Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 12:15:43 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #70095
Two deers were out flying and one of them had a donut in his eye.
The other deer said to him, "Why do you have a donut in your eye?"
The first one responded with "What? I can't hear what you're saying, I have a donut in my eye"

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 17:00:48 UTC
in bad surface extents Post #69914
Excerpt of Tommy14 half-lifes errors:
This is typically caused by having extremely large scales on faces, (typically "stretching" far above 10, usually 100+). Otherwise it almost always shows up on a 'check for problems' in Worldcraft as a 'texture axis perpendicular to face' error.
If you are using a newer version of Zoner's compile tools, the name of the texture, what # brush/# entity is involved, the coordinates of the problem face, and the amount of scaling should all be listed to make it easier to find and fix.

If the numbers given include a 0, such as 16345/0, it often (but not always) means the texture has gone perpendicular to the face. This usually is a result of rotating the brush, clipping, carving, hollowing or vertex manipulation, remember where you did that and you may find it faster.
If it is numbers like 3456/2 or 3/532 then it usually means a stretching texture problem. These often come from "fitting" a texture to a brush, especially thin brushes like signs or doors. Then a texture may get shrunk too far also, so do not go below 0.1 for scale or over 10 for scale, either causes frequent problems.
If the editor cannot find it for you, using the Big block elimination method or the cordon tool may be you best bet to figuring this out, unless you want to start ripping your level apart....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 14:43:31 UTC
in Just take a quick look Post #69886
Get a real fucking webhost man, they're cheap!
1$/month should get you something reliable!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 14:07:49 UTC
in /me usage Post #69882
Scar? He's kewl :o
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 13:41:41 UTC
in A4 paper, the world's explorer.. Post #69878
And here I was looking forward to the annual tree-bashing :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 10:17:04 UTC
in A4 paper, the world's explorer.. Post #69818
Do it again with A3 and i'm almost sevvy.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-26 14:50:15 UTC
in Congrats Seventh-Monkey! Post #69584
Schroet Kommando. Noob.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-26 14:20:15 UTC
in whats the diference?! Post #69579
It's not more popular.
I mean, 95% of the computer users out there doesn't even know there's a thing called Linux.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-26 10:48:48 UTC
in Congrats Seventh-Monkey! Post #69542
What about shroet kommando, the worlds best clan?

Yes, yes, they're swedish.
Sweden -
We rule j00!!11
Anyway, davideo go on IRC and i'll kick your ass anyday.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 17:23:52 UTC
in Hacking poll Post #69346
G_KID: Nope, no hacks no, don't wanna get meh vac banned.

I was using hacks for a short period of time back in the 1.5 days.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 17:22:38 UTC
in Non rotating gun Post #69344
Pitch: range, rate and tolerance to 0
Yaw: Range rate and tolerance to 0

Should beef the jerky if you know what I mean.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 17:18:06 UTC
in Hacking poll Post #69343
yes, yes i have.
It was funny. Some guy on the mic was like "OMG H4XX0R NOOB MOMMY". o/

I had wallhacks, aimbots, multihacks all sorts of shit.
Coloured models, big-red-dot hacks, speed hacks, you name it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 17:16:31 UTC
in Good things that happened Post #69341
gman couldnt access twhl before...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 16:38:44 UTC
in Photography Post #69323
[u]dont use[/u]
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 15:48:57 UTC
in Congrats Seventh-Monkey! Post #69302
Meh, this forum's got all the mods it needs.

And "your clan forum" is hardly a merit - your clan sucks.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 14:02:20 UTC
in Congrats Seventh-Monkey! Post #69283
Stop putting :lol: in all your posts, it's annoying. :lol: .

Seventh: I'll "Peal" your "banana" for moderatorshipness.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 13:43:22 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69271
<@Seventh-Monkey> RETRIEVE IT
<@Seventh-Monkey> sub-mission: seduce gina
- later -
<@Seventh-Monkey> terrorists plan to hold Gordon's ladyfriend hostage
- later -
The MonQey spam spree, by ZombieLoffe

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 13:32:08 UTC
in Photography Post #69268
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:06:39 UTC
in Hey guys Post #68925
Kind words, kind words, but keep non-mapping stuff to the (excellently named) stuff forum ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 16:39:22 UTC
in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Post #68919
I'd guess she's googling for "Male priest bondage gay intercourse"...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 13:48:54 UTC
in /me usage Post #68866
And [img] :o:o:o:s:s:s:s:x:x:x:x:(:(:(etc
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 12:04:47 UTC
in Image posts Post #68840
Someone posted loads of tubgirl :P
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 11:39:17 UTC
in What program... Post #68826
Seventh getting pissed at newbs I see :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 10:48:00 UTC
in Good things that happened Post #68810
Good things...
Lets see now...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 07:26:44 UTC
in Post #68753
mcmitcho the site was known long before you mentioned it >_<
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 06:39:55 UTC
in Where?... Post #68529
Posted on 07 Jun 03 at 16:18:43 by Seventh-Monkey

Old skool leetness :
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 09:17:48 UTC
in complie problem i think. Post #68306
Oh right, I thought you were saying the run ->
$path/half-life/hl.exe +map mapname -console -dev
thingy. Apologies from me.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 09:14:13 UTC
in complie problem i think. Post #68303
Meh, if you want it alittle easier, jsut start Half-life (make sure you have -console enabled), go into the console and type 'Map mapname'
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 09:30:00 UTC
in Celebrate! Post #67896
Joined: 25th October 2003 (362 days ago)
Hello ZombieLoffe! This is your 2260th login.
On saturday, f(r)iends.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 09:26:35 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #67894
How about getting win2k?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 16:22:29 UTC
in Post #67680
Do not ask how to get past level [insert number here] , if you can't figure it out, you're not skilled enough.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 16:03:15 UTC
in Post #67678
G_KID: View -> Page source in most browser...
God, how can you not know this?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:39:22 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67610
Password protected, my ass.

I suggest having a op who doesn't have a life, sits on irc all day and rarely sleeps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:18:12 UTC
1. Install half-life (not steam).
2. Install steam.
3. Update your half-life to steam.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:17:13 UTC
in =D Post #67424
  • arse.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:16:16 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67423
If not Skeeve can do it / has time, ask seventh or anthony, both fairly regular (not as regular as me hum) and good men.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:14:49 UTC
in Post #67422
I got to level 4, but that's TEH M4X FOR ME CUZ I SUXX!!11
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 14:32:42 UTC
in Fun IRC Log... :D (pigs....) Post #67364
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 14:30:40 UTC
in hl2 gone gold Post #67362

Fucking idiot...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 02:45:43 UTC
in another game Post #67216
Hush, little girl - sweet baby dont cry tonight.
Daddy is here and he'll sing you a song, lullaby, tonight.
why can't it all be like it was before?
How can I explain why mommy's not here anymore?
Cause daddy likes porno and ten dollar whores, daddy gets wasted and robs liquor stores, daddy likes rubbing against little boys at the bus - I think that's why your mommy left us...
Mommy left us...

Hush little girl - there is no reason to fret tonight.
Dont mind the smoke - daddy just wants to forget tonight
Soon it will all be like it was before...
Any minute she will walk through the front door...

But daddy plays poker and drinks lots of beer, daddy wants sex that involves mommys rear, daddy has sores on his naughty parts using with puss, I think thats why mommy left us...

Pleaaasseee dotn cry..
I sweeeaar ill try
to beee here by your side

Right after daddy gets home from the bar, visits his bookie, and steals a new car, he'll drive to the stripper, and if daddy plays his cards right he'll bring home your new mommy tonight...

Ladaida ladidadida etc etc

Steven Lynch - Lullaby
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 17:41:02 UTC
in Mapping HL2. Post #67141
/me has Hammer 4.

Nimbus built a rocket car with it, claims it works, I haven't checked it out though.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 17:32:51 UTC
in another game Post #67140
your mother smells like cheese
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 15:21:45 UTC
in =D Post #67112
oh my fucking god, OMFG isn't a word.

Ministeve took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 15:13:09 UTC
in g-mail Post #67110
Blah, I want gmail, but all the cheap fuckers I know have it are to fucking gay to invite me :x
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 14:27:41 UTC
in func_train problem Post #67089
Render modes..?
No idea, tbh, upload it to the vault.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 06:55:59 UTC
in Firing rate tweaking...HOW?????? Post #67033
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 20:38:38 UTC
in Half-Life co-op??? Post #66985
svencoop - for all your half-life coop needs