Well, I downloaded Rabid Monkey's texture pack, so I'll be looking at that shortly. Listen, I'm going away on thursday till round about tuesday, maybe even wednesday -- don't quite know yet
And, tomorrow, I am getting broadband, my god when does dial-up end!!!!!!!

Bare in mind that I'll be able to do a lot more then, so I can send you all my texture pack and any maps that you might want. I have some unfinished maps, like for instance a large subway, and a train exit type of thing, which I think you might find useful.
Yeah trapt is right about the city, there are lots of ruined shops/shopping centres that people had looted in the past. There can also be big trucks smashed about the place, as though the had jacknifed and toppled over or into a shop. If there are supermarkets, every shelf is practically empty -- with the odd exception of a few old boxes.
I dont think there should be the 'gunshop' cliche either. Most zombie flicks and games always have a handy gunshop, that would be too easy.
Instead, maybe the shotgun and handgun can be obtained from the carcass of a dead policeman (if the weapons haven't already been taken by others).. I'll probably be discussing these ideas with my cousin over the next few days, he will almost definately have some good ideas as he has loads of zombie/horror/stoner films to watch!
And pepper, I have two weapon design concepts I drew a while back. One of them is this sort of rifle with a long barrel, ak-47 type of clip, and just a handle.. The other is a kind of high-tech looking machine gun... Don't know how useful they are to you, but I just thought I'd mention it...