Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-09-01 18:28:02 UTC
in Help - Tetsu0, Qwertyus & model arti Post #331506
User posted image
- Textures still WIP.

Hi for 2 days now I'm attempting to get a rotor rotation animation going for my re-skinned Black Mesa chopper. So what I did is creating a bone structure and assign 2 rotation bones one for each rotor - the rear rotor & the front. So far this works charming and I can rotate the rotors within the vertex groups.

My problem is that the rotors move with the rotating bone instead of just spinning around with it. That naturally doesn't look very pretty and I hereby request urgent help. My modeling skills are still somewhat lacking it seems.

For real model artists such as Tetsu0, Qwertyus and anyone else qualifying: This should be a matter of 2 minutes for you guys considering everything is already setup. I'm confident that you can find my error.

Model Dl:
I provided the Blender files and in addition 3DS and OBJ. Formats in case you don't work with Blender. Please help me somebody I'd appreciate it! :)
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This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 20:09:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331355
Lovely screens Archie.. This almost looks pre cascade?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 01:07:03 UTC
in hammer editor entity angle problems Post #331335
Never mind I solved it by creating a 2nd Osprey with the proper rotation set prior to the begin of the scene.

If you dislike Gold Source mapping so much why don't you do some mapping for Source Engine then or perhaps Unreal Tournament Engine? It's true that Gold Source but Source too for that matter are a true struggle to get along with. No other Engine for instance has this damn leak story and so on. It is what it is. An Ancient game engine that was made for a different time.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 00:15:18 UTC
in hammer editor entity angle problems Post #331333
I've got a similar question right now.

Currently I'm having an Osprey model riding on an invisible train.

Is it possible with some entity to rotate the angle of the model as I can target only the invisible train for the route.

I'd like to simulate it crashing just as it was the case in Point of View there though they used the actual monster_osprey while I'm using the mini_osprey.mdl.

Any ideas?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-19 15:45:58 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #331305
I'd be tempted to join depending on the deadline (what is it?) but I'm still unsure what the exact agreement is based up upon now.. Is it a fantasy themed project or a Spirit based Item collection approach on numerous worlds to return home to Black Mesa?

@Tetsu0: Please Update your 1st post with the actual data to add some structure to this almost 8 pages long discussion.

That put aside I suggest you folks to download these:

I released em couple of days ago. They contain almost all animations of all 4 Hl1 offical games and might come in handy for every mapper here. The only downturn on them is that 2 of the sub models got lesser good textured eyes (not my doing) but that aside they are typical HD models with aligned textures even.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-17 20:00:13 UTC
in Reusing model textures? Post #331287
Sorry I was busy...

You're right I was actually mistaken. You can't view sub model body groups (not that I know about) inside the editor only the major models are getting displayed. So only submodel1 of any model. How ever it really shouldn't matter. If you're unsure what body you chose just start a quick compile and check it out.

Or give the npcs specific names which you can remember for certain unit skins. Name_Green1,Name_Green2 for any monster that's well "green" textured etc. Another thing you could do is by creating a test map in which you place each model along with their sub models ready for copy and paste usage into your main maps. Basically having a selection just like with prefabs.

I tried tinkering with different settings inside the FDG but I couldn't get sub models displayed within the editor sorry.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-16 14:22:24 UTC
in Reusing model textures? Post #331276
Like I said you may have to make adjustments in the mod FGD file. I can show you an example later.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-16 11:53:38 UTC
in Reusing model textures? Post #331272
Body variations need to be defined within the specific model QF file as well as in the mod FGD or you could use numbers in the monster entities and try your way that way. You can't combine mdls within default Halflife choosing texures of 1 model for another. That works only outside the game in reskinning or re modeling attempts.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-15 17:38:40 UTC
in Tracking entities? Post #331255
Hey I was wondering whether there is a console command to track the precise status of any entities within a map.

In my case I'd like to see when a certain entity activates or not. Naturally I'm in dev mode but that displays only errors so not that helpful.

Know of anything or perhaps even a third party tool keeping you informed about anything happening within a map?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-10 17:49:10 UTC
in Sentence issue Post #331155
Sometimes it also helps just recreating the entities. In rare cases I actually had to copy out things such of this out of my other maps where the entities worked and wolla suddenly it also worked in the map I was working on despite that everything was set up identical.

It's kinda odd.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-08 16:46:19 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331126
Fascinating. I wonder why -nowadtextures is often then considered the lazy and so recommendable method of getting this done.

Another Myth that was introduced with zhlt back then? Either way it's good to know. Thanks. :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-08 15:21:15 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331124
Hm ya but as far as I read it includes all textures of a used wad then not just the used textures of a specific wad. or not?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-08 11:49:17 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331122
Bad idea trempler.. The reason I'm using wadinclude is to safe up on space and unused textures otherwise I might just keep em open source within the modfolder.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-07 14:43:11 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331109
Nope. It's no longer a problem with the modern compilers. At least not for me. You can have like 20 wads loaded and it still runs fine. Sometimes Hammer crashes though when you add to many wads at once. Usually it's the safest option to include wads in pairs of 2 into hammer to minimize the risk of it crashing.

I actually wanted the entire folder linked. You don't really need to include every single wad by hand. In Hammer I've got it setup like this:

-wadinclude "wads"

Wads is my folder on D: drive and Hammer finds it automatically ofc I've also linked to these wads within the options menu of Hammer. So that's why it may find the folder by itself not sure.

I suspected as much regarding the command line parameters considering I've been compiling like that for years without ever having any issues. Only this texture wad. glitch at the moment is mysterious to me.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-07 12:37:36 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331105
Nice thanks I'll give it a try.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-07 10:53:29 UTC
in Batch file issues Post #331102
Hey folks.

I'm compiling my maps per batch file and just recently I decided to implement my textures directly into the maps itself in order to safe up on space for the download later on.

Now when I compile with Hammer directly it works as intended textures get implemented just fine.

For my Batch. file it still asks for the wad. files though. Please have a look at my batch. file and tell me what I'm missing here:
hlcsg.exe mil_duty10 -cliptype precise -estimate -chart -wadinclude d:\wads
hlbsp.exe mil_duty10 -estimate -chart
hlvis.exe mil_duty10 -texdata 9355443 -estimate -chart -estimate -high -full
hlrad_x64.exe mil_duty10 -estimate -chart -sparse -nopaque -bounce 9 -threads 4 -notexscale -extra -dscale 1 -fade 2 -minlight 10 -scale 1.20 -smooth 90 -gamma 0.550 -low -texchop 192 -chop 96 -dlight 10.000
Judging by the logfile itself the textures were included so I don't understand why the wads are still required:


added 15 additional animating textures.
Including Wadfile: \wads\zhlt.wad
  • Contains 2 used textures, 1.19 percent of map (19 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\42.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (17 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\barney.wad
  • Contains 5 used textures, 2.98 percent of map (408 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\decals.wad
  • Contains 1 used texture, 0.60 percent of map (245 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\firestorm.wad
  • Contains 17 used textures, 10.12 percent of map (257 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\halflife.wad
  • Contains 117 used textures, 69.64 percent of map (3116 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\hlep2.wad
  • Contains 16 used textures, 9.52 percent of map (1342 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\liquids.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (32 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\op4ctf.wad
  • Contains 1 used texture, 0.60 percent of map (296 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\opfor.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (332 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\tfc.wad
  • Contains 6 used textures, 3.57 percent of map (279 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\tfc2.wad
  • Contains 3 used textures, 1.79 percent of map (395 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\xeno.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (264 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\nw.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (4 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\nw_xeno.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (4 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: \wads\rain.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (4 textures in wad)
Wad files required to run the map: "42.wad;barney.wad;decals.wad;firestorm.wad;halflife.wad;hlep2.wad;liquids.wad;op4ctf.wad;opfor.wad;tfc.wad;tfc2.wad;xeno.wad;nw.wad;nw_xeno.wad;rain.wad;"
Texture usage is at 3.08 mb (of 32.00 mb MAX)[/quote]
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-06 21:43:35 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331101
@Dr. Orange: Some lovely work. I will see to it to get some sort of replica done in my own engine modification for opposing force. I don't think anyone ever considered this what you did. So this is unique. :)

@Urby: I wasn't aware you were building some sort of Alien Colonial Marines mod in secrecy.. Well what ever it is.. It looks intriguing to say the least. :P

I truly wish we could add an endless amount of models in hl just like in the Unreal Engine now that would be cool.
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-31 18:39:34 UTC
in Model Issues Post #331036
I've also got a model related question and instead of opening yet another topic I will use this one.

I finally learned how to fix misaligned UVs as my textures were out of place due to numerous decompiling operations.

How ever I noticed that my Hgrunt Helmet soldier can get killed per head shot (instead of bullets bouncing off.) and it is as if the helmet is not present. I know that this can get fixed either per model or per custom code and within the QF.
Does anyone know how to rig the model & QF file regarding the head shot situation? My models are based upon Romka models.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-11 18:05:33 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328812

Yes that pretty much covers of what I read on two other pages regarding the same problem:

Also interesting to read though little tough as it's with google translator.

It seems there's no perfect solution for this. Although some coders attempted to fix it but either they never implemented their fixes or didn't succeed. I tried 3 custom made studiomdl.exe files. The actual texture shift glitch is happening in that program and is unrelated to our modeling tools.

Here the official explanation what happens during compile and why in case you didn't know yet.

So I guess unless some coder comes up with a super work around for the compiler we will have to life with it.

For now I suppose I will have to start from scratch copy all my modifications into that original model and compile it only one time only.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 22:49:23 UTC
in trigger_once game crash Post #328797
I think it is required if memory serves me correct. But in all honesty you're better off with a game_text entity. There you can also set the coordinates of where the text shall appear + few display effects. I too used env_message back then but eventually swapped em all out for game_text.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 22:40:48 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328796
Hey Tetsu0 could you possibly create a tutorial demonstrating how you fixed that female scientist with the face texture glitch?

For the past days I'm attempting to get the same results done as you but I just don't find the right menus.. I read that all you have to do is realigning the texture coordinates by 2 to the right sight as textures move to the left each time you compile your model.

So far I've been unable to find the texture coordinate button and considering that model artists said it's an easy and fast thing to fix (yourself included) I doubt that you unwrapped the whole face once again and re adjusted every single texture.bmp by hand.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 22:37:16 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328764
Sorry Tetsu0 I didn't came online here during the weekend..

I'm in German timezone. Gladly we can meet up next weekend in teamspeak though I recommend we add one another in steam to increase the chances of seeing each other effectively. I'm usually available for chat in there then.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-08 04:00:26 UTC
in Alien Shock Post #328766
Well that's a nice introduction and good that you already offer help to those in need. Keep going.. Your mod looks promising and I will be tracking it.. If you got questions feel free to ask us old timers here. :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-08 03:55:32 UTC
in Disabling the Training Room in Mods Post #328765
Ya the coordinate system and other res files are kinda handy.. I changed my color of the font the description etc.. I didn't delete the training room button. It just contained a black 5 second lasting text map. "You're a combat experienced veteran you don't require training." :D That's yet another solution.

How about "You're top leading Scientist in your department - you don't require extra lessons." :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-08 03:46:48 UTC
in [Spirit of Half-Life 1.8] Change "N Post #328763
Hey Loulimi it might be a good idea to add your technique as an additional example map here on the site in case others will face the same difficulty in the future. I too learned it the hard way that func_train & func_tracktrain are often 2 different pair of shoes.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 12:06:08 UTC
in Model advices Post #328673
I'm still very noobish when it comes to modeling but I think the quickest way to get results done right now would be to rescale your source texture to the same level it's scaled in the actual map inside Hammer. But not sure how you would compare the scaling rate between Hammer and Blender or any other model tool you might use.

Eventually make your UV map in lesser pieces though that could result in distorted textures. You should ask Tetsu0 for aid.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 00:10:48 UTC
in NPC Opens door. Post #328669
As for the level change problem. Safe your sitting Scientists in trigger_transition although I usually had problems back then that they were out of place flying mid air or outside the map even. Decompile the official hl1 maps and see how it was done there in Sector C between the map with the Hev room and the sitting scientists greeting you with "Good morning Gordon."
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-02 11:55:31 UTC
in env_global - variables across many maps? Post #328633
Hm not sure myself but why don't you just create a quick test series 4 maps each consisting of 2 small rooms and in the 4th you've got your extra door. Test it with and without the env_global setting enabled. Creation time 5 minutes for the map transitions and 2 rooms with copy and paste.

Test time 15 seconds to run from map to map. :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-31 21:40:29 UTC
in Can't see models in VHE or Sledge Post #328599
I had a similar problem recently. That models show up or not has nothing to do with the actual editor you use. The data is defined within your original game FGD. file how some have already pointed out.

So perhaps you might be using a different FGD file on your lap top I don't know. And yes of course you also need to link to your mod folder aka sprites & models folder.

To make monsters visible in the editor instead of having them as squares check this out:
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-31 21:33:00 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328597
Wonderful news folks my first test Animation has been completed and all that thanks to Tetsu0.

As you can see it's a somewhat first ugly attempt. The shoulders stick out in a very unnatural way and the hands seem to be flipped up sight down I will try fixing upon that.

@Tetsu0: Any ideas how to prevent such deformations? Once again thank you for all your great tutorials.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-31 21:29:16 UTC
in Half-Life: The Core Post #328596
Hm I never understood the thing with Residual Life.. The author there keeps showing new screens and every few years enhances upon it in form of a new release and I must have played through it like 3,4 times now due to that..

He should rather let it rest as it was finished literally and start with something new.

As for "The Core" well there wasn't much doubt that you folks would once again win in the upcoming mod category. So congratulations "again". :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-31 18:35:30 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328574
A small update on my part: I keep adding new heads onto the main reference. It works charming so far except the eyes and mouth aren't synced what was the hotkey to see bone parents and children again? I've seen in another tutorial once that you can draw little lines showing which part of the mesh and bone are linked to one another.

If you're interested I would be most interested in meeting up with you in teamspeak and teamviewer. Then you could teach me the hotkeys in real time as well as showing me first hand some of the tricks you use.

That's how I learned mapping back then. And it prevented me from having a thing such as the "First map". Let me know if you would be interested. I think with your help I could get these female Scientists easily going. And I'm currently in touch with professional female voice actors so that might turn out into a great thing here. :)

Till now I'm more than satisfied with your amazing tutorials. They really help a lot. My favorite so far is the IK rigs tut..

EDIT: @Tetsu0: I'm currently building new animations however I'm encountering a massive problem. My coordinates when moving the meshes around wont safe. And therefore I can't safe new frame positions as nothing changes.. Any idea why that is and how to fix it? :( Your Rigs are working charming so far except that my elbow usually sticks out a bit still testing on that one...
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-31 18:07:37 UTC
in Ignore "Bad surface Extents"? Post #328586
Ya better not to ignore them. I admit I sometimes do it myself but if you get to many of them then your map might crash at a certain point. Or Hammer all the sudden refuses to even compile the map and you don't know why at that time.

So ya fixing it might be annoying if it ruins some of your brushes again. But better to do it right than not at all. Also it makes your maps less laggy. Got a very complex map which lags beyond reason and fixing that is so frustrating. So keep your r-speeds low when possible my mapping clean.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-30 20:28:47 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328570
And I succeeded in creating my female Scientist even with my own created Black Mesa ID. It's still very WIP and has 2 major bugs remaining.

One bug contains the shoes which have that white section down there.

And another bug is that the face texture itself is slightly off by alignment on the left side of the model.

Could you perhaps take a look on it Tetsu0. My own attempts at fixing it failed. It's still way beyond my capabilities. If the controls were just easier like in Hammer Editor. Texturing is so hard in these modeling tools. Some years back I also failed on the proper texturing part when I created few Taiidan vessels for a game called Homeworld2.

Anyway what I did: I selected the entire head mesh opened my Render editor window and then tried to unwrap the selected head in order to apply the texture onto that later on. Unfortunately It didn't do anything not sure why. Perhaps the head is to complex for that method and textures need to be applied differently? So Right now I'm still using a hacked version.

In any case I will now start adding more head models to my female Scientist so add some variation. Later one I will also add additional body groups small chested bodies larger ones etc..

Here is my source file for the modified female scientist in case you're curious and like to take a look on it. Don't mind the missing animations etc.. It's still wip and I'm solely focusing on the models at the moment.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-30 15:56:41 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328563
Nice! Your vids are very helpful, very helpful indeed. I will give it another attempt. At the moment I'm struggling with a female Scientist.

The mod Science and Industry had female body proportions and I'm attempting to rig a completely new model together out of that based upon the original HD Scientist models instead of their ultra definition variation. So hard as there are dozens of wrong bone definitions. I thought it was easy but I constantly get new bone errors when I rename them.

I don't really understand the engine logic of how these are defined within the source code of the game for reading do you?

Btw how do you freely roam your camera? I haven't figured that out till this point. I keep reading about moving the right angle around in camera mode but that doesn't seem to be what you're doing.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-29 21:33:12 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328556
You mean something like this right?

I would love using that but wont that destroy all other npc animations as there are suddenly missing bones the other animations don't have. That's usually one of my biggest issues when I'm hacking models..

They either got different bone names (which for me is now easy to fix) or additional bones defined which messes up the whole compile of the model in the first place..

You're right though if we had that it would make things so much simpler.. It's possibly something to consider when you create a model from scratch with 0 animations implemented.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-29 01:46:18 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328536
Nice tip... I really need to learn all these hot keys as it is: It already upsets me that to paste certain things it's not the default ctrl V :P

But yes I've been playing a little more around with it and I feel I'm getting closer in getting the hang of it.

Not sure what you mean with IK rig??
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-29 01:41:53 UTC
in Arctic Incident Post #328535
It's a kinda good mod little low on the story elements but so was my own mod..

The mapping and texturing a solid throughout the mod. The facility it plays in is also logically construct and the author managed to capture the snow ambient very well.

If I had any criticism points it would be the lack of story (don't even know your players name) and the lack of scripted npc sequences. It's mostly monsters walking around corners. But other than that it's perfect. Give it a try.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-28 11:16:18 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328523
Hey Tetsu0 I was wondering if you could create an animation tutorial vid for say a npc model such as the HD Scientist or Gus,Construction.mdl

I'm currently messing around with that and even found another nice tutorial regarding that but my meshes still wont move the way I want or worse yet they deform. I did hit the deform button to turn it off still not working. Yesterday night I actually pulled it off. But I had to scrap the Animation test again as the shoulder was out of place and I forgot to lock a certain axis.

There must be some step I'm forgetting. ^^ I'm attempting to give gus (new npc in our spirit version + full professional voice acting) few new tinkering animations similar to those seen in puchi's construction LD model for Sven Coop (SpPoral map).
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-26 10:23:39 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328498
Thanks Tetsu0 much appreciated. I probably would've never figured it out that fast so it's a good thing you were here..

By the way I'm having a weird problem regarding blender and the source components.

That's what I fiddled around with yesterday night till I gave up and went to bed.

As you pointed out in vid1 I did download the source tools and kept em inside the zipfile. I then went into blender Addons and hit the install to file button while selecting the zip.file containing the source tools. How ever after a restart of Blender I still don't see the import-export menus you got regarding source tools. I tried running blender in Administrator mode and without but no effect it seems as it is just ignoring the command to install the file...

Any idea what might have went wrong? Did you perhaps forget to explain some additional vital step in your tutorial video. Perhaps the manual creation of some additional folder so blender can install the contents there etc?

I'm still very interested in learning this. With your tutorials in mind I should be able to get something done on my own. Of course I need to install it properly first.

EDIT: Nevermind :P Turns out doing things with a rested mind helps. All I had to do was enabling the hook so blender actually runs the AddOn in the first place and then save the user preference. Nice! It's time to fiddle around other models and even start creating my own tiny models..

My biggest gratitude to you. You might have opened the Pandora's Box ^^ em I meant a completely new world of hl modding for me. :) Lets see how it goes.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-26 01:44:11 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328493
Uhh lovely Tesu0 I will most certainly give it an attempt as by now I've got even some more models that require hacking due to wrong bones or ids, positining etc.. I let you know how it turns out.. :)

Thanks for those lovely tutorials..
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-24 22:54:13 UTC
in Model Animation Problem "help requi Post #328475
Hi folks

I hope one model artist among you can help me with a slight problem. You see I'm using a heavily modified and fixed up spirit v1.9 version and discovered an annoyance.

My V_RPG.mdl is having a glitch as spirit tends to use slightly modified animations than the stock models did.

This is my v_rpg.mdl the problem recites in rocket submodel1. In submodel1 the launcher is supposed to be fully loaded. How ever as you can see for some reason in Animation Idle2 it is not. I don't know why that is but in it's current state it's an annoyance whenever that animation is getting played.

I would appreciate it very much if anybody could perhaps decompile the model and fix it for me so that the rocket sits in the tube. I really can't go into any details right now as this project is still under wraps but it's something that will benefit all of the hl1 community in a long run (coder included) so it would have to be that specific model. Either that or he would be forced to remove the entire animation or rewrite large segments of the code in order to restore it to common hl1 default animations.

Thank you I hope for your help and understanding. :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-19 21:03:45 UTC
in How to make npcs visible in editor again Post #328390
Thanks Jeffmod... That did the trick.. :)
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-18 20:35:25 UTC
in Prospekt Post #328363
Hard to judge this mod just yet... I think if Valve authorized it and even gave the license it has to be somewhat special. After all that guy is 1 guy - all alone. He did one hell of work. Everyone not appreciating that doesn't know much about the work that was involved in this. Still 'The Core' from "Archie & Urby" is also still free. So not sure why that other mod goes for 10 bucks. Again all so hard to judge as long as his mod hasn't been released yet..

As for the mapping you're right it doesn't look that spectacular.. How ever the trailer shows only a small portion of it.. The audio certainly sounds stunning then again I'm always exited when I hear the voice line "goose3 is done goose3 is done." :P Opfor was one of my favorite episodes of Hl1.

In any case I might get it but first I will check out some lets play to see if it's worthwhile or not.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-17 16:00:17 UTC
in How to make npcs visible in editor again Post #328324
Hi the headline says it all.

How can I make additional npcs visible in the Hammer Editor?
I knew once how it works. In the game .fgd but I can't remember how I did it and what I had to change..

Does anyone know that?

Greetings 23-down