
Habboi11 years ago2013-04-21 10:06:52 UTC 17 comments
Hey dudes, how are you doing? Anything interesting happening on TWHL lately? I've neglected my visits here so thought I'd pop by on my surfboard. I'm currently enjoying the sun as it's got a lot warmer now and other than that I'm working on an indie game, A Hat in Time. Lots of work to do but it'll be interesting to see how it's received in the coming months, you'll see :)

Anyway I have an ulterior motive, we help each other out from time to time right? Would you guys be super cool and use the power of your facebook accounts (if you have one) to vote for a design I made for a Dark Souls 2 compo.

If you don't know the Souls series is an awesome open RPG adventure game that's labelled as the hardest game of this era. It's tough sure but not unfair tough :P It's one of my favourite games because of how varied it is. Plus it has an "invasion" mechanic which I love to bits. It essentially allows you to invade another persons game and try to kill them or ruin their day, whatever suits you :)

Anyway Dark Souls 2 was announced and with it a competition to design a shield. DS1 had the same compo but it was hidden and most people missed it like myself. Unfortunately the people running the compo are idiots, they allowed voting day 1 which means all new submissions are lost on page 50 :P

So I'm basically calling all favours, all friends etc. It would be swell if you could log on and just vote for my submission. I only need to be in the top 30 to go to stage 2 which is when the devs pick 2 winners from each shield template. Since I'm in UK I did the Europe shield and went with a theme I love, invading :)

Well there's the story, I need YOU (Madcow: U!) to help a fellow TWHL'er and friend to reach the top :)

Here's link:

It's an app that only works on PC, sorry :<
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TLDR: Click link above and vote for me bitches :P
Habboi11 years ago2013-03-01 11:19:58 UTC 16 comments
Ok guys this looks like the PC I'll be getting based on your feedback. Feel free to crit.
Habboi11 years ago2013-01-04 12:36:59 UTC 7 comments
EDIT: Ok we've got a decent amount of feedback. Seems you cannot escape problems after all. It seems my flowmaps look fucked up on low settings, particles don't work an we have to remove refracting textures as they are causing a decent amount of framerate drops.

Thanks again people!

Hey dudes I need someone with CSGO to test my level sometime soon as my partner says he gets a huge drop in framerate when looking at the refracting textures but I do not. We also tested it on a powerful PC and it was fine so now I need someone with a so-so PC to test it for me.

All you need is CSGO and just add me on Steam : Habboi
Habboi11 years ago2012-12-25 13:28:30 UTC 5 comments
Well it's Christmas folks, how are you enjoying your day? Get anything interesting?

I got some game related t shirts, a freeview box for my old TV, Dark Knight Rises, the rest of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (had no money to buy season 3-7), a book called A Street Cat Named Bob and some money to go towards a new PC next year.

As I write this I can smell the turkey...mmmmmm

Pic of book:
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Habboi11 years ago2012-11-08 21:45:08 UTC 14 comments
If anyone's curious my mapping partner took a pic of our playtest tonight. Seems so weird seeing it when I first got my hands on it. It's so close to being finished, can't wait.
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Open them in tabs and you can compare ;)

Image'd for convenience - Grim
Habboi11 years ago2012-09-19 10:48:21 UTC 12 comments
Arrrrr guess what day it was yesterday me hearties!
Habboi11 years ago2012-08-05 10:51:06 UTC 10 comments
Thanks guys, sounds as if the layout works pretty damn well. We'll take all your feedback seriously.



Password hunter

To install drag the files in the RAR to the CSS FOLDER.
Uploading files, 10 mins and then I'll post link to .rar and server IP / password which will be hunter because he isn't here :<

I fucked up, playtest will commence in 1 hour.

We're almost ready.
Hey guys, regarding the Counter Strike Playtest. We ran into an annoying problem where my latest models are not working on my mapping partners PC and we need to figure out if that's a problem on his or my end before we can start this.

If we cant figure this out I think we're gonna hide the models via visgroup and just play without them although that'll annoy me since some models act as cover and we need to test that.

I'll keep you posted, sorry.
Habboi11 years ago2012-07-31 18:33:27 UTC 15 comments
Final Edit: So I've been working hard on it for the past few days and I'm too tired to sort out the files so I'll see if I can pakrat it all tomorrow but it would be nice if you lot could let me know if you are actually gonna show up or I might as well sleep lol

Wont be anything special, I'll just upload the bsp and put a link here and then I'll host a server and post IP and password and we'll have a few matches. Might add some bots if it is empty.
Edit: So this Sunday at 2:00 PM GMT: refer to this:

I'll update post with a link to bsp. Turn up or dont turn up, we've decided a playtest isn't needed as much as we thought but we're doing this more for fun now.

Sounds like Sunday is the day people love so what time? Afternoon? Gah timezones etc etc Can someone else calculate it :D

"tl;dr bottom"

Hey, I've been working on a CSS map for the past few months that was blocked out by Smokerscough who worked on the mod Rock 24 which some of you may remember a few years ago.

My point being, I'm concerned the map hasn't been tested enough and I'm not going to make custom art that fits the level only to find rooms are edited in size so I'm thinking it might be good to host a "small" playmatch between some close TWHL'ers and to get some feedback.

We intend to port this to CS:GO when it's released to take full advantage of the new lighting system. Let me know if you might be interested and what day is good for you. If it comes to it I might just release a compiled version so you can play on your own with bots or something. We just need feedback.

Anyway here's a recent hammer pic and below that an older pic. Note it's playable but visually it's pretty fugly but we're working on it.
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Really old pic:
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I f**king hate rails. I made them fit these rooms and we ended up changing them so SWOOSH down went my hard work so I stopped making collision models for the time being XD

tl;dr: made css map, want to playtest? say yes / no and a day that suits you.
Habboi11 years ago2012-07-01 13:56:00 UTC 7 comments
Well, looks like it's confirmed my chicken hat wont get into TF2 :P I made it last year and I knew Valve wouldn't add it. In fact they've got shit tons of top quality weapons and hats made by the community but they hardly accept them.

The reason they wont add it? Well here's mine

and here's why:

Oh well :D
Habboi12 years ago2012-05-26 12:04:21 UTC 16 comments
Hey guys, been a while eh? I think I write that everytime I come here. I bet if I loaded up journals I'd see the same opening...

Anywho, I thought I'd share a fan made project I worked on for the last few months. I dunno if some of you are familiar with an old SNES game called Chrono Trigger? It was a well received game back in the day and it still has a cult following.

Well I only recently played it and I understood why people loved it. So I thought I'd use the power of nostalgia as a means of gaining some reputation on the internet. I purposely chose to remake "The Kingdom of Zeal" in 3D as the song that plays in the original game has a huge fan base. It's called Corridors of Time and there are tons of remixes on Youtube alone.

So I remade the Kingdom of Zeal but I didn't stop there. I decided to make it in the style of Zelda: Wind Waker. A nice way to gain attention dont you think?

Anyway if you're here for the link, here you go:

Hope you enjoy it. I'm gonna sit out in the sun for the next month after spending so much time working on this XD

Good to be back on TWHL by the way!
Habboi12 years ago2011-10-16 18:36:44 UTC 11 comments
Heh maybe this is old but it cracked me up. What a weird game.
Habboi12 years ago2011-09-23 12:11:42 UTC 3 comments
Edit: Absolutely enjoyed it. Here's my experiences.

Going to Eurogamer Expo in London tomorrow and I just found out my friend bought us early tickets so we'll get to play all the good games before it gets busy. Can't wait :D

Also gonna check out the indie games, developer sessions and visit the career advisers.

Anyone else going? :D
Habboi12 years ago2011-08-10 17:04:13 UTC 6 comments
Hey, I return with some good and bad news.

I'm still working for Beatnik Games only I've been doing so from home as their company needs money and the office is small so the people that were needed went in while the rest stayed at home.

So I've been working on some Plain Sight levels and shared some ideas to greatly improve the game. They've listened, too well in fact and they've decided to not only use my ideas but they're planning something big with my levels and something else I won't say just yet but I believe it will bring life back to the game.

The sad news is I just found out today my mothers paypal was teh hacked. Not sure how...he took 700 quid and I even have his hotmail. I'll refrain from sharing until paypal are finished their investigation but we're getting the money back, the password has been changed to something big and long and her email password as well.

It's never fun knowing you've been robbed, even worse when you don't know how. That's the thing with Paypal, it says the balance is 0 so it shouldn't let people use it unless the balance is filled.

Oh yeah and I've been playing a fuck tonne of Mincraft :D

edit: Something else, my harddrive was replaced by Dell and I stupidly forgot about it as I was enjoying a chat with them and they took it with them...doubtful but would they be corrupt and sold it? My account is fine so far.
Habboi12 years ago2011-07-09 13:50:47 UTC 6 comments
Edit: What cheek, he tried to scam me again only this time my mother answered. I told her the day before about him and so she messed with him for a bit before telling him to piss off and never call again. He replied with "Well your PC is freezing and we wont be held responsible if it goes wrong." and then hung up.

Hey hey.

Haven't journal'd in a while. Mainly cause I don't have that many interesting things to say.

So lately I've been making some new levels for my company while they concentrate on their main product. That's going well. I'm also working on a TF2 Pyro pack which is taking a lot longer than I expected. I started with the flamethrower and UV'd it but texturing showed I should have planned it a little better as the resolution of my brush strokes are blurry so I'm re-uving it right now.

Finally I got a scam call a moment ago. I could tell it was fake as soon as he said my PC sent a message to them that I had a if I'd have a virus in this day and age.

Here's the scam:

P.S. Moocow used cheats to beat Braid.
Habboi13 years ago2011-05-31 15:50:04 UTC 5 comments
You know...I don't think I mention Plain Sight enough :)

No but seriously, we're working on a pipeline to make custom levels for it and in the meantime we're accepting ideas, drawings or actual 3D models made in any typical 3D modelling program. Heck, you could make it in Hammer and export it into a model.

Either way, if we like it, we'll remake it properly and put it into the game. Sounds like a good deal right?

If you want an example: - Set on a giant pocket watch.

Someone has already submitted a simple drawing: - Two giant robots with flags on their heads.

Here's a level I'm working on.

If you're interested (and why not? Anyone can come up with an idea. Just say "Make a giant toilet level!") then submit it at either:

Here: TWHL - Our Forums - Steam forums.
