Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 17:49:27 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #124253
The house can be on a cliff near another cliff, whatever you want. Just make sure the map is not a totally flat and boring terrain
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 10:19:54 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #124119
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 17:40:18 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #123968
I wish someone had suggested this compo theme instead of me so I could make my own version :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 17:38:12 UTC
in London Post #123966
most serious crime you can think of
Wouldnt it be something like the Nazi genocide of Jews in WWII or killing more than 350.000 japanese with atomic bombs in 3 days?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 12:54:25 UTC
in College project Post #123866
it does indeed look like the real pictures!
My first map ever was a map of my high school. But it was indeed laggy and r_speeds jumped over 2000 wpolys!

I suggest you leave some of the buildings and surroundings for the skybox (eats less resources)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 09:40:03 UTC
in London Post #123658
I dont see any mention of the London bombings in the interview...
About the WTC towers falling down... this guy says:
"I've seen the results of terroristic explosions and so on and no terrorist explosion has ever brought down a building...
I bet he hadn't seen the results of a planes running into the core of a skyscraper like the World Trade Center Towers. You dont need to be studying architecture (like I am) in order to understand why the buildings fell.
The one that got hit lower (South Tower) fell first.
Just look at the floorplan and it's very obvious.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:31:59 UTC
in London Post #123646
So true.
But did that happen in London? Did security and medical services fail to act quickly to the bombings? Could more lives have been saved if those drills had not take place?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 17:16:33 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #123540
nice screenshots!
I'm also using the orange texture for one of my buildings ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 13:43:44 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #123477
Nice terrain. Somehow my HL2 maps always tend to have an urban style. I think I prefered making sci-fi, fantasy and ancient type maps for HLDM :cry:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 08:17:19 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #123391
So, how is everyone doing with this compo?
the bad news is that I can't participate in the HL1 compo (since I chose the theme) so I can use all my mapping skills with this one :cyclops:

I'm going to include a new gameplay effect that will make the map much more interesting. I hope it works! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 18:56:39 UTC
in hl to hl2..... Post #123270
I think it's quite possible to achieve those graphics in game. The only two things that we would need are
1) more precise lightmaps in props (instead of vertex lighting)
2)A graphics card with capabilities to do a great anti-aliasing (maybe with super-sampling)
I might give a try at recreating that scene (without the above mentioned upgrades, of course)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 17:29:52 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #123252
well, there are lots of other words in Spanish that people are used to, but maybe dont know their meaning:
-Los Angeles - the angels
-Colorado - red
-Florida - in blossom
-Santa Fe - holy faith
-Las Vegas - the riverbanks

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 07:01:18 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #123117
That is correct. But it was Seventh's idea :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:14:04 UTC
in London Post #123005
Am I the only one here immune to propaganda?
Of couse not. You know I agree with you that the 9-11 line of events is full of strange coincidences that point to at least government passivity when it came to preventing the attacks (Pentagon invisible plane, Norad procedures, etc)
But Al Qaeda has been making terrorist attacks in countries where the ID card and Big Brother schemes are something pointless. Just dont tell me that hundreds of people died in Bali in order to introduce a Police State in the US or UK...
And about mainstream media etc, let's not forget that conspiracy sites are also propaganda in their own way :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:20:53 UTC
in London Post #122990
It's very interesting, but for example, none of this works with the Madrid bombings of March 2004 (which I hope everyone knows Al Qaeda admitted being responsable, not ETA)
-After the bombings, people agreed even less with the idea of fighting terrorism abroad.
-Because of that, the elections 3 days afterwards were surprinsingly won by the left wing against all pre-attacks predictions.
-As a consequence, the Spanish government decided to pull out from Iraq like they had promised to do if they won, delivering a very hard blow to the current plan of world conquest by the US
-Other countries eventually decided to leave the coalition, in some cases to avoid suffering a government change.

So, this attack was a another step for the New World Order? In any case it would be a step backwards. There are many other examples we could discuss. For example, I find it hard that the members of the conspiracy purposedly ordered some terrorist to attack oil pipes and refineries. They are far to greedy for that I think...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 11:28:16 UTC
in Problem Post #122720
yes, it can be on the cliff, but think about handrailings etc. Simple to do and they'll make the map more beleivable!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 09:58:45 UTC
in Problem Post #122690
It does (if this is for compo#14, make sure the administrator doesnt have to risk his life in order to access his house) :o

from the compo rules: "please be as coherent as possible!"
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 09:56:04 UTC
in Texture usage max - 4mb? Post #122688
from Zoners half-life tools:
Halflife was built with a 2Mb texture limit, as was Opposing Force. The ZHLT default limit is 4Mb
There might be a way to tweak that, but I'm not sure
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:32:49 UTC
in hl to hl2..... Post #122553
ok but were the hell were you, that has to be about 15 years
Gordon didnt notice that time had passed, just like he didnt notice when he and Alyx had been stuck in the teleport for several days
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 14:58:17 UTC
in Do you even play Half Life anymore? Post #122537
all those props and models feel so soulless
But you dont have to use them if you dont want to :) You could still make a source map like you did with the HL engine. I actually think that props are a nice addition, and much better than prefabs cough
-Cubemaps are ok
-Displacement surfaces are great
-Physics system is nice
-Entity trigger system is way superior
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 14:00:08 UTC
in Do you even play Half Life anymore? Post #122520
any reasons why you people hate source?

*Note: valid answers are NOT: "my computer cant run it", "source is crap", "I just want to be different", "hornet-gun was more fun than the grav-gun", "hammer4 is too complicated for me" etc
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 09:01:16 UTC
in London Post #122445
check the news...
not again
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-20 13:37:26 UTC
in i'm new to mapping and was wondering Post #122313
The configuration is related to Hammer 3.4 (HL1) but the basics for creating brushes, placing entities etc are the same.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 19:09:21 UTC
in Development News Post #122145
I dont know if anyone has already mentioned this: In the map vault, we can currently sort the maps by...

Name | Date | Modified Date | Rating

Is there any way to be able to sort them by game/mod ? I think it's a good idea that would please people who ask for a separate source map vault. Instead, you could filter and check all the HLDM, HL2DM maps etc
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 09:58:22 UTC
in UFO (I must be going insane) Post #122024
My only UFO sighting happened last summer.
I was at my uncle's house in the south of Spain, up in a hill where the night sky can be clearly seen (no city lights nearby)
He told us to look at the stars and wait. The first night we did so, nothing happened. But around 11 PM the following night, three stars started moving together in a V like formation, making turns and stuff. It was specially creepy since those 3 stars had been quite still just like the rest. And at one moment, one of the three lights slowed down, breaking the formation. To our surprise, the other two slowed down, as if waiting for that one to catch up :confused:

It couldnt have been airplanes since we were looking at them for a long time before they started moving. My best guess is that they were satelites, but I still cant understand that behaviour...
Has anyone ever seen something like that?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 04:19:20 UTC
in Do you even play Half Life anymore? Post #121957
ok... I played HLDM last August and played Opposing Force once again (cant really remember when...), but all of this was before HL2 came out.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 03:21:13 UTC
in Do you even play Half Life anymore? Post #121954
Well, it depends on what you mean by "playing half-life". I think I havent played any of the games or mods since december. Of course, I have revisited a lot of the SP maps (mainly to show the game to my friends) and checked the new multiplayer maps (both in hl2dm and CS:S).
And it's not just playing: in july 2004 I made 7 HLDM maps, and now I'm occasionaly working on my Source Compo entry :cry:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-18 07:19:30 UTC
in Book your reading currently Post #121788
Starting on the new harry potter
So am I, but my hopes are very low. The first three books were fun because they were separate adventures.
The continuity, length and tons of useless characters in the last books is making it much less enjoyable for me to read... :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-18 01:51:18 UTC
in Help. Post #121737
Use a trigger_camera placed in the same spot that the player triggers it, and check the Freeze Player flag.
It wont be perfect but it should do the trick
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 19:14:33 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #121704
Yes, you could hide the entance with a cavern etc.
But remember it has to make sense. Would the Black Mesa administrator have his house underground? wouldnt he need a bit of natural light?
Keep in mind that this is where he goes to relax after a hard day's work at the BM office complex...
Just make sure it isnt too isolated from the outdoor.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 18:14:09 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #121695
Sorry I havent been able post sooner than this..

-You dont need to copy the tram from HL if you dont want to, you can make your own if you wish, maybe a different design (more personal, for fewer passengers etc);

-The train doesnt have to move at all, and It isnt actually required! You could just make the train tracks and a tram stop as is specified in the rules. Of course, if you can manage to pull a nice sequence with the tram getting to the house, it would be nice :);

-The setting would be more like the first pic, since it's an outdoor one. The reason to mention the cliffs, is so people dont make a house placed in the boring flatness of the desert! Be creative, you can do lots of things in the outside that will make the map more interesting.;

-The house is near a cliff. It can be on the cliff (as Muzzleflash pointed out), under a cliff, on top of a hill etc. The choice is yours and each has advantages and disadvantages.;

-The reason why we are mapping his house and not his office is very simple. The office would be a bit too easy and we would get much less variaty in the entries. With this theme I'm sure we are going to see great stuff! :o

I could give more tips, but since some of you have already started, it could be unfair. I'll keep answering questions as soon as possible :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 07:44:14 UTC
in Material back to WAD Post #121497
No cool method that I know of. For the HL2 textures in the "Unique Map" compo, I just used the Print Screen key and Paint Shop Pro to get textures into Wally.
By the way, if you use this method, I would suggest browsing the textures in hammer with a smaller resolution. You dont really want to end up with a WAD made out of 512x512 textures :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 16:23:49 UTC
in A Combines Tale Post #121313
My opinion of the stalkers from an older thread :)
They are called stalkers, the citadel was full of them.
I guess they are humans in a transition state to combine. (there is a decal poster in HL2 illustrating a sort of evolution from a human head to a combine one)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 15:47:05 UTC
in A Combines Tale Post #121302
Maybe he means the dialogue seems strange for Combine troops. They should act more like a single conciousness and following straight orders (think about the Borg in StarTrek)
I dont think a Combine soldier would talk about taking a hot shower when he gets home, since he probably doesnt have a home and they arent really human (think about the stalkers we see in the last levels of the game). I didnt see hot showers in the Citadel ! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 06:59:01 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #121150
It just wouldnt be fair for non-spirit mappers...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 10:23:54 UTC
in Compo 13 Questions Post #120990
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 20:05:57 UTC
in Momy, Where do baby Headcrabs come From? Post #120906
Gordon eats headcrabs? There was a "Lost World" playstation game in which you had to feed on other dinosaurs to recover health and increase your lethal instinct. The game wasnt successful. It was 3D but still used the "old 2D scroll" method for gameplay :zonked:

Let's just say that Gordon gets survival rations everytime he picks up a healthkit. He just doesnt make sound when chewing because stealth is very important when you are being chased by the Combine...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 19:11:31 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #120901
6. The house must be located near a cliff.
7. There must be a connection to the Black Mesa Tram system (train tracks and a tram stop).
Well, a bit of terrain wouldnt do any harm there :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 19:03:52 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #120899
you can compensate it with good interior brushwork etc. This is NOT a vertex manipulation contest!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 18:37:58 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #120894
what are you looking for iin this compo, massive detail in furniture and stuff?
We arent looking for anything in particular. This is a chance to show what you are best at:
-It might be designing furniture
-It might be making nice exterior architecture
-It might be adapting a building to a nice and complicated terrain
-It might have to do with lighting and "feeling"

Of course, if you are good in all these and other things, the map will be better :)
It'll be hard to get that black mesa theme in his house
Maybe he doesnt actually like Black Mesa and his house looks nothing like it, maybe it does... By the way, using the standard rock cliff will help making it "belong" to the Black Mesa theme :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 17:38:12 UTC
in Momy, Where do baby Headcrabs come From? Post #120876
Well, since the weapon model is different in both games, we can assume it's (was) a generic crowbar.
I'd ask another question. Both HL games have a strong continuity within their stories, except for some moments like Gordon knocked out in BM and City17, being stuck in the teleporter for a week, etc. So my question is:
When does this guy eat? And dont tell he receives vitamins and proteins through the HEV suit, because it just wasnt made for that :S
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 06:58:02 UTC
in War of the worlds - idea for a mod Post #120749
I really do like the concept about the alien mechanisms being under the ground without our knowledge for thousands of years
The same concept was used in Dragon Ball Z, when they found out that the bad guy had been hidden in a buried spaceship long before humans learned to walk on 2 legs :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 19:24:11 UTC
in Site Development Post #120677
We definitely need a new icon in the map vault for Source Engine maps, right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 18:49:53 UTC
in Momy, Where do baby Headcrabs come From? Post #120674
There were actually some "facilities" at the beggining of the game, but like in almost every single videogame out there, the level of detail from the first part of a game is usually better than afterwards.
There are 2 main reasons why that happens:
-There's less need to catch the players attention to play the game, so you can reduce detail while making combat more present. (you already beleive you are in that world, it's just a matter of shooting bad guys now!)
-The other reason is that at the beggining of a project, the team is usually much more motivated than in later stages, when concept art becomes less important and debugging is the main worry... : Like Michael Abrash (ID software) once said: "When you are done with 90% of the game, you find that you need to work on the other 90%"

Back to the topic: if we consider that Nihilant was under the Combine's control (like Breen was), it's quite possible that the combine had already captured a large number of xen individuals, including headcrabs, vortigaunts and even a bigmomma. It would explain why Xen sometimes looked a bit deserted, in decadence. They probably experimented with headcrabs and that's why we see other species in HL2... :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 17:00:18 UTC
in London Post #120663
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 16:47:50 UTC
in London Post #120659
How can you actually prohibit thinking
Right now I'm free to think whatever I please, without having to yell it out loud in the streets so people know. Are you referring to freedom of speech or something similar?
I think freedom ends when you are messing with someone else's freedom. For example, I dont think a guy who tells people that women should be badly treated can be allowed to freely express himself, causing others to follow. When this happens, his freedom of speech interferes with more important matters.
It's the same story all over again. You dont go around insulting people because you can hurt their feelings... oh wait!, I can insult everyone since I have freedom to express myself!!! ... :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 12:55:10 UTC
in London Post #120624
I understand.
It's something similar to the gmail engine reading through your emails and then displaying advertisements they think you will find interesting.
Or something like what we can see in "Minority Report", in which commercial posters react to each passer-by taking information from a database (triggered by eye recognition if I remeber well...)

This isnt good (well, it could be useful sometimes) and would benefit big corporations, that's for sure. But I still find it very hard to beleive that they need to use terrorism and death to impose this security/spying elements
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 11:21:53 UTC
in London Post #120589
? I didnt say ID cards, I said national identification document, which is something I have in my country and in no way displays any private information about me. It has no microchips or anything like that, it just serves the purpose of proving if I really am who I say I am...

by the way, there's something awfully wrong here:
Monitoring everyones movement, conversations and even thoughts is a sick deprecation (sp?) of our private rights.
Taking people's lifes away is sicker than all the above mentioned. The first right or liberty of any kind should be the right to live. I dont want to be monitored or investigated, but I would welcome measures that prevent death. Even so, I still think the best way to fight terrorism and "new world orderism" is fighting ignorance through education. Agreed?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 10:33:55 UTC
in London Post #120567
If it was really a setup, they would've managed for the terrorists to be from the very heart of the Afghan or Iraqi Al Qaeda, thus supporting the idea of "Fighting terrorism abroad".
On the contrary, if the terrorists were contracted inside the nation, it could support the idea of creating a "fear everyone around you" atmosphere that would lead to tighter security, ID cards etc. But there's no official word about those measures yet, is there?
I was even more surprised to hear today on the news that there was no official national identification card in Britain, which was one of the things that made identification of bodies take so much longer than it did in Madrid. :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-13 09:23:55 UTC
in London Post #120561
As I expected, the attacks were done by casual citizens affected by the brainwashing effects of the jihad crap.
No room here for conspiracy theories. Very unlikely that the leaders of the New World Order contacted these young people to commit such horrible acts.

The situation is very similar to the one in Spain, with the added fact that the London terrorists made an attack against the land who saw them being born.
What a bunch of ungrateful and murderous pieces of **

(by the way, if the government wanted to use terrorism as a means of psycologically affecting people, they wouldnt have prevented the press from releasing images of dead bodies etc.)