Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:40:37 UTC
in Token too large error AGAIN! Post #68944
Brush outside world error... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:38:37 UTC
in Non rotating gun Post #68942
You have to give it an origin brush... the rotating is controlled in the gun's properties. Look up on that entity in some entity guides to find out what and how.

The Direct Only flag means the gun won't continue firing when you're out of sight (e.g. behind a wall or something).
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 16:41:18 UTC
in What program... Post #68921
3D engines aren't really large actually... VHE is indeed just a few MB's...

Have fun mapping!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 18:37:05 UTC
in Hydroxide - WW or CZDE Post #68674
Although they show little of the map, they do look fine so far. Good textures (and did I spot a prop model there?). Would be good to see some in-game shots though.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 11:07:56 UTC
in complie problem i think. Post #68329
So, starting your map from the console didn't work? Then what happens when you try?

The information you give us is too little to even see what your problem exactly is. Let alone we can solve it. Try to be more clear.

Here, read this:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 08:49:06 UTC
in complie problem i think. Post #68298
Then try to start up your level from the game itself... see if that works...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 08:00:33 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #68282
I know I'll have to stay close to the original picture and that's what I'm doing right now. I just would've liked it different but hey, this is good too. I guess that's more for another type of compo... the next one perhaps.

And thanks trapt. I'll see what I can do to keep up my reputation... ;)
In fact, I'm combining two photographs. Both should be very recognizable and fitting together. We'll see...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 06:01:54 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68257
I remember having read something like that, too. Nah, we'll see... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 05:59:55 UTC
in What The Hell!!??!!?? Post #68256
I do have occasional problems with light patches. I'm not sure if it's the same as with you, but using my flashlight on those faces usually fixes the problem.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 14:16:07 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68173
Someone mentioned the Unreal 3 engine?

Yeah, far ahead of the Source and Doom3 engine, but you don't want to know the system specs... they're pretty harsh...

And besides that, I don't like UnrealEd. Pretty hard editor if you ask me...

So my focus will be on getting to work with the Source engine. Better a decent engine that's fun to map for, than an uber engine that's not fun at all. :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:43:08 UTC
in Xen Platforms Post #68162
It's basically just a platform and a func_push. The platform (func_plat) pushes the player up a bit, then the func_push takes over to hurl the player in the air.
Normally, when a player steps in a func_push that goes upwards, he has to jump before he's 'caught' in the push. Now, the func_plat does that for him. It still works a bit buggy now and then though.

To give it that specific Xen jump-pad look, create a crater-like structure and texture it like a jump-pad. The add a func_plat that looks just like the inner part of the jump-pad. Create it so that it's normally hidden, e.g. lower than the jump-pad, but when the player steps on it it comes upwards. This makes the jump-pads behaviour look a little more organic.

Nah, with some experimenting it's not so difficult to get right now. Good luck!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 08:07:14 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #68108
Personally, I would've liked a more free aproach instead of recreating a photograph, like taking a photograph as your piece of concept art or something. But hey, I think I've found a suitable picture now...

Wich basically means I am busy...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 12:29:17 UTC
in Help with Redemption Post #67941
and killed a gargantua with a shotgun!
Quite an explosive shotgun it was, then... Gargantua's generally don't take damage from anything else other than explosives and uranium stuff... ;)

I played Redemtion a long time ago, and although it had it's nice things, I found it very rough on the edges. Not a mod I would play again...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:36:38 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #67634
Hopes Captain P doesn't enter so he stands a chance grin - :D
Thanks... :)
Look forward to judging all of your entries, especially yours Captain P. That is if you finish of course. smile - :)
Change that to 'if you even get started'... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:52:14 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #67526
Providing the engine limitations don't play up... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 15:13:51 UTC
in hl2 gone gold Post #67373
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 08:22:55 UTC
in Entities not working Post #67037
Judging from your map, I'd say its because your info_tfgoal isn't triggered. Try triggering it with a trigger_once or trigger_multiple. And wasn't there a brush-based entity like this too? i_t_g or something like that?

Now I'm no TFC expert, but point-based entities usually have to be activated by something else. After all, the game doesn't know when and why to trigger it when it's just there...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 08:07:28 UTC
in My map can't be loaded by others Post #67036
Did you include info_player_deathmatches in your map? Since that's the T's starting entity...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 08:01:14 UTC
in Viewable from only 1 side!? Post #67035
You have only one screen when you start up a map, right? Ctrl + A would then do nothing, as all that it does is putting the four viewpoints back to their normal size.

Go to the menu item Tools -> Options..., the 'General' tab, then see if the 'Use independent windows configurations' checkbox is on. It probably is. Tick it off (the checkbox below it will then grey out) and start a new map. You should now have 4 views. Each of these views can be set as a specific 3D or 2D view, although one 3D and a top, front and side view are the most common setting.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:08:03 UTC
in Why can't I get my cylinders see-thr Post #66965
As for why not using capitals in map names, it can cause some problems during level transitions. Wich makes it just a bad habit to use capitals.
HL usually uses small letters anyway, so why use capitals? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:05:34 UTC
in Entities not working Post #66964
What do you want to achieve exactly?

Also, this site isn't TFC-specific. You may want to look here:

Oh, and WC_Edit... the limit for entities is quite high, so don't worry about that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 03:27:19 UTC
in Why can't I get my cylinders see-thr Post #66884
What exactly doesn't work? The map stops during loading in Half-Life? Or what? Can you describe that a bit more specific?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 03:25:15 UTC
in Why can't I get my cylinders see-thr Post #66883
First, you should add some lights, since that's what the log states: No Lights!

Second, you shouldn't use cached.wad, fonts.wad, gfx.wad, pldecal.wad and spraypaint.wad. These .wads contain no usefull textures, so you'd better leave them out of your configuration.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 02:20:08 UTC
in how to make water strechy? Post #66877
Seems like it's just a different texture to me...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:22:42 UTC
in how to make water strechy? Post #66754
That only counts for textures that start with a !...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 08:52:51 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #66650
And why don't you guys believe that?

Not everything's a conspiracy... besides, if they had faked it, it would eventually have been discovere... and that's not a risk I would take, personally... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 03:44:29 UTC
in Transparent Blue parts on Tree models Post #66605
Err, trapt... mapping for SP with Steam is as easy as it was with old Half-Life... I had it set up within minutes... while getting my first map ever to compile was a lot more complicated...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 02:40:46 UTC
in Help! My map won't run! Post #66585
Maps made in WorldCraft can be opened in Hammer just as normal... Hammer is just the latest version of WorldCraft...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 17:13:21 UTC
in SOUND!!! Post #66520
An ambient_generic just uses a .wav file. These .wav files must be mono, 8 or 16-bits and 11 or 22 KHz. All .wav files that came with Half-Life can be used without worrying about their format, it's just when you create your own that you'll have to mind this.

And this could help you somewhat:

Be sure to fill in the pathname and filename correctly. Also check the volume and initial volume of your ambient_generic.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 16:34:50 UTC
in Effective Lighting Post #66505
That's me... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 14:50:23 UTC
in Your first map? Post #66485
I remember being over thrilled after I copied that grenade-launching code to the primary fire function of the mp5...

Man, we had some fun in bootcamp! :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 14:40:52 UTC
in Effective Lighting Post #66483
Err, I just gave some information... not some sort of reaction but rather to clear things up... or get corrected... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 13:49:07 UTC
in Your first map? Post #66460
The first map I got running in Half-Life was a L-shaped corridor.

Good old times... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 13:10:25 UTC
in Transparent Blue parts on Tree models Post #66451
I'm with Homercidal on this one.

It's indeed good to backup the old dlls, Seventh. Though I had no single problem when I replaced them, you never know... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 13:08:54 UTC
in Effective Lighting Post #66450
Quake1 engine, with about 60 lines of code from Quake2 I believe. And perhaps some modifications by the Valve team.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 08:34:27 UTC
in ----Your Fav Custom Skins----- Post #66320
I've never really used custom skins or models. Except for the HD-pack that came with Bleushift, but that's for HL, OpFor and BS only...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 07:51:54 UTC
in Transparent Blue parts on Tree models Post #66302
Strange, I had no problems when I added these .dlls.

Anyway, I think most people will eventually go over to Steam, so personally I would use transparant models. But that's a designers choice I suppose...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:50:09 UTC
in SOUND!!! Post #66136
Are your sounds mono, 11 or 22 KHz and 8 or 16 bits?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:25:44 UTC
in Metal mesh? Post #66120
Some more information on what really happens would be good... Nobody can solve your problems when they don't know what's the actual problem...

When do you get an error (during compile, in-game or in-editor?), what did the error say, and what did you do before you got that error?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-13 05:30:11 UTC
in epoly Post #65825
All I say is, the e_poly limit is something you have to dynamically determine for yourself, depending on the situation. The engine stays the same, a mod however might have it's specific situations.

Say, a mod uses ragdoll physics (yes, this is being done in a HL mod). I can imagine this can be very computionally expensive. So, it also affects fps, in wich case the mapper should go with less w_poly's and e_poly's to keep the same performance. Unless they're aiming for higher-end computers, in wich case they could go with higher limits.
And when you have a lot of w_poly's, you should have less e_poly's in that area, where a place low on w_poly's allows much more e_poly's.

It's just very dependant on the situation and the aim of the mapper.

And that's a very good solution, jaardsi. I wouldn't have thought about that myself... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 18:14:10 UTC
in epoly Post #65728
Worldcraft dude, that's a good remark. Though some mods may use certain effects more, so e_poly's should be kept lower since there's more that affects fps, but basically, the engine is the same. It's just very dependant on the situation.
For example, when there's a particle system in effect in a part of your map, this affects fps, so you should keep your w_poly's and e_poly's lower as in a similar area without a particle system, to keep the same performance.

And different weapons and player models give different e_poly amounts. Quite obvious since nearly no model consists of the same amount of polygons... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 17:14:53 UTC
in epoly Post #65716
It totally depends on what system specs these mods are aiming for. Higher-end system obviously can handle more polygons.

It's also highly dependant on the amount of w_poly's in a certain area. Both w_ and e_poly's impact your fps, this should be concidered when creating multiplayer maps (e.g. where do you suspect most combat, thus most player models? Then keep these area's low on w_poly's so you can handle more e_poly's there).

Best is, to have your map tested on several machines to see where you still can add polygons, and where you need to cut on them.

As for The Trenches, you'd better ask on their forums for the poly limit guidelines their designers used. That'll be the most accurate information you can get...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 03:11:51 UTC
in This will be awesome Post #65514
Redemption is just a mod. Nothing official.

And personally, not really one of my favorites.

As for the sentences.txt... I doubt if there's a solution to that. Perhaps creating a SvenCoop mod would be better in this case. Then again, do you have permission of the Redemption team to convert their levels?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 17:45:25 UTC
in Custom WAD prob, HELP!! Post #65463
Can you provide more information on the subject? A screenshot of what happens in-game, further information on the brush that the texture is applied to (is it an entity, what settings does it have then?) and perhaps a view on the texture itself?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 17:18:59 UTC
in how do ya make music clips on a level Post #65285
You could start by telling us exactly what you want to achieve, and what you've tried so far...

Otherwise we can't help you...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 16:25:46 UTC
in breathing underwater Post #64886
As soon as the player touches it, he will get fresh air, so to speak.
This was used in Issues, for example. Be warned though that it can be very confusing towards the player, as it's a very rarely-known item. We as mappers may know about it, but I don't think most players will...
Anyway, it only adds some air, so you'll have a certain amount of seconds extra to breathe. Eventually, you will still drown...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 16:22:19 UTC
in Need good mappers Post #64885
Have you searched for such maps yourself already? There are quite a lot of such maps spread all over HL, OpFor and BS...

Oh, and Googling for sewer images might not be a bad idea at all...

All I try to say is, learn to find your own ways of inspiration and reference. It may not seem to be that important, but if you really want to continue mapping, it will turn out to be very helpfull on the long run...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 16:17:47 UTC
in New mod Post #64883
Those maps look very prefabbed and too less thought for detail. Are you sure you have what it takes to create a mod? Perhaps it's better to start out small and slowly get the hang of mapping. As you're just getting started, I wouldn't advise you to start a mod already.

Texture artists, modellers and coders aren't likely to jump right into one of the many beginner-mods. Most of these mods never make it so you won't attract good artists anyway.

I don't say this to discourage you, rather to warn you. Don't start with too heavy projects, you'll soon find yourself being overwhelmed. It's best to start with small maps, expand to larger maps or even to mappacks, get a hang of the other areas of modding (texturing, modelling, coding)... just one step at a time...

Oh, and a little tip: look at other, good, mappers. It's easier to learn things when you do so. It may also inspire you.
Have you checked out Nightwatch already? If not, you really should search for that mod, just to see what a total modification takes... that mod is in production for well over 2 years, with almost 30 people working on it. Still sure you want to start with a mod immediatly? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 16:07:43 UTC
in Half-life and HL2 Post #64882
Hammer is the latest version of WorldCraft. So, essentially, better indeed.

As for mapping for HL2:

Especially the last two answers cover your question about the converting.