Daubster has connected
<runs around, finds Hunter and 38_98 in the middle of a fight. Kills them both with teh crowbar and takes their wpns>
Daubster: pwned!!
The Hunter: lol
38_98: omg fag
<Goes to the central area, finds Boxtop camping with the egon>
<egon gun sound>
Boxtop <egon gun pic.> Daubster
SpaG <crowbar pic.> Boxtop
Mr.Yariv <snark pic.> SpaG
<snark pic.>Mr.Yariv
Boxtop: haha! i r 73h pwnz0rz0rz!! :@@
Daubster: i'll be back.
<spawns just in front of Hunter with a shotgun>
<double shotgun blast sound>
The Hunter <shotgun pic.> Daubster
Madcow <357 pic.> Boxtop
38_98 <9mm pic.> madcow
The Hunter <shotgun pic.> 38_98
The Hunter: LOL
Daubster: ><
38_98: wtf?
<spawns in the room with the egon, takes egon, takes tripmines, plants tripmines, camps in the building with the crossbow>
Daubster <egon pic.> 38_98
Daubster <egon pic.> The Hunter
Daubster <egon pic.> The Hunter
Daubster <egon pic.> Boxtop
<grabs a medkit>
Daubster <egon pic.> Mr.Yariv
Daubster <tripmine pic.> Mr.Yariv
Daubster <egon pic.> SpaG
Daubster <crossbow pic.> Madcow
Daubster: SO pwned!!!!

Madcow: lol
The Hunter:

38_98: liek..
SpaG: -.-
Boxtop: ...
Madcow <9mm pic.> Daubster


SpaG: Finally
Madcow: Yea
38_98 <9mmAR pic.> madcow
<spawns in the area with the crossbow, runs to the bridge with the gauss and the 9mmAR, grabs both>
Daubster <smg pic.> Mr.Yariv
Daubster <9mmAR pic.> SpaG
38_98 <crowbar pic.> Daubster
38_98 <crowbar pic.> The Hunter
Mr.Yariv <snark pic.> 38_98
Mr.Yariv: auh may godd
SpaG: ...
38_98: Haha! PWned!!
Daubster: pah

<Spawns on a tripmine>
madcow <tripmine pic.> Daubster
Daubster: Holy friggin crap! >:|

<spawns in the room with the egon...

And the game goes on...