Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 14:52:54 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87298
And since you Spanish killed many millions of innocent people, and tortured and enslaved the rest, when you invaded the Americas for gold, I find it odd that you, with so much blood on your hands...
The Spanish killed millions? sure, thousands of trillions. Ask yourself why there are indian people in South America but almost none are left in North America LOL. It's because the Spanish mixed with the people they conquered, instead of wiping them out or putting them in Indian reserves... dont make me laugh!!
By the way, those Spanish have nothing to do with me. My ancestors didnt know how to read and were growing watermelons at that time ;)Only the rich went to conquer stuff (which is what is happening today by the way)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 08:27:30 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87231
what are THEY doing to make the world better?
Well, the death of at least 15.500 civilians since the war begun is hardly what I call "making the world better" No freedom should be placed above the freedom of life
c'est la verit
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 06:11:35 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #87208
It may be so... lets just hope it doesnt end like the game did :zonked: I'm not giving any more details :lol: And what I said in my last post wasnt a spoiler, you get that info in the first minute of gameplay ;)
This subject has also been recently used in films, like Matrix or Minority Report.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 21:08:04 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #87086
there's a lot of info in
they offered thousands of dollars to people who could prove their info was wrong, but I'm afraid all those rumors are true... :zonked:

Since this is a Half-life related site, we must mention that this resembles what Dr Breen does in the game. Gain power, convince people its for the best and restrain their civil rights...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 13:06:38 UTC
in Compile problem? & Scientist Voice Post #86678
The first problem happens when you dont have an info_player_start in your map, at least it happened to me when I began my mapping quest...

About the scientist voices, I have no idea about that. I made some custom sentences for a mod I was working on and managed to talk like them, no kidding :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 14:44:54 UTC
in Skybox related enquiry Post #86345
In HL2, you can make a separate skybox and fill it with mountains, building props, etc. The source SDK tutorials explained this quite well

Theoretically, you can make your map look huge using this technique, and it's also very performance-wise.
If using a skybox, your map should be lit by a Light_enviroment entity. You can also add an env_sun entity, but that's just eye candy
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 23:25:08 UTC
in How do I open the actual levels? Post #86015
well, I had to figure out by myself how to do scripting sequences. The example trainstation vmf is very confusing and takes ages to load
I always have the impression that half the entities valve uses are not really neccesary... :
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 11:42:38 UTC
in HL2 scripted sequences Post #85859
I'll take a look, thx
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 09:44:42 UTC
in HL2 scripted sequences Post #85849
I have begun a single player map for HL2 (about time...), but I cant seem to get scripting sequences to work. The new input/output system is giving me a headache. Triggers are working fine (lights turning on and off, doors opening etc) but NPCs are keen on ignoring any instructions...
Does anyone know of any good tutorials on this? the SDK information doesnt give detail on the behaviour of NPCs... HL1 was so much simpler...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-25 13:34:47 UTC
in 2 small questions Post #85660
1)I dont know what special sound you wish to use, but editing materials.txt in the sound directory might help you.
The instructions on how to use it are inside the file.
(Maybe you need to extract this file if it's in a pak file)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-23 21:04:02 UTC
in space skybox... Post #85389
Maybe using a black texture and adding dustmotes that dont move
Bryce is so cool. I used to render lots of stuff with the Bryce4 demo. The problem was that they didnt let you save the things you made...
I quit using bryce when I compiled my first HL map sometime in 2001 :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-23 20:56:07 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #85387
post a picture of... myself?
I think some can be found in the maps Mr_e, Punishment & Kaspergmap...
The eye in my avatar is in fact my real eye (I have two of those)
I tend to look younger than I am. Well, that's one of the things you get with inmortality. LOL
I'm older than 19 and younger than 21 :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-22 22:47:15 UTC
in space skybox... Post #85152
so many things were easier in HL1 mapping... I dont think there's an outer space texture :(
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-22 09:33:56 UTC
in 2 questions about r_speeds Post #85029
like you guys said, I think that wpolys are affected by the number of texels visible, and not by the pixel dimensions of the texture. A wall with a 32x32 texture will have the same wpolys as a wall with a 128x128 texture, the only important number is the scale with which it's applied. Textures with bigger pixel dimensions have the advantage of displaying more info and the texture looks less repetitive. But it will still be blurry if stretched, just like any other
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-17 15:02:16 UTC
in Rimrook, put your maps back up Post #84300
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-17 14:39:25 UTC
in Rimrook, put your maps back up Post #84296
Mmm, I no longer have any of his maps in my computer (I used to have the castle, the beach and gyradell)...
I knew about the reflecting floor technique long ago, and I know there are plenty of tutorials about it. But the ones I had seen were with full reflection or glow reflection. I hadnt tried to use a fading texture before I saw Castle Rimrook :|
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-17 14:10:37 UTC
in Rimrook, put your maps back up Post #84290
Kasperg will never leave TWHL :D He doesnt need to enter a Day of Defeat community to feel at peace with himselft and the rest of the world...
Some weeks ago, Rimrook taught me how he did his reflecting floor effect in Castle Rimrook, so that knowledge is not lost.
I have no plans to remove my 20 maps from the vault. On the contrary, I plan on increasing that number, hopefully completing a huge laberynth map plenty of easter eggs and secrets. It'll be fun to see who beats it first!! (read my diary for info on that)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-16 17:52:00 UTC
in The scale of Half-Life 2 Post #84192
I use hammer in my university proyects and as such I have needed to build my maps using the correct scale. The height of Barney, scientists and other models are not arbitrary in any way. So if you want a table to appear to be 1 meter tall, you have to make it 40 units high.
While the player dimensions are useful, I dont agree with that comment on the tutorial "1 unit doesn't really equal anything" If it didnt equal anything, it would be pointless to have it there in the first place :)

I'm just answering Ichtyosaur's question. I've recreated actual buildings using 40 units as a meter, and it works fine.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-16 17:31:29 UTC
in The scale of Half-Life 2 Post #84187
I meant 40 units, and this time I know I'm right :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-16 08:16:04 UTC
in The scale of Half-Life 2 Post #84114
48 half-life units are 1 meter in real life
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-11 09:12:53 UTC
in Map show case! Post #83158
that would be a great way for people to know which ones are worth the download.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-10 22:12:37 UTC
in Last level of hl2 Post #83111
In the last level of HL2, Wallace Breen was talking to this creature:
Is this some kind of combine leader? an equivalent of Nihilanth? It sure looks weird... we might see more of these guys in HL3, which will be sometime in 2010... LOL
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-09 04:41:10 UTC
in Last level of hl2 Post #82754
It could have been a bit more challenging... (me remembers boss fights in HL1 and Op4)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 20:21:46 UTC
in Is the next compo HL2? Post #81937
As Radib said, mapping for hl2 is about the same as HL1 but with much more options regarding detail and atmosphere. Still, I think the compos should remain in HL1 for a while since I suspect every member of twhl has the old game and it runs well on every machine... Plus, I think that working with our custom WAD files is still easier than making new materials for the source engine (making nice looking 512x512 textures isnt exactly easy in my opinion)
does anyone agree?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-14 20:31:44 UTC
in How to push them r_speeds to the limit.. Post #78387
Just remember that r_speeds represent what the engine is rendering, not just what you see while playing... Layout and VIS blocks take care of these problems, but of course there's nothing we can do about it in big rooms or open spaces. The HL engine just wasnt designed to handle that type of scenarios, unfortunately for all of us. So the best way to control r_speeds begins with being less ambitious in what we try to map... HL2 seems to handle much more detail and open areas, but loading times are horrible... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 09:31:58 UTC
in valve HL2 mapping competition Post #76396
So strategic weapon placement is still important...
When making the map for the compo, we have to remember that the placing of weapons and spawn points dictates how the gameplay will flow. It's not just about the layout or architecture.
If you guys remember the area in front of the Crossfire bunker in HLDM, there were no spawn points. That made it a less visited place, and players only went through it to get into the bunker, press a little button and we know the rest... BOOM :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 08:27:32 UTC
in valve HL2 mapping competition Post #76386
There wont be a trial run of my contest map in the vault... you'll just have to wait to get it in a February STEAM update if I win, hehehe
I still cant play HL2, CS:S or HL2DM because of my dvd drive.
Can anyone that's played HL2DM tell me what is the thing they like the most about it?
I've been looking at the example vmf dm_lockdown, mapping has changed a lot... full of prop_statics and env_cubemaps... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-03 12:58:39 UTC
in valve HL2 mapping competition Post #76135
I'm gonna make my best map ever for this compo. This time it wont be a 5 day project like some of my maps in the vault. It's gonna be something special, and gameplay/layout cant be overlooked
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 19:06:49 UTC
in what will u map when hl2 comes out? Post #61040
When HL2 comes out, I'll make a very big multiplayer map, depending on the new features we are offered. I'd like to make good use of water reflections, and push the r_speeds to higher standards (Terrain, trees, curved walls...)
I don't really know the theme of the map yet, and there's that problem with texture making (now you have to make materials)
Overall, it'll be a nice experiment. I do have a question: HL2 maps will surely have larger file sizes than HL1. Will TWHL increase the file size for the uploads, or will we all have to get maps from external links? :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 06:43:44 UTC
in Recreating First Maps Post #41253
My first map was my school, and since the objective was to make the school (not a playable deathmatch map) the r_speeds jumped to 1800 or so wpoly. I'm pretty sure that's the way it was meant to be, since HL doesnt like big outdoor areas (you could see about 8 classrooms from the soccer field)
The scale and texturing could be very improved, of course, since back then I made doorways twice as tall as the player or something like that :confused: