Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2020-05-27 14:46:46 UTC
in My Old HL Maps wont start Properly Post #344311
Thanks guys, theyre loading fine now. i dont know what was wrong before, but all good now. Thanks!!
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-26 20:47:11 UTC
in My Old HL Maps wont start Properly Post #344308
They are Half-Life single player maps. I don't think the enemies spawned either.
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-26 18:52:54 UTC
in My Old HL Maps wont start Properly Post #344303
Hi, I made HL and TFC maps many years ago as RacerX (Came in 2nd on an old real world mapping compo). I wanted to show my kid the map, but when i run it, it doesn't start you in the HEV suit, like it used to, and you cant pick it up. The same thing happens in my Warehouse map. Is there a way to fix this?

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:00:45 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #46585
Thank you Seventh, Captain, Andy, and everyone else. After looking at the links and messing around with some hint brushes I managed to get the r_speeds to drop around 100. Then after more experimenting, they went back up some. :confused: I think with some more experimenting I might be able to get them down where I need them. They werent that high over my limit to begin with.

Thanks again Seventh for taking a look at it. I appreciate it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 22:07:14 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #45715
Captain P, I read the article. Can a hint brush be used horizontaly or do the nodes automaticaly go from the ground to the sky when outside?

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 18:45:35 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #45632
Hey thanks a lot 7th. I sent you the map. Thanks everyone else for the comments and suggestions too. :)

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 17:12:12 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #45596
Hi, I've been making my first Half-Life map and want to keep my r_speeds under 1200 (wpoly). I've read some hint brush tuts, but dont seem to have the hang of it. I was wondering if someone who is good with hint brushes could take a look at my map and make some suggestions.

There are 2 spots where the r_speeds go a little above my 1200 mark, and when I use gl_wireframe 2, I see some stuff that I don't think should be rendered. I tried using hint brushes, but like I said I dont have the hang of it.

I would post the map in the vault, but I dont want anyone to see it until its done :D . I was hoping someone who is good with hint brushes would volunteer to have a look and I could give just you the map.

Here are a couple screens:
User posted image
User posted image
Thank you,
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 05:08:23 UTC
in Set up a trigger_once .. Post #45368
since a player can be blasted through the air pretty far, its better practice to make the trigger go from the floor to the ceiling. that way no matter what the player tries he will always hit the trigger at the exact same time in reference to his forward motion.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 05:02:44 UTC
in TFC startup item pickup textures Post #45365
set the "Model path/name.mdl (mdl)" parameter of the info_tfgoal to: "models/backpack.mdl".

you need to tell the info_tfgoal what model to display or it will be invisible as you found out. heres a tut that shows all the settings to use:

if you plan on making a tfc map you should definately join the these forums: and use tfmapped to find all your tfc answers. very few people here map for tfc, but everyone there does :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 00:09:34 UTC
in no light with a ~ texture Post #44238
did you have hammer open when you tried to edit the wad?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 00:02:20 UTC
in Resource files Post #44233