Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:48:12 UTC
in I just... Post #114403
all that hitmans were good games satchmo, i would recomend you get them anyway
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:42:27 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #114402
then again I would like to have
three of these
in my comp, and I would gladly pay that price, then water cool them and OC them so mop will be smoked out of his 1337 comp building hole
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:37:17 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #114400
and why are they developing things like the PS3 proccessor core for the console market anyway. it will be the first time the consoles have ever done anything better first. it has always been the PC that gets the good stuff. and all the consoles ever got was recycled parts form the 1990's.

and how are they going to make it affordable with 3 3.2Ghz proccessor or in the PS3's case its 8 whatever proccessors. how are they going to make that affordable when one 3.2 processor costs...

does a quick newegg

...$208. thats 600 for the proccessors alone. now any inteligent person could buy a computer for that cost. and since a computer can do a hell of alot more and look a hell of alot better then any console ever will why won't they... I will tell you why, because most of them are very stupid.

*M_gargantua pauses
*M_gargantua look to random person.
"ive been ranting again haven't I"
*Random person nods.
"I should stop now shouldn't I"
*random person nods again
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:24:01 UTC
in I just... Post #114398



your a sick person Habboi, go see your nearest mental hospitol
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:15:56 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #114393
spirit is like garrys mod for HL1.

pepper, it does look better. but isn't necisary. but why am i talking, im not even invoved in this mod
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 12:13:23 UTC
in I just... Post #114392
I was playing hitman:contracts
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-14 11:35:25 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #114383
remember that hunters doesn't count.

Ch 17 - Almost To Easy
Y'ato stood there. he didn't want to fight another morpher, only because the war had not started yet. a voice called out "let the fight begin.". the man turned into a bear, a giant grisly. Y'ato choose to take the form of a agile black panther. the power of the stone he had touched in the temple was still coursing through him, he belived it would probably remain there for the rest of his life. he used it and further enhanced his mucles. his opponent roared, and started charging to him.
Y'ato sprinted, his supercharged panther legs carrying him to over 70 kilometers and hour. his opponent stoped running and planted his legs apart and prepared for Y'atos attack. Y'ato had an idea and tucked his tail in, consealing it from the bears eyes. he turned the end of it into a scorpion stinger, poison and all. Y'ato moved to dodge between his opponents legs, clearly he had been expected to jump by his opponent, who awkwardly swiped down. Y'ato ducked lower and brought the stinger out and drove it into his opponents belly as he ran under him. the tip of the stinger ripped out of the rest and felt to Y'ato like he had broke his ass.
Y'ato turned and ,seeing his opponent gaging from the poison, turned back into his human form. he knew that the amount of poison a stinger that size would kill him within a few minutes, painfully at that. Y'ato was going to finish him to save him the pain but that voice called out again, saying "the difieler must be killed in punishment for drinking the sacred waters, finish him guards." Y'ato turned and saw to men jump out of a large both in the stadium walls. they turned into rinosorusis on the way down and landed hard. they were within twenty yards of him and they charged him, pincering him in a V.
Y'ato sprinted to the wall of the stadium his body still enhanced. the guards followed him, the ground thundering behind them. Y'ato jumped off the wall and turned 180 degrees. he hadn't jumped high and when he landed he took a step back, reaching his arms out and placing them on the wall. calling on his powers he reached into the sandstone, manipulating the molecules of it like he would his cells during a morph. stone shot out of the wall, impaleing the rinos. the entire stadium gasped, and broke out in wispers and exclamated conversations.
a man dropped down in front of him and, before Y'ato could do anything , smashed him on the underside of his jaw with a club. Y'ato broke out into stars as he heard the man say "the king wishes an audience with you." Y'ato half saw, half felt more guards drop down. the flurry of club stikes unrelenting, but the pain he felt didn't last long as he finished passing out.
Y'ato found himself chained to a wall, he could not exactly see in the dim lighing but he heard chanting around him. he looked down and saw a stange rune glowing under his feet. Y'ato tried to morph himself out of his bonds, but he felt a huge electrical shock move up him and place him in an agony so strong he could not. Y'ato was about to pass out again, but set himself against it and held his contiousness.
A door opened in the back of the room, hidden in the dim light from Y'atos eyes. the door close again and a siloete stepped into view. "that was a trasmutational morph you proformed, that is a forbiden and forgoten art." the figure said, "the only few who know how to proform them are either dead or with the rebels. and so you must be with those magot rebels, and for that you will die like you should have in the arena for your other crime. and im sure the world will be happy to be rid of you."
The door opened and closed again quickly. a figure hurried into the room and began speaking on his way to Y'ato. "King Leetus, you can't kill him, he is the one the prophecy speaks of."
"what do you know of this man priest, he is a befouler and a killer and a transmutist as well." the man in front of Y'ato replied.
The priest replied "but I cannot allow you to kill him sire, not until he is proven not to be the one the prophe..."
"You damn priests and that damn prophecy, you sound like those F#*%!&6 rebels. those rebels are always saying that when he comes is a signal that this entire kingdom will be cleansed and rebuilt, and they claim that they do not want to be part of This kingdom so they can help clense it of all its corruption." the king harshly stated, "but he will not die yet, if your nagging is true then he will be killed anyway."
"What do you mean killed any..." Y'ato began, but the kings hand smashed his head against the wall and he passed out again
96'r goes.

they always seem so short when i first type them in notepad.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 22:04:25 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #114241
hey, im not inconsistant, I meant bumpmapping is always a good addition to a game, but it can be very proformance taxing on some computers
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 21:50:54 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #114240
hmm, should I post mine anyway and see which one 96'er would like to continue from?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 21:48:41 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #114239
hey, it hasn't been 2 days yet.

and I had my part typed up to.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 16:00:22 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #114198
I don't, its a waste of 300 bucks.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 15:48:59 UTC
in func_tracktrain stops before I want it 2 Post #114194
but you have to have it so it shows the connections between ent's. that option is in the menu bar somewhere
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 15:16:53 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #114187
mmm bumpmapping. but you should have something on the menu that can toggle it on and off if that is possible. bump mapping is always good
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 15:09:42 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #114181
i just got the new Metal of Honor game. now I get to go kill peope in most of your contries again. but im really pissed its not out on PC. that seems to have been a very stupid mistake by EA. the PC version would have looked so much better.

stupid consoles
stupid gamers who think the PC is for geeks
stupid companys who make the games for the consoles first and the PC later further pushing the power to th consoles.
stupid rants of mine
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-13 14:58:36 UTC
in How true... Post #114178
is it lightbulb or light bulb anyway?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-11 21:11:05 UTC
in Hint brushes wont work Post #113823
compile log?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-11 20:59:02 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #113822
how the hell do you get three proccessors, i want a mobo that can do that
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-11 20:41:16 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #113821
what are the problems exactly, the ones that I already said or are there new ones
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:35:04 UTC
in infodecal colors? Post #113638
so thats how that works. I gotta go check that out
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:26:29 UTC
in idea for new hl1 multyplay mod Post #113634
find a coder and it might be more doable. you will need modelers, of which there are a short supply of here, and im sure snarkpit doesn't like fanboy mods. you will probably need more mappers as well, which is one thing this site is good for.

but other then that it can be done.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:16:15 UTC
in HL2 for the Xbox Post #113627
but its not as bad as it could be, kinda looks good for a xbox.

they really should port it to the PS3 instead, then maybe they would get it to look good.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:12:46 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #113626
mmmmm, war, my favorite thing to write about

Gal and keep this on topic at the same time.

and whos next anyway SariBous
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 10:43:03 UTC
in Unbreakable Tip 2 Post #113575
software only looks reasonably good at low res. at high res it looks the same as it does when it is in low res. thats why you have to use openGL.

and ive never noticed any thing blured together, screens
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 10:40:06 UTC
in UNBREAKABLE TIP Post #113573
make it less transparent, it still looks like glass. but that might just be becasue you used a glass texture for the floor, you need to use a normal floor texture
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 09:11:21 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #113409
can you send that to me as well unbreakable, I get the same error alot
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 17:33:47 UTC
in Architecture Post #113302
3 times, then a forth
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 17:31:22 UTC
in Tele Problems Post #113301
a trigger_relay will do for the delay
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 11:36:46 UTC
in Good, Bad, and Buetiful Post #113267
hehehe, I spelled beautiful wrong.

and FF&? I didn't think they had to start going into Characters to distinguish between them, yet. But I would love to see a exact remake of FF7, just with improvements to the graphics and such. I would also like to see Adcent Children finished soon, but we know that won't happen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 20:26:00 UTC
in Good, Bad, and Buetiful Post #113185
to bad its not a accuall game. I would have loved to see FF7 remade for the PS3. it just looks so good. and it was the only of the newer FF's to have a good plotline.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 20:18:52 UTC
in what was your worse memory? Post #113184
the reason I love america, no crazy frog. I went to germany and france on a vacation once, and saw it.

stupid euopean tv producers
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 22:17:30 UTC
in moving cameras Post #113031
hmm, sounds like your tring to bind a brush to a camera entity, which doesn't exist in solid form. the trigger_camera entity is point based.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:39:29 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112927
Nemmerle death was sweet wasn't it, getting impaled and all.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:38:13 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #112926
HL1_song25 (the original credit theme for the game before it was changed)
and its remix for HL2

alot of the songs on teh HL Cds make good backgroung music as im sure most of you have noticed.

some of my personal favorites are
klaxon beat(track 3)
nuclear mission jam(track 14)
and millitary presisio(track 21)

im also listening to
Breaking Bengimin - blow me away
Linkin park - Breaking the habit
and whatever the hell is on the radio
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:27:58 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112922
Y'ato presumed that Nemmerle was the only chance he would have at going back to his old life again... Before the morphing genes were ever placed in his blood.
well that didn't make much sense either. how did Y'ato know he had morphing genes placed in him.
Will you please follow me?" Nemmerle replied far too quickly for Y'ato's liking.
did it ever occur to you that he might be a little shady and trying to trick Y'ato.
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.
well it was kind of villans job to follow that.
At one time all stood united under one flag, however times have changed and differences have arisin.
"We are going to search for the key that will grant you your true morphing power."
well i kind of read ch 10 and 11 with a little more detail. so i based most of my part off of them, because going back and doing a part based on stuff that was written eairlyer and not take into consideration recent events makes for an even worse story.

and plus I probably got a little carried away when tipeing it.

and Elon is right, alot of the fun out of these storys comes from unexpected change that some other person other then you has whiped up. we used to do storys like this in my english class, and alot of people got pissed(like you hunter) when things didn't go the way they wanted it to or constants in the story were altered(or heard wrong in some cases)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:13:23 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #112914
there all risky, so id have to say B
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 11:15:32 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112900
long ain't it?

Chapter 12 - Final Beginings
Y'ato walked up the steps into the Temple. The giant steel plated doors greeted him. he reached out his and and pushed open the left one, it swung almost effortlessly, even with its age. Y'ato entered and saw Nemmerle siting in the center of the temple. He was seated on what could only be called an alter, even though it didn't seem to be for any god.

"Y'ato, did you know that just by entering this place you will gain some of your power back." Nemmerle said.

"h.." began Y'ato.

Nemmerle continued "You are one of the very last of the pure bread morphers. And that is a gift and a curse. A gift because unlike the rest of the morphers, the ones who have never deviated there bloodline from the originals have a limited power to also morph objects. And a curse becasue you were hated, you had to much power, your kind ruled this city with a iron, no, diamond fist. you used to bring suffering so you could live however you pleased. And because of that much eninimity still exists for the pure breads still in the world. and because of that I have tricked you here."

"what do you mean tricked. I came here of my own freewill." Y'ato blurted out.

"you stupid naive little boy, If you grow up and learn the extent of your power you will get greedy to. Im going to end you here to end any chance of that. Im going to finish what Seltor tried to do, only this time with finality."

"But I haven't done anything wrong"

"To bad"

With that Nemmerle leaped into the air and morphed wings onto his back. he flew up into the hights of the temple, and into there shadows. Y'ato was still tring to make sence of what had been said, and had just watched the flight. But as Nemmerle emerged from the shadows, now with giant crab claws as hands. he plumeted tward Y'ato. now acting on instict Y'ato rolled out of the way, Nemmerle impacted the floor where he had stood just a momount before, the giant marble tiles shattering around him.

You can't beat him in the state your in now

Y'ato heard that voice in his head and knew he had to flee into the heart of the temple, not the alter, but beyond it, to his destiny.

He ran, the temple was vast. he could feel Nemmerle above him, reading for another stike. when Nemmerle began his plunge Y'ato dodged into the areas of the temple where the roof was low, he moved around the small colums here to avoid attacks he knew would come. he quickly came to the great doors of the warren room. he still didn't dare to look back. he shoved them open, his adreniline pumping. the cilindrical room he ran into was taller then any other part of the temple. he finaly looked back and saw Nemmerle's claws open and readying to cut off his head.

Y'ato reached down and touched the tileing, and although try as he might he could not morph it, the only thing he managed to do in that split second was break a massive splinter of hardened marble off. Nemmerle almost triped over his crouched body but saved himself with his wings.

"How did you know how to do that kid" Nemmerle said as he recoverd his balance.

"I used to be an avid reader" replyied Y'ato as Nemmerle began a charge tward him. But Y'ato knew what he was doing now. he picked up his marble spear and thrust it tward Nemmerle, who jumbed up and flew back into the shadows. Y'ato could feel where he was becasue of the morph's on him, Y'ato felt like this place was having a great effect on his powers. Y'ato felt him begin to drop strait down tward him. He trust his spear into the ground, and morphed it. it narrowed and lenghed, going strait through the falling Nemmerle's head.

Y'ato jumped out of the way and onto the great dias in the middle of the room, seeing Nemmerle's body slide down the poll with great speed, becomeing further impaled. Y'ato turned around and looked at the pedistal in the middle of the dias. knowing what he had to do now he reached out to place his hand on the pedistal.

now your quest has been given Y'ato, finish it or there are more things then you can imagein at stake.

Y'ato paused for a second when he heard that voice again. but he reached his hand the last few inches and onto the pedistal.

He felt like his heart was being ripped out. his chest seared with pressure, but not pain. There was a sudden sense of great hollowness inside him. And Y'ato felt like he was about to die, and in a sence he did.

Y'ato opened his eyes, feeling that he was still alive

Bratty has another chance to go
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 09:55:32 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #112892
ooooo, i missed whatever the hell just happened. and ant I cleaned up my desktop about a day after I took that pic.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 16:04:10 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112820
huh, to try my hand at writing something for this, the diliberating.

ill have a go if bratty isn't in the area
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 16:00:35 UTC
in Comics Post #112818
mmm Farside.

happy tree friends, ctrl-alt-del, megatokyo, dilbert, uh and probably a few others.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:33:41 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112792
damn, colors are still messed up. looked good in corel to. ohwell
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:29:44 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112789


Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:09:01 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112785
ok, got it as a gif, but its 1.5MB, so where should I host it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:58:32 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112777
would, but the colors got really messed up when I tried before, I probably did something wrong so I will try again.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:32:12 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112760
Corel PhotoPaint 8.

for the lettering i used the same program, I just selected the pipeline font, typed it in. did some wierd effects to it to give it something inside it(it was hollow when typed), then gave it that white scrach effect. then copied it into 50 frames and put in the lens flare.

it took me about an hour and a half to finish
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 14:28:26 UTC
in Glass Post #112600
rendermode has to be texture.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 13:03:00 UTC
in Grouping Problem Post #112584
the ent properties will never show up if you have ignore groups on. theres no way to fix that and still have ignore groups on. you just have to not have it in a group
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 12:58:02 UTC
in stupid scrolling water Post #112580
scroll textures must be a func_conveyer to scroll.

and now for a full solution to the problem. make a normal brush where you want the water to be, and preferably have it as the same texture as you plan on using for the conveyer part. then turn it into a func_water. then put a very thin brush over it with a scroll texture. turn that into a func_conveyer and tick it as not solid. then add a trigger_push if nesisary
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 12:30:14 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112568
well unbreakable, I emailed you a version of the logo I made. tel me how you like it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 19:55:37 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112456
the finished pic looks all blurry now, not good. and the g-man should be more faded, the HL logo in the first one looks great, but you can't see it anymore with the g-man how he is.

and I can whip you up an logo avi. I did it once and I can do it again.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 07:47:37 UTC
in Teleporters Post #112395
HL1 mapping forum, not the stuff forum.

all you have to do is make your teleporter pad/machine/whatever. then at the point you want the player to walk into and be teleported you have to place a brush with the aaa texture. bind that to a trigger teleport and set it so it send you to a teleport_destination pointbased entity that you have placed somewhere else in your map.