Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 21:43:00 UTC
in Ban Everyone Post #193080
Can I have some smack?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:32:47 UTC
in Dark Messiah. Post #193023
In my opinion, combat in DMoMM kicked the shit out of the boring hit-block-repeat style battles in Oblivion. It has a lot more feel to it in Dark Messiah. The HDR effects were lubly too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:05:32 UTC
in Web hosting. Post #193019
Haven't tried them, but they seem cheap.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:04:23 UTC
in Religion. Post #193018
5. Islam is bad for the economy
Oh boy, I'd like to hear your explanation to that one. If it's as simple as "all islamic countries are poor", you're a tool.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 10:57:56 UTC
in Dark Messiah. Post #193015
It's great fun that game. I'm so buying (COUGH) that game when it's out. I hope, err, RELOADED distributes it. My favourite trick was playing as a mage, putting ice on the floor next to a long fall, and chase them into walking on it. Good fun. Another thing was setting fire to barrels with oil and watch them torch their environment, while throwing ice spells at the orcs.
Recommended for everyone.

Here's a swedish site's mirror (Fileplanet is a fucking cockshit piece of poopwad craphole) that's pretty fast, usually. I get 500-1000 KB/s from it:

If you're too stupid to figure out that Ladda Ner means Download, you don't deserve it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 16:15:54 UTC
in cs:s problem Post #192941
Uh, it might be that your speed actually is too slow, and CS:S faultily displays it as 60-70/800 ping when it should be, maybe, a steady 400. I've got no idea, though.

Cable broadband ftw.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 14:30:03 UTC
in Need help finding a program. Post #192931
Sound Recorder can record sounds coming from the computer. Mess around in audio -> recording options.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 11:53:02 UTC
in Ban Everyone Post #192918
People, including me, seem to have trouble graping this simple way of getting rid of annoyances in your life.

Ignore them. Or, in this case, don't visit the threads in question.
But please, don't fuck it up for people who actually enjoy threads like them (case in point: Religion).
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 09:52:52 UTC
in Religion. Post #192912
Zombie, the bible actually says that there are lots and lots of gods but that they have no power. Only capital G God has power and needs to be acknowledged. Because all the other gods are made by man.
So basically you're saying that all religions that don't believe in God (the christian-jew-muslim god) are wrong? Well, what if some smaller religion says Christianity is just man-made sillyness and should be ignored? It's always just word-against-word-against-vague-perceptions-of-a-4000-year-old-book, whilst "science" as it is, atleast tries to prove, explain and discuss the things around us.

About the bible, I really doubt (again, no proof) it's anything like it was when it was first written in hebrew (what, 4000 years ago?). Not only has it gone through hundreds of translations and transliterations, but it's been under the strict control of the vatican, not only during the dark ages but today aswell.

Besides, it's just a book. Not holy proof of god.
Really, only certain people think the world is 6000 years old.
I read in a newspaper survey somewhere that more than 40% of all americans believe the Earth was created like it says in the Genesis books, 5 or 6000 years ago. Of course, it might not be true, and I'm not presenting it as absolute truth. Newspaper in question.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-09 04:43:20 UTC
in Religion. Post #192903
Zombieloffe, you just agreed with me that NOTHING is really proven and never really can be. So what makes religion so ridiculous where faith in the Big Bang is not?
Well, for one, that Big Bang is logically presented by hundreds of thousands of scientists all over the world. Just the fact that everything in the universe is moving outwards from one point is enough for me to assume that it was all one piece at some point. Yes, it is just a theory - but unlike religion, there actually is some proof that something like big bang happened, or that we evolve, or that the world isn't 6000 years old.
what? In the bible it says that "God gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but receive everlasting life"
Ok, what if there isn't one god, but thousands, like the Hinduism faith says?
I mean, how can you not see my point? :P

VOX: That's one.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 20:45:42 UTC
in Religion. Post #192887
I'm not so sure aobut other religions, but I know that the bible refers to God creating the laws of the universe and even things like atoms.
Citation for the big win?
The problem is that the THEORY of evolution and the THEORY of the Big Bang is being taught like an absolute law and there is no other mention of other theories.
That is indeed a shame. But then again, if everything had to be proven as an absolute fact by some non-existing laws of evidence, we'd have to type THEORY over every single paragraph in every non-fictional book.
But yeah, I see your point.

Anyway, the Bible (old one) as I see it was just a collection of old customs and folk tales, with some genesis-fable thrown in. Not a holy book.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 20:32:39 UTC
in Religion. Post #192884
That's just existential bullshit that really has no point.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 20:17:46 UTC
in Religion. Post #192882
Purpose is over-rated. Since when do you need purpose to live?
Also, does anyone else find it at least a little bit strange on how complex the human body is? I mean.. millions and billions of electrical impulses. We can smell, taste, see, feel, and hear.
So can most animals. Just because it's complex and aesthetically pleasing is in no way an inclination that there is a "higher being". The whole point of natural selection is that there is no chance - we are the way we are because the genes that made us this way survived.

Anyway, if you go by the "safe rather than sorry"-theory, what if "God" is Islamic and hates christians with passion? If so (Hell, ~13 000 000 00 people can't be entirely wrong?) you're still going to hell with eternal suffering and whatnot. So, you better convert.
Oh wait, unless he's jewish.

You see my point? There are literally hundreds (thousands? probably.) of religions out there, the majority of them claiming (I think, I have no proof whatsoever) that the other one's are wrong and THEIR god is the only god. The logical chance that you've picked the right one is pretty small.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 19:34:33 UTC
in Religion. Post #192879
Then again, Big Bang is presented as a doubtable theory, in schools aswell. It's just the main thing scientists agree on, and that's why it's taught.
As for evolution, there actually is evidence. I mean... DNA and whatnot.

Religion isn't science and shouldn't "pretend" to be it. With science, you conduct tests, make a hypothesis, conduct more tests that verify or falsify it, summarize it, and then present it as evidence.
With religion, you make something up and make people believe it.

You see the difference?

Also, if the jewish-islamic-christian idea of a sole creator should be taught, as a theory, then why not every other theory that people spew out? The giant flying spaghetti monster, anyone?

Religion should be taught in schools. Children should at least be taught about the 5 major religions, what they stand for and what they believe in. But it shouldn't try to replace science.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 17:16:55 UTC
in Religion. Post #192866
Anyway, how about this one for promoting more discussion (as if Cryo's picture wasn't enough, eh, Kasperg?):

What about intelligent design?
To have creationism thought as a valid theory next to Darwin's evolution theory seems to me to be ludicrous. Promoters of I.D. (abbreviated for your convenience) attempt to play in the field of science - this is just impossible without any form of evidence.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 16:56:13 UTC
in Religion. Post #192864
Will people stop posting "OMG THESE THREADS ARE USELESS"? (Got your attention now, didn't I)
I, and I can imagine (but not be sure, of course) others, find these types of threads entertaining, thought-provoking (believe it or not, I actually try to see both sides of the coin... I just don't express it much) and utterly interesting.

Seriously, I should start counting how many times people've "informed" others of the "pointlessness" of this thread. It's nearing around 20 now? In any case, just GTFO AND STFU. No one's forcing you to look in the thread.

Now, as for my religious comrades, I've completely forgotten what to reply about.

Let me read the thread again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 12:35:13 UTC
in Religion. Post #192436
Wow, this is like the 4th time I've said this;
You don't need a religion to have moral standards. Any decent parent teaches their child about morality and compassion - that doesn't necessarily follow with a religious upbringing. You seem to think that unless you're forced on a certain set of moral standards you immediately lack any sense of what's right. Humans tend to develop their own moral guidelines as they go along, with the basics set by their parents.
WRONG. [...etc]
Granted, my theory doesn't apply in all cases. But, generally speaking, someone raised as a devout catholic would be less probable to convert (or accept) any other religion than someone raised with the ability to choose freely as he or she grew up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 11:59:53 UTC
in Religion. Post #192432
So if you like one type of food, you should make your child eat only that food? If you believe in one political ideology, you should make your child follow only that ideology?

If one's raised religious, he won't have the ability to choose because he's been made to think that his religion IS the only way.

A person can live without religion. He can't, however, live with eating toys and walking on all fours (well, in practice, anyhow), your analogy doesn't quite apply.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 05:42:00 UTC
in Religion. Post #192410
DarkKilauea: Did you not read my third post? That's about as calm as I get, and as far as I can pull my head out.

Regarding VOX's rather violent response, I'd say it was because us non-believers feel offended when you throw around claims that we'll all go to hell when we die. As do I.
I do respect other people's beliefs and whatnot, but that doesn't mean I like to start debates like mad. Again, the intro post for this thread was to provoke
and cause discussion. If I'd just writted "I respect your views", it'd just be boring. This way is tonnes more fun, offensing people is great.

Why educate your child with your beliefs
Beliefs are just that, beliefs. Not education. Sure, inform your child about your beliefs, but I think it's wrong to make up their mind for them.
Just because someone lacks religious faith doesn't mean they don't have moral standards. By defining their faith in their bringing up, it almost removes their ability to choose what religion to follow when they get older.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 20:29:45 UTC
in Religion. Post #192392
Cause I'm a contradicting hypocrite asshole and I like to provoke.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 19:55:25 UTC
in Religion. Post #192390
What is accomplished with the post? Was it seeking agreement, a debate, hurting the feelings of those who might belong to one of those 3 communities?
Well, primarily, I laughed out loud at the picture when I first saw it and felt the immediate urge to share it with my atheist friends.

Secondly, I wanted to start a debate. A rather harsh approach, I admit, but it works to get discussion going.

Third, I like mocking people. Does that make me a bad person?
Yes, yes it does. But that's just who I am.

Now for my opinions.
I feel that people can believe whatever rubbish they want, but they really should keep it to themselves. When religion goes out of hand we've got crusades and jihads and god (?) knows what.

I think it's wrong to make ones child believe in a certain religion. He or she should be able to make up their own mind in due time about what to believe in. You can inform the child of your own beliefs, but telling them that God does exist and we should worship him as a rule is just... manipulation. Same goes for political ideologies and such opinions.

Yes, religion probably will linger on, and will always be an issue of debate. When people believe different things, they're bound to argue with eachother.

As for proof of one side or another... I'd say "science" has more "proof" than "religion" that there is "evolution" and "natural selection" - not a man in the sky who created the earth 5000 years ago and made women out of man's rib.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 17:30:41 UTC
in Religion. Post #192365
I don't want to debunk religion. I just don't like it.

It's made up so people won't be so afraid when they die. There is no after-life... face it. I think it's stupid (hence: picture) to believe in some man in the sky just because you don't like the thought of not having anything to do when you die.

Halo4life: When you die, your consiousness will end.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 16:36:41 UTC
in Religion. Post #192360
User posted image
And it's true, too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 09:55:34 UTC
in Problem with instaling Post #192343
Get and diagnose your hardware.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 07:32:29 UTC
in Problem with instaling Post #192335
That's really strange...
Which programs have you tried installing that fails?
Do you get any errors in POST (the BIOS startup, that you see when you turn on the computer)?

Fuck you Elof! - Ant
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 07:29:35 UTC
in Murderous McDonalds 1 and 2 Post #192334
Not that bad, in my opinion. Sure, some of the posing was awful, but it's a fairly amusing idea. Also, comedy-horror is rarely seen in G-mod comics.

The best scene was definitely when she called the police. Gotta love the barney look on that one.
Good job, in any case, keep it up. Try to improve your posing, by just trying to make it more realistic. There are some G-mod posing tutorials out there (on PHW-Comics, if I'm not mistaken), read up on it. Also, the plot could use some work. And.. the dialogue.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-02 19:46:29 UTC
in RAID, is it worth it? Post #192313
In computing, RAID (a redundant array of inexpensive disks, also later known as redundant array of independent disks) is a system which uses multiple hard drives to share or replicate data among the drives. Depending on the version chosen, the benefit of RAID is one or more of increased data integrity, fault-tolerance, throughput or capacity compared to single drives. In its original implementations, its key advantage was the ability to combine multiple low-cost devices using older technology into an array that offered greater capacity, reliability, speed, or a combination of these things, than was affordably available in a single device using the newest technology.
It's not very old. IIRC it's used today, mainly for servers and data backup.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-02 19:18:24 UTC
in RAID, is it worth it? Post #192304
We just told you no! Fewl.

Of course, I don't know anything about it, but I like to appear to know what I'm talking about.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-02 08:40:21 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192264
Except 4 takes like 100 mb memory when you run it and crashes when it feels like it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:41:52 UTC
in help?! Post #192187
It's not compiling properly because you've either set up the configuration wrong, or there's an error. Read the compile log (the window that pops up when you press F9 and compile) and tell us what it says.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 05:52:09 UTC
in Display Rooted Post #192015
Pretty much exactly the same thing happened to me. I'm fairly sure the graphics card itself is damaged. Buy a new one.
If you don't have a PCI-E capable mobo, buy that too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 05:47:44 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #192014
Haha, frontpage. It's even worse than Freewebs (and that's a fucking feat!). Please learn, atleast basic, HTML or I'll smite you.

Also, good, reliable free hosting is nigh impossible to find. Ask someone with some space to lend you some, then buy a .com domain for it. They're cheap as dirt, these days.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-29 15:07:12 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191979
Host it somewhere where it's legal and you can win win win.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 13:54:50 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191921
It's still illegal. Good luck with that.
It's gonna be hard to choose PS3 or Revolution
Don't make me kick you in the face. I hope that was ironic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-27 04:19:43 UTC
in how do i use env_smoketrail? Post #191794
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-27 03:15:43 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191791
Freewebs is the damnation of mankind. I will never ever open a freewebs site unless someone's life depends on it. And here, it clearly doesn't.

Besides, ROMs are a dime a dozen these days - if not by googling, then by torrents or P2P.

Also, it's illegal and if freewebs admins sniff you out, you'll be banned in no time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 14:51:27 UTC
in Descent Post #191738
You don't have the DX1 mod.

Great game. I remember playing it in my childhood, thinking it was amazing, allthough rather confusing. The ability to turn around in every direction is quite uniqe, even today.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 07:18:21 UTC
in Brain teasers Post #191700
? isn't $. Also, learn how to spell, "paied" made me cry inside.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 13:48:21 UTC
in Your mp3 player Post #191636
intarnet expleror
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 13:47:19 UTC
in Brain teasers Post #191635
Stupid questions, stupid answers, stupid people posting in this thread.

Oh shat.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-19 16:23:04 UTC
in Funny. Post #190856
One of the best videos/animations ever on the web. I giggle like a girl everytime I see it. Also, swedish (yes) christmas carols = The wins.
Pure pwnage.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 16:10:09 UTC
in Adding faces/vertices Post #190376
There's a special tool (well, thingy) in source that lets you make realistic terrain fairly easily, called displacement geometry.

Google around for tutorials, there're plenty.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 16:07:51 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #190373
With the idea of committing suicide.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 06:09:19 UTC
in Cybernations. Post #189910
I can soon open up another trade slot (Harbour), am looking for wheat and lumber, in the green team... I have oil and silver.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 05:53:06 UTC
in Cybernations. Post #189769
I have 96 infrastructure and 4.37 technology. I earn 16 000 each day from taxes.

Slasher: Graphical location means nothing (iirc) for the gameplay.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 05:25:39 UTC
in Desktops of July '06 Post #189767
User posted image

Well, whadda ya know, ImageShack doesn't like 640x480 images.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 15:56:12 UTC
in Cybernations. Post #189724
I'm still whiny about the tax rates. 28% income tax as MAXIMUM isn't realistic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 11:41:36 UTC
in Is this a waste of money? Post #189699
It's a bit much to spend on anything. Don't.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 10:12:35 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #189694
Queens of the Stone Age - Better Living Through Chemistry
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 08:41:54 UTC
in Wii ? Post #187787
The nameswitch to Wii was genius. It got Nintendo huge attention without campaigning or advertising more than usual.

Something tell me Sony will rename PS3 to "Pii" or whatever right before release. I hate them so much...