Sorry, it seems like links are common on forums; but for some time now, I have made a attempt to make a living out of the game industry as an independent developer. And so I bring to you 3rd Age Games; a way to transfer my rough machine code into something I hope to get by with.
So for, I've built a simple 2D shoot 'em up called 'Fort Defender' (nope, it sucks before you ask) and have gave it away as part of a shareware package given away to small time publishers. Learning from my mistakes, my next project is being built on a fully 3 dimensional engine (thanks to the coding platform 'Blitz 3D').
Oh yeah, and I'm not in a spamming rage adding my link to many forums without second thought; I know the people of TWHL are a community of open minded mappers, who understand the toll of building an aspect of games (yes, I do mean mapping!).
Am i forgetting something?, oh yeah, the link is: