are a couple things left to be done before development is wrapped up, mostly testing the four campaigns again to check for any issues worth fixing.

I'd like to thank malortie for helping to get the project ready for release. He's done a lot of good work on the project and helping to test the game. The project would not have gotten to this point without him.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-23 14:36:20 UTC
in verticalx3 Post #347723
Hey guys,
Check my new hldm map!

User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-22 16:16:52 UTC
in How Do I Implement A Holster Animation? Post #347722
i know that half life already has a holster animation feature but how do i enable it to holster between each weapon switch?
im very dumb and started coding stuff like a couple weeks ago im still pretty bad

im using this source code btw
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-19 07:30:00 UTC
in Source code of GameUi.dll Post #347721
Yeah, thx for the reply
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-18 21:44:40 UTC
in Source code of GameUi.dll Post #347720
You cannot get that in GoldSRC. The main menu is not customisable in regards to functionality. I think the best you can do is edit one of the resource files and add a button that executes your desired console command.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-18 20:12:25 UTC
in Source code of GameUi.dll Post #347719
Where can I get the source code of GameUi.dll? I wanna make a new button in the main menu with new function maybe there is another way to do it.
@Erty thanks
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-17 18:19:41 UTC
in HOW THE HECK do I link a CPP file to an FGD file? Post #347717
Where you should place the file, and many other questions you have, is already answered in the tutorial Penguinboy shared with you in the Shoutbox.

Further, I'd suggest looking at other monster classes in the SDK. There's a lot to be learned looking at the code that's already there.

Sorry for the long comment.

@Admer456 thanks I'll change the link entity to class
But I would also like to know where the c++ file should be located

It should also be noted that I'm not concerned about any functionality (the ability to move, monster speech, or combat). I just want these things:
  • to see the entity be listed in hammer,
  • have the skin options,
  • and the correct model when map is compiled.
That being said is there anything I can/need to cut out? Additionally I want to replace this with the corresponding Monster_Generic entity that fires 3 linked aiscripted_generic when a button is pressed.

It should finally be noted That I'm using Xash3D (I already have a fully fledged mod with a custom menu screens, maps, modified Sentences.txt, models, and at least 3 Custom wad files (about as disorganized as any users download folder), and I'm too lazy to make a port for Steam's version).
I'd also discourage using all uppercase in forum posts. People will be less likely to help you if you're perceived as an angry screaming person.
I'd also recommend you to not google when it comes to HL1. It's just useless.

LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( Cus_Char, charizard ); would link it to a "Cus_Char" in the FGD, whilst expecting a "charizard" C++ class.
You want it to be LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_charizard, Charizard ); as Erty said.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-17 05:27:13 UTC
in HOW THE HECK do I link a CPP file to an FGD file? Post #347714
I'd discourage using uppercase in the classname. Instead of monster_Charizard you should use monster_charizard.

There are other issues with the code in your post, but let's ignore that for now and focus on what actually registers the class as an entity for use in the .fgd file:
The LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(mapClassName, DLLClassName) function.
First argument is the .fgd name you want to give your entity, and the second argument is the name of the code class for your entity.

In your case it should be:
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(monster_charizard, Charizard)
I have this basic FGD file (which I have yet to test BTW)

@include "base.fgd"

@PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) = monster_Charizard : "Charizard"
and here's the CPP (known as Char.cpp)

#include "extdll.h
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "schedule.h"
#include "decals.h"

//--Monster's Animal Events--
#define idle ( 0 )
#define idle2 ( 1 )
#define firebreath ( 2 )

class Charizard : public Chase monster
void Spawn( void );
void Precache( void );
int Classify ( void );
void SetYawSpeed( void );

LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( Cus_Char, charizard );

// Spawn
void Cus_Char :: Spawn()
pev->solid SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
pev->movetype MOVETYPE_STEP;
m_bloodcolor. BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN;
[Other template jargon]
All I want to know is HOW DO I TELL THE FGD TO READ THIS FILE? If its hard coded to read a directory for CPP files what directory, If it needs to be specified, how do I do that?? Its currently 12:08am, and I pulled an unnecessary all nighter the night before, and Google just Provides weird legal jargon, Could somebody PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-16 22:37:11 UTC
in W_ model animation not working Post #347712
Works now, thank you.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-16 18:41:45 UTC
in How do I change the player's height? Post #347711
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-16 10:04:02 UTC
in How do I change the player's height? Post #347710
A common way to make the player smaller is a clever use of relativity: Just make everything else bigger. Just double the size of your levels, monsters, items etc.
Of course, doubling the size of your level in vanilla goldsrc might not be too optimal as you're halving how big you can make your maps which is already pretty limited in goldsrc, but at least it's an easy method that doesn't require coding.

As for coding it, it might be possible to halve the height of the view (v_origin perhaps?) though I haven't looked much into the view part of the code so I might be wrong there.
After that, the map compilers will still generate cliphulls for a normal player's size but you could use info_hullshape to halve the collision box experienced by the player.
Or since you're already coding stuff, use the source code that comes with VHLT and, if I'm not mistaken, change g_hull_size in hlcsg/hullfile.cpp. The three vectors are hull0, hull1, hull2, and hull3 respectively, but we only want to change hull1 (commented as 32x32x72, standing hull) and hull3 (commented as 32x32x36, crouching hull). Just halve the Z value in these vectors (i.e. {-16, -16, -36} => {-16, -16, -18}). Then using this new compiler, any new maps compiled with it will produce cliphulls for a player half the original height.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-16 08:26:47 UTC
in How do I change the player's height? Post #347709
So I want to make a mod for Half-Life where you play as the houndeye (my favorite xenian!), but it would be weird if the player was 150 cm. long.
Do you guys know how to change the player's height?
If you're making changes to player.mdl for something like this, it's best to save the modified version as a new file.
Now, when translating the model in Blender, did you apply All Transformations afterwards?

It should be noted it's not necessary to even open the model in Blender at all. With a model viewer like HLAM you can apply transformations directly to the model without any decompilation.

An alternative is to just decompile the model and add the $origin 0 0 -36 option in the .qc file.
monster_generic is affected by gravity so you can't use it for props.
the problem is that even when i move it up by 36 units the model falls back down into the ground when i compile the map, i cant have invisible 36 unit tall floors just so the npc can walk properly and i tried moving the origin in blender yet it changed nothing (unless i did something wrong but i doubt it)
as for blender whenever i move the origin up or down it doesnt affect the model at all yet when i move it to the side it breaks the whole model, absolutely no clue how to fix the model problem at all
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-14 22:43:50 UTC
in W_ model animation not working Post #347705
Many "weapon_*" entities are not spawned with framerate 1, they must have framerate 1 key.
Try adding weapon_* entity with framerate 1 to a custom map with Hammer.
[-TR-] 3mirG [-TR-] 3mirGThe Turkish Half-Life modder.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-14 19:59:29 UTC
in W_ model animation not working Post #347704
I added a spin animation for weapon´s w_ models like this one:
Works fine in HLAMWorks fine in HLAM
However, in-game it appears that the animation does not work and freezes:
Its a multiplayer mod.
That's not a problem with monster_generic but rather that player models have their origin in the center of the model, unlike monsters which have the origin at their feet.

Just move the monster_generic up by 36 units (half of the player height, 72 units).
Hello everyone, my problem is that when I put the hl1 player model on a monster_generic the model just spawns halfway into the ground, how can i fix this issue?
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-12 06:23:09 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347701
I like the engine because I know how to do some things with it and I'd argue that by now, its aesthetic is even "cool" again, looking at all the retro-looking games on Steam and the late 90s, early 00s revival what we currently have in fashion.

Of course by now there are probably much better options to pick from when you are planning to create a game with retro appeal but for me, I really just enjoy the simplicity of Hammer Editor and the sharpness of GoldSrc graphics: No motion blurs, HDR effects and blurry AA options.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-09 21:13:18 UTC
in Binding a toggle to the Shift key Post #347698
Why can't I bind a toggle to the Shift key?

alias run_on "-speed; alias toggle_run run_off"
alias run_off "+speed; alias toggle_run run_on"
bind z toggle_run // This works.
bind CTRL toggle_run // This works.
bind SHIFT toggle_run // This doesn't work.

I tried unbinding Shift before binding it. That didn't help.


bind SHIFT +speed // This works.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-09 19:38:17 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347697
You're never late, it's just that the spotlight has moved elsewhere. Goldsrc mapping is a niche activity in the niche of DIY games and indie gaming development.
The early to late 2000's mapmakers have moved on with their lives, and this community's structured (or not), polite (or not), involved(or not) conversations, as with most forums, were sucked into the Discord black hole.
As with every niche interest, there are always going to be people around to discuss with. Luckily, this community is, I'd say, still thriving.

But - to respond to your title question:

Is GoldSource still cool?
It depends. For us? Yes.

For 99% of the other people?

No. It's an anecdote most people will never care about.

If you want to be cool, follow the trends :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-09 17:36:19 UTC
in Trailer for Backrooms, an upcoming mod ! Post #347696
Looking more forward into this. I am also making a liminal space mod but its kept a secret. will share when end of progress
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-08 15:50:01 UTC
in FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Post #347695
Yes you can close the "Twisted-Causes" one, and yes, it's the same mod (srry my bad english i'm not american)
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-08 09:00:15 UTC
in FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Post #347694
Is it the same mod? Can I close one of these threads?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-07 23:49:49 UTC
in FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Post #347693
Yeah, I just copy-pasted the reply.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-07 21:31:03 UTC
in FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Post #347692
This sounds a lot like Half-Life: Twisted Causes...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-07 00:57:01 UTC
in FORGOTTEN MEMORIES - HL-1 MOD (pls read" Post #347690
Ok, I'm going to tell the concept of the story and other things.
  • All this came up when I was a child, I had learned about hl2 and the story fascinated me, I started to write a script and a somewhat strange concept, suddenly, years later, I found several old drawings and among those were the concept-arts and some texts with additional information. At that time I was trying to make Half-life 1 more realistic and when I saw that an idea came to my head and it is as follows.
The place where the story takes place is a city called "novaheim" located somewhere in Europe, it is the year 2056 and, due to the constant human evolution and technological development of these, technological wars began in which many countries fought each other to manufacture better technological artifacts of war and technology in general.

In these place is the protagonist, called "Ethan Mitchell", who is a member of the NSEC <National Security Special Command> is sent to the battlefield, in which he is badly injured - later he wakes up in the same city, but something is different. It is under military control of the "Red Helmets"
¿Who tf are the "Red Helmets"?<
The "Red Helmets" are a military organization <more specifically a branch of the unnamed country's military units> whose objective is to -
Silence - Capture - Oppress.
Something characteristic of these antagonists is that they capture random people to genetically experiment on them, which leads to the next question.
¿Who tf are the "Failures" and "H.E.S.U" <Hazardous Enviorement Special Units>
The "failures" are, as the name says, failures - What kind of failures you wonder? - These "failures" are subjects/individuals that were genetically modified resulting in anomalous beings with disproportionate characteristics - Technically, these would be the ones that would replace the XEN aliens in the game. (i'll make a post talking about them) - "H.E.S.U" are the opposite of failures. They are the individuals who survive the "reorganization" stage, the changes in these people are - Their minds have been altered to receive orders even if they are ethical or not ethical - Increased strength and agility (typical in this type of story) and their suits of protection are designed so that, in addition to performing the function of a suit, they instill terror and fear in the town, resulting in the following and last question.
¿Who tf are the "Anti-Opression-Rebel-Units < AN.O.R.U" in this MOD?
the "AN.O.R.U" is like its name, obviously, it says it is the rebellious part of the oppressed population, they usually attack the "H.E.S.U" and protest for their rights, as any people would do, therefore this makes this faction one or the most important of the Lore. Ethan goes along with them.


I don't know anything about programming, obviously I would like to learn, ¡that's what the internet is for! - Thank you for reading
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-07 00:55:23 UTC
in Half-Life : Twisted Causes MOD Post #347689
Ok, I'm going to tell the concept of the story and other things.
  • All this came up when I was a child, I had learned about hl2 and the story fascinated me, I started to write a script and a somewhat strange concept, suddenly, years later, I found several old drawings and among those were the concept-arts and some texts with additional information. At that time I was trying to make Half-life 1 more realistic and when I saw that an idea came to my head and it is as follows.
The place where the story takes place is a city called "novaheim" located somewhere in Europe, it is the year 2056 and, due to the constant human evolution and technological development of these, technological wars began in which many countries fought each other to manufacture better technological artifacts of war and technology in general.

In these place is the protagonist, called "Ethan Mitchell", who is a member of the NSEC <National Security Special Command> is sent to the battlefield, in which he is badly injured - later he wakes up in the same city, but something is different. It is under military control of the "Red Helmets"
¿Who tf are the "Red Helmets"?<
The "Red Helmets" are a military organization <more specifically a branch of the unnamed country's military units> whose objective is to -
Silence - Capture - Oppress.
Something characteristic of these antagonists is that they capture random people to genetically experiment on them, which leads to the next question.
¿Who tf are the "Failures" and "H.E.S.U" <Hazardous Enviorement Special Units>
The "failures" are, as the name says, failures - What kind of failures you wonder? - These "failures" are subjects/individuals that were genetically modified resulting in anomalous beings with disproportionate characteristics - Technically, these would be the ones that would replace the XEN aliens in the game. (i'll make a post talking about them) - "H.E.S.U" are the opposite of failures. They are the individuals who survive the "reorganization" stage, the changes in these people are - Their minds have been altered to receive orders even if they are ethical or not ethical - Increased strength and agility (typical in this type of story) and their suits of protection are designed so that, in addition to performing the function of a suit, they instill terror and fear in the town, resulting in the following and last question.
¿Who tf are the "Anti-Opression-Rebel-Units < AN.O.R.U" in this MOD?
the "AN.O.R.U" is like its name, obviously, it says it is the rebellious part of the oppressed population, they usually attack the "H.E.S.U" and protest for their rights, as any people would do, therefore this makes this faction one or the most important of the Lore. Ethan goes along with them.


I don't know anything about programming, obviously I would like to learn, ¡that's what the internet is for! - Thank you for reading
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-06 15:04:08 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347688
New release of Half-Life Featureful SDK (including the mod sample) is available.

Incomplete list of changes:
  • Added func_illusionary_toggle
  • "Victory dance" AI schedules of human grunts and alien grunts are now interrupted by danger sounds (e.g. grenades).
  • "Move away" AI schedules (when the ally monster is "pushed" by a player) are now interrupted by damage and danger sounds.
  • New configurable feature doors_open_in_move_direction to allow opening rotating doors in the direction of player's moving instead of facing.
  • Fixed a crash when controllable func_tank is triggered with null activator (original Half-Life bug).
  • Voice pitch of talking monsters is now customizable in entity properties.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-06 12:17:16 UTC
in What happened to Club Swiss? Post #347687
I've never heard of this mod before. It seems it got an alpha release way back in the early 2000s, and you can find the homepage using the Wayback Machine. The download link however never appears to have been archived and Planet Half-Life is long gone.

There's a chance some of the veterans who still check in will remember this and have a copy floating about, but I wouldn't hold my breath. The ModDB page has comments from 2002 saying the project is dead, which I think was before TWHL even went online.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-06 11:52:21 UTC
in What happened to Club Swiss? Post #347686
Club Swiss was a fairly old mod with an alpha release which used to exist but now the mod seems to be lost. Can anyone help me restore this mod?
Gameplay can be found here:
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 13:31:14 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347685
People still make mods for Doom, Duke3D and Quake and those are awesome! Goldsource is just as good. You're not too late.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 13:30:08 UTC
in Half-Life : Twisted Causes MOD Post #347684
Are there any existing screenshots/footage available that show what progress has been made so far? I wouldn't be able to offer any time myself, but you'd have a lot more luck recruiting team members if you can show that this is more than just an idea/concept.

If nothing playable exists yet, then it's too early to be recruiting team members. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 12:20:01 UTC
in Wiki enhancment thread Post #347683
The tutorial for setting up level changes has been updated to cover a common issue where level changes break if set up incorrectly:

This information was missing and it often happens to beginners so this should help.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 09:59:51 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347682
I'd argue GoldSRC is cooler than ever now, with modern community-made tools and people doing super cool things with it. So no, definitely not late.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 08:22:17 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347681
You're not too late at all! Whether you're here to enjoy goldsrc content, or to make your own, welcome!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 08:20:39 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347680
You're never late.
FranticDreamer FranticDreamerR.I.P. Benny Harvey. Miss you big man. Gone but not forgotten.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 07:44:59 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347679
no? there's still plenty of people modding goldsrc