It does kind of makes me angry that this is happening. Yes, there has been a recent 'onslaught' of n00bish maps in the vault. It is very irritating I know to go into the forums and seeing 'My box doesn't work'. I think the best way to combat this is, when you click on 'General Mapping Questions' a new page comes up, almost like terms of service kind of thing. Saying 'Before you start a new thread asking a question search the forums', 'Look at tutorials', 'Visit Tommy14's page to check the definition of your errors' etc. And maybe a 'Don't Show this message again' thing next to accept so we dont have to read it everytime.
I do think we need a filter of maps in the vault. A CS vault, And a beginners, and Better mappers vault. And a limit of maps. 1-2 a week? If they make more than that, it is obvious they are not spending much time on their maps, so they shouldnt be posting them anyway. An amount of threads that can be started each day - 3 sounds enough to me.
And when a new member is created, maybe have a form thing there. How long have you been mapping? A week, A Month = Give link to tutorials, and say this is a must read for all new mappers. 6 Months-More = Link to Map Vault.
Tell people to ask in IRC or post problem vault instead of always starting new threads.
In the Map Vault. Have in LARGE, BOLD font DO NOT POST YOUR FIRST MAP. If anyone does post their first map, and they say it in their comments, the map should be deleted and an email sent to the author explaining why.
I do think that the more experienced (you know who you are) should start posting their best work in the map vaults. And post their best work in progress in the unfinished. This should change the flow of n00bish maps in the vault, and it might give the new mappers an impression of what quality maps should be posted in the map vault.
I really hope we can get this fixed. I only recently (well not that recently) discovered this site. I only very recently became an active member in the forums and IRC. I would hate to see this die.
This is a message to all mappers getting 1-2 stars. Spend time making your maps. Put a whole lot of effort into one map for a while. After a whole lot of effort, when you think its a fantastic map and it couldnt get much better, you should post it. Good maps can be made in a week, if you are a quick mapper. Fantastic maps take lots of time. Be aware of that.
No offence to Floater619, But at one stage, after 4 days, he had 5 maps! 5 maps in 4 days? Fantastic maps take time. This is in no way aimed at Floater, as he has deleted his maps and has assured us that he will only post quality maps.
I really hope this helps.