Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 00:22:42 UTC
in HL crashing :( Post #65301
did valve use scrolling textures for the end of hl in the train w/ the gman?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:47:59 UTC
in HL crashing :( Post #65134
is there one thats already in hl for that? the scroll texture for that ending sequence that is.

id rather not make my own in wally as im not to good with that program. never taken the time to learn it, i guess...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:22:15 UTC
in HL crashing :( Post #65127
Ok, so i have a map (duh) and everything compiles fine. Hammer automatically boots up hl so I can playtest the thing. I see the loading stuff in the console and then HL crashes. something about exception handling. Now, I was a bit confused because the complining went fine. I tested changing things in the map and discovered the problem was a func_train. If I deleted the func_train, the map would load in hl. If I left it in, it would still compile fine, but the game would crash. I even tried using different textures but still no luck. any ideas? Is it just my copy of hl? should I submit this as a problem map?

btw, Im using the func_train to simulate stars in warpspeed. Like in the end of hl with the gman in the blackmesa transit train thing. If some1 has a better idea how to accomplish this affect w/out using a func_train, thatd be great. Also, a func_tracktrain won't cut it because I need path_corners. path_track's dont have the flag for making things teleport to the next location.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 02:20:50 UTC
in crushing ceiling Post #63535
there also is a section in the original hl similar to this. look to that for inspiration, but i forget the exact map name. i think its the map directly b4 "Forget about Freeman"
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 00:06:54 UTC
in MODDING tutorials???????? Post #63040
However, if you do know c++ (if you don't bother reading on) i suggest

they've got some good stuff, but you need to have some programming experiance to understand it. :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-10 19:47:35 UTC
in face/world issues Post #58142
Ahhh, thx, negative scale will do teh trick :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-09 20:40:13 UTC
in face/world issues Post #57868
ok, so im texturing this shed thing, and one of the faces has both the world and face checkboxes ticked, and when I click on either one of those checkboxes, nothing happens; both boxes stay ticked. After exploring my map a little, I found a lot more textures like this. I think all of those problems happened on faces facing the same direction. any suggestions?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 19:25:46 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #57099
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 14:58:25 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #56994
o wait a second, im so stupid. i was under the impression that cs scale and hl scale is different. Is that correct, or are they the same? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 13:31:12 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #56976
yeah, i knew about that one, but as we all know, cs scale is slightly different, smaller.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 13:21:58 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #56974
Thx a lot people! this will definately help! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-05 22:48:50 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #56838
hey everyone!

Ok, ive worked on a few cs maps and they all dont look right because the scale is off. Could someone plz post a tut about cs scale (normal room height, player dimensions, etc.) similar to the other scale tut? I think it might be really helpful to the community in general. in the meantime, whats a regular wall height in cs? 96 units?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 19:01:01 UTC
in omg new hammer!! =D Post #56352
old, but still cool. its gonna be great with that entity i/o system :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-30 15:30:25 UTC
in texture man Post #55304
i found it!


the trick is to allign it tho ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-26 14:35:03 UTC
in extra bright textures Post #54283
hmmm.... i suppose that might work, ill give it a try
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-26 14:25:53 UTC
in extra bright textures Post #54277
i destinctly remember playing an ns map a long time ago where there was a pit of lava. The interesting thing is that it seemed extra bright. Know what I mean? I tried putting the min light level really high (above 1) but to no avail. Any insights into how that effect was created?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 15:17:44 UTC
in Texturing floor problem Post #53989
hmmm, do you have the wad included that have the texture that your using? if your just changing the texture of one object, i recommend using this process:

select the floor, hit the browse button, find the new texture you want on the floor, hit apply.

hope this helps
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 15:01:57 UTC
in more on func_illusionary's Post #53986
er...any comments about what it was intended for?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 14:39:16 UTC
in more on func_illusionary's Post #53971
one last question about func_illusionary's. theres an option about "contents." Theres empty and volumetric light. When I choose volumetric light, it acts as tho its a body of water. was this just not properly implemented into hl, or what? my theory is that it was supposed to act like water, but instead of fading to blue far away, it would fade to yellow, or watever. of course, you wouldnt be able to swim in it either, like you can do now. any thoughts?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 14:27:48 UTC
in toggle func_illusionarys? Post #53969
oh, also, is it possible for the env_render to target a multimanager that has 2 different targets within it? would the settings of the env_render get carried through to both of the multimanager's targets, or do i have to use 2 different renders?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 14:25:57 UTC
in toggle func_illusionarys? Post #53968
never used an env_render b4. So, i would set the func_illusionary's default settings to texture 255 (invisible). then, when i want it to be visible, i have my multimanager trigger the env_render, which changes the fx amount from 255 to, say, 130 (semi-transparent). Right?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 00:11:28 UTC
in Texturing floor problem Post #53753
when you hit "ok," do you mean you hit the "apply" button in the texture dialog box? Ive never heard of a problem like this
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-24 23:16:15 UTC
in Here is a easy one for you guys (i hope) Post #53742
read this tutorial to configure hammer correctly. it should work after you do everything here:

make sure to download zhlt, and use it in the "Build Programs" tab.

get zhlt here:
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-24 23:13:07 UTC
in toggle func_illusionarys? Post #53740
so, im making a map where i need to toggle func_illusionarys on/off. But, so far, no success. Im pretty sure theres a way to do this, however. Any help is appreciated :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-23 14:28:35 UTC
in Hello! (and a question) Post #53226, it works....

DOH! what a simple fix

hehe, thanks!
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-23 14:05:52 UTC
in Hello! (and a question) Post #53219
Hey all! Ive been mapping for a while, and been using TWHL as a resource quite often (ive posted as anonymous a few times) and decided to finally sign up. So, hello! Only one question for now. Have any of you noticed the bug in Hammer when your in Vertex Manipulation? If you accidently dont click directly on the point you want to manipulate, Hammer thinks you want to make a selection box. The problem is, whenever you return to the Vertex Manipulation tool, that selection box will stay there and you wont be able to manipulate the vertices. Whenever this happens all I can do is save, and restart Hammer. Any of you noticed this? :confused:
