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ORIGINAL TITLE: Memory allocation failure
Description: The program failed to allocate a block of memory. Likely causes are (in order of likeliness) :
- do not compile thru WC/Hammer F9 "running" - this hogs RAM. Instead use a front end or batch file to organize your compiling
- the partition holding the swapfile is full (clean out your hard drive, empty trash, clear out unused files, purge your temp files folders and internet browsers temp files.) (Unlikely)
- swapfile size is smaller than required (let swapfile be dynamicly allocated, do not set it too small yourself.)
- memory fragmentation (defrag your hard drive - unless it's an SSD)
- heap corruption (reboot and try again. If you have old RAM, make sure it is seated well. check for viruses!)
- on at least one occasion this was caused by a corrupt prefab
- on at least one occasion this was solved by removing a skybox and so making the level smaller