Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 07:36:26 UTC
in automatic doors? Post #28737
just make another trigger brush at the top of the elevater so when you walk towards the elev. door it opens, simple way. another way is when you trigger the elevator to go up make a multi manager with the same target name, and have it trigger the doors after the elevater goes up, time it and put in a delay time.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 07:30:04 UTC
in Cameras Post #28735
Is it possible to have a camera hold until it is triggered off?
I am thinking of doing a mod similiar to The Resident Evil games.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 07:27:58 UTC
in SunBeam W/Env_beam Post #28734
There is now a map in the example maps vault--check it out!
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 11:21:01 UTC
in Sky changing (light and dark) Post #28627
this Is'nt as hard as it sounds all you do is open the skys tga files in wally, now click on the lighten/darken tool, and color the skies, to make new ones-but darker ones, now save these.

Now with the new skies created just make a loading point in your map to load another map, this time it will load the other map with the new sky
or if you'd like---The Same Sky, Only darker.

If you don't now how to use the newly created skys, just put them
in the "valve/gfx/env" file, or in "yourmods/gfx/env" file

If you put the skys in your mods folder:

You will create a map with Hammer but when compiled it will not go in, it will just crash.. But don't worry this is because the sky is not in the valves folder--just your mods.

Instead try compiling your map With the "Dont Run Map"Box Checked.

Now load up half-life with this at the end of the target field

" -game yourmodfolder +map yourmapname"

In my case it would be

"-game BJ +map map1"

Now your sky will load fine because It is looking in your mods directory
(-game yourmodfolder) and there you have it.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 07:42:08 UTC
in I need an Appropriate song Post #28596
Can you change mp3's and other sound files into .wav files with this program Zombie?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 07:40:34 UTC
in A leak that is non existing Post #28595
Well If you do not have a leak then make sure you have a box around your level as a sky, and make sure you have lights in your level-no lights cause it also to go on fullbright.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 07:35:02 UTC
in sunbeams Post #28592
Sorry I don't have the Env_beam posted let, I was running late and never had time to copy it to a floppy, or bring my laptop to school.

(I still am unable to connect at home)

but I must say I am having trouble with it, I never thought it would be so hard to make a sunbeam this way. Well it works great with tank or car headlites. anyways- It WILL be posted tomorrow.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 07:30:35 UTC
in path_corner... Post #28591
It wouldn't be that hard to fake it, Just make an invisible button, so when the elevater moves up with the button(part of the elevator) the button will then end up sitting on top or in the invisible button- get the button to also trigger an ambient_generic, to make it sound more real. and walla---
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 12:54:51 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #28066
Well, Team Fortress
Command+Conquer(lol captainP)
and um more tfc...

Thats All I Play
every second
  of every hour
 of Every day
Of Every week
 of every month
of every year
--Anyways You get my point.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 12:09:10 UTC
in Model Creater Post #28061
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 12:07:57 UTC
in sunbeams Post #28060
Well, it will be in the example maps tomorrow- you gotto see it to believe it, its better to use for headlites, but it works good for sun beams... but the sun beam I create starts out strong (where the light enters the room) and then fades out as it gets closer to the ground
but it looks good. so you don't actually see the sunbeam hitting the floor
but I'm sure you can easily fix it.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 07:35:46 UTC
in Model Creater Post #28005
Where do I get the HLMC?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 07:28:10 UTC
in sunbeams Post #28004
No no use an env_beam, which remindes me-- I'll post an example map tomorrow showing a great beam effect using the env_beam
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 07:36:43 UTC
in Sky Post #27638
Hey I was wondering..,
Why is it not possible to rotate a sky (tieing the skybox to a "func_rot"),
The closest thing I can do to make a sky look real is add
some sprites for clouds--??????
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 07:34:19 UTC
in Cannot find map..... Post #27342
Click on the Start Menu, and Find, Find Files/Folders. Search For

If your map name is long, check this example:
Map Name: Unbreakable.bsp
Search Key: Unbrea~1.bsp

ok, once found make sure it is in your Half-Life, vALVE, Maps directory.
If doesnot work Try this

Another way to check this is to right click on the half-life icon and add
this to the end of the target line " +map yourmap.bsp

anyways if its not there then check your worldcraft/hammer Setup guide(found on this site in the tutorials) and make sure you have the correct folder that the compiled maps are to be placed in (described above)

If none of this happened, and your bsp files are all in the correct locations/directories, then copy and paste your map into a new map and recompile, using a short and to the point name like- map1.bsp
Anyways gotto go, times up.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 13:49:55 UTC
in Lighting Problem Post #26963
lol, seventh.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 13:48:14 UTC
in reflections Post #26962
Did you ever see how people used env_beams for headlights, If you want I can do an example map and show you it, Its pretty neat and looks alot realer, the env_beam even fades out the farther away from the light source, its perfect for stuff like that, here I get an example map in sometime soon..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 12:54:47 UTC
in reflections Post #26946
I think Pepper did a good job with it, just one thing, I think He should have used env_beams for his light beam, But other than that, It pretty amazing and cool.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 12:41:27 UTC
in total noob here Post #26945
Get Worldcraft(I think Its easier to work with for newbies) If you have the original half-Life game then its in the directorys. Just pop in the CD
Go to My computer and Right click on your CD drive, and click open this will open up the directories in Half-Life instead of the game-Click on Worldcraft then Install, And Walllaa. Oh but there is one bug which is som...(well for me that is)anyways, sometimes when you get all the configuration setup correctly and it loads the new map it will freeze up, dont worry though, this can easily be fixed, this is caused because of your Hardware Accellerator, it works to hard on something so easily to load that it jams and freezes up, to fix this you Click the Start Menu, Settings, control Panel.
A window will appear, Click on the settings Icon, And under one of the Tabs You'll see Graphic options Click this and Change the setting from the highest point (-full Accelleration)to the lowest. Anyway yep try worldcraft to get used of the controls and options.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 07:41:42 UTC
in Lighting Problem Post #26904
Oh and you should also use the new light.rad file, or edit it yourself, it is very straight forward, Just open the lights.rad file (in your worldcraft directory) you'll know what to do. Or search it on Google.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 11:38:38 UTC
in Topic Post #26633
monster_generics, monster_furniture, and cyclers?
What are there differences?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 11:19:02 UTC
in reflections Post #26631
How does that work with the sky, Say I wanted to create a lake,do you just take the "skynameup.tga" and make it into a texture?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 07:23:59 UTC
in Visblocking... Post #26614
Thanks guys--- Oh and 7thMonkey, I know where you add the -full command, Im not a newbie, just a beginner. lol. Anyways yep thanks.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 10:56:59 UTC
in surprised Post #26497
Just Do a search(find files or folders) "mapname.bsp"
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 07:41:36 UTC
in Visblocking... Post #26446
What is it?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 07:37:26 UTC
in how do i c me Post #26443
I don't think its possible... anybody else?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 07:26:18 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26439
Ya okay, Im at school right now but I'll email it to you tomorrow, thanks alot, yer a great help. I'll put my subject as something commin, Probably just MikesIcon. Just so you know its me.(I usually delete people I don't know, I I thought you would to.) Ok well thanks again.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 14:22:16 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26319
Here try it yourself-

1. Right click on desktop
2. Put the same targetname as half-lifes in it and add your mods name
-([Target] -game ____)
3. Now once finished open paint and make a rather small square bitmap
for your icon, once done..
4. Click "Save As" And save it as "example.ico"

5. Now you have created your icon, one last step, Open the shortcut(completed in step 1 and 2) and click change icon, and there you go,, my problem,

try rebooting your computer, you will now notice that your custom icon has taken itself off of your Shortcut, Oh and thanks for the install programs they work great. What I need Is for them to stay like when you left it before rebooting..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 13:57:24 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26313
Icon Image
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 11:14:56 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26295
Well To do this you will need alot of multimanagers
You can have the button, then the trigger on the button, and then an invisible func_walltoggle over the trigger, So when you hit one button(trigger) It triggers the func_walltoggle of so you can press the other button, and, errrrr well take it from there its way to complex for me, and mind boggling, although it can be done, I just don't have the time to explain it.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 11:05:09 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26293
Yes I know how its done. And I get it done, but when i reboot the icon is gone.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 07:33:11 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26277
Ok I made a custom Icon For my Mod "Blind Justice"
And It worked fine, and looked good, so I kept it. And shut my computer down but then When I re-booted it my custom Icon was gone.
where'd it go? does anybody know?

Oh and is there a way I can create an Install shield that will install my mod into the half-life folder and put the icon on the desktop. This would be good so that people could click on the Icon on the desktop, and see the starting Movies. (If they were to loaded half-life up and chose to "create game" they'd miss the beginning. so yep.)
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 11:16:36 UTC
in Photography spree Post #25928
My Damn Wicked Computer:

[img]g:My Picturesmycomputer.jpg[/img]
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 11:06:37 UTC
in My Website Post #25927
Hello, OK heres the question,
I've made a webpage at geocities(actually Its still in the making)
And When I try to edit my profile I dont have enough space to write it in... I guess it is a pretty long thing though, Its

But how can I put it in my profile, I want to change the name It is too long and kind of stupid, but ohwell, I'll do that later.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 07:25:08 UTC
in lights.rad Post #25888
Ok where do you put the lights.rad file if you are not using ZHLT's??
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 11:07:36 UTC
in My sinking vroom Post #25765

Ya that makes sents- sorry.
Hehehe- I'll be laughing at that for months,
ehem, anyways-- sorry.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 11:05:57 UTC
in lights.rad materials.txt sky Post #25764
What do you mean You can see other places through your sky???
...Man, you have to surround your entire level with a hollowed sky brush.
not half of it. (lol)
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 07:38:26 UTC
in My sinking vroom Post #25750
you can fit in it, sounds like a pretty big car. try using

Tie the car to a func_train.
Use Path_corners for its placement
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 07:36:23 UTC
in Where do i find the sky texture ?? Post #25749
(or ___.tga's --lol) anywhos...
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 07:26:59 UTC
in Foxbot Post #25748
hahahaha, yur absolutley right- thanks for the link - lol.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 14:15:13 UTC
in Foxbot Post #25663
hehe-lol, anyways anyone else???

(Oh and Its just a bot so I can play TFC offline)
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 14:11:14 UTC
in breakable blow up door Post #25658
Sounds Good
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:51:55 UTC
in Foxbot Post #25646
Sorry, I know I must have post a thousand topics called foxbot, But I feel I almost got it, know, does any body know what this means and how do I fix it.

"Can't get DLL API"

When i load foxbot it crashes tfc and thats what it says- so please anyhelp or suggestions. Thanks again.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:49:44 UTC
in Those cool windows? Post #25645
Thanks- you are the greatest.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:41:21 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #25642
Exactly, Where the hell would we be without it,
They Where extremely smart to have thought of us creating our own mods, And it IsFUN AS HELL THANKS TO VALVE.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:38:13 UTC
in Those cool windows? Post #25639
Hellllloooooo, I hate this, everytime I post something to an old forum, It always becomes ignored. I need help^^
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:36:55 UTC
in breakable blow up door Post #25637
What you need to do is get a func_render to make the func_breakable dissapear and another to make the Func_door to appear, once done then when you go to trigger the func_render, say you walk up to the door and press use to open it, it will trigger a multi_manager that will trigger the door to open, then 10 seconds after(ex.) make the multi-manager trigger the two Func_render, (which will make the Func_door dissapear and the Func_breakable appear, Then make the multimanager also trigger the func_breakable to explode(say 12 sec. after the multimanager was first triggered), And thats that. easy as pie.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 07:43:09 UTC
in Those cool windows? Post #25563
Can't you just explain how you did it Seventh? Because thats very interesting, I've tried to do that a million times. Its probably something simple that Im missing. errr. So please-how the hellll...

Oh and ya, my internetcrashed(literally, My Modem[Its destroyed]) and I cant download anything or upload anything, so its a very big disadvantage, I gotto get it fixed asap, im going insane.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 07:36:03 UTC
in Size of map in Hammer Post #25560
yes, I agree with zombie, Why would you want a room, as big as 4064x""
its kinda stupid, your computer would probably freeze up.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 07:33:14 UTC
in umm crashing question again? Post #25558
I don't think your going to be able to fix this problem, because you already compiled the error, your map will always have many errors now,
I think what you should do Is copy your map,(without the skybox) and paste it in a new map, then compile and run it. It will work, after its compiled, then try putting your skybox around the level...

Oh and for those looking to use the SvenCoop skys, they can be found in the Svencoop/gfx/env folder. Just make a knew folder in the valve/gfx directory, (env). Anyways you guys probably already know that, But its for the newbs.
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