Its terrible not having broadband, a 56k now a-day's can get you to surf the web, there is no way that your going to play newer games online with a 56k, and thats that. People really have some bad stories... Worst thing that happened to me was that I broke me arm roller bladding, and thats just simple breakage, it just got all swelled up. Actually it was just a fracture. Oh wait theres one more thing,
- When I was like 6 I was running out of a store in a mall, not like an actual one- just a bunch of stores lined up together outside, and a kid on his bike was flying down and ran over me. I had a two inch long gash in my leg that went all the way down to the bone. Judging by the scar it left it was about a cm wide.
You fell three meters and blacked out? Isnt a meter like a foot and a half? Unless you went like head first I am suprised you would black out... Course I'm sure I am wrong about the conversion of meters to feet so...