
srry11 years ago2012-06-21 18:18:53 UTC 5 comments
I just bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for $30 last week. Today I find out it's on sale for $7.49.

srry12 years ago2011-08-22 05:39:25 UTC 18 comments
Well, I turned 19 today (on the 21st, I know we're not all in the same time zone.) Seems to be the month of members' birthdays around here.

Don't come here a lot anymore except to browse but I guess I don't really have the time. Life's taken its turns and I've ended up deserting the mapping world for the past two years or so. I might come back to the hobby someday when spare time permits, maybe by then we won't even be using the Source engine anymore.

Moved 200 miles down to San Diego last weekend and I'm getting settled into my new home.

College starts tomorrow for me, and a lot of other people. It's just City College but I'm still nervous. Hell, I was born nervous.

Anyway, stay classy TWHL!

EDIT: Just realized it's been exactly one year since my last journal post. Lawl.
srry13 years ago2010-08-21 05:44:40 UTC 9 comments
I'm 18 today.

I've been visiting TWHL for five years now.

Which, if you think about it,

Actually makes me five years old.
srry13 years ago2010-07-17 15:43:31 UTC 6 comments
Typing this journal from my new Toshiba NB305 that I got yesterday, 2 days prior to leaving on an 11 day trip to France, Germany, and Switzerland with my family.

It's a neat little machine, although I am somewhat disappointed to say that it has a bit of trouble trying to play Half-Life, which even on a netbook seems somewhat surprising considering it's a 12 year old game. The laptop's native screen resolution, 1024x600, is apparently unsupported by Steam's Half-Life for whatever reason. It forces it into 800x600 mode, and brutally stretches everything out. Windowed mode works fine, though it's a bit distracting. The first time I started a new game and was riding on the tram, I actually got a huge amount of lag and general sluggishness. Switching to Direct 3D and 16 bit colors seemed to fix these problems for some reason. I guess the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 isn't too happy about OpenGL rendering.

Ultimate Doom played fine after a few DLL copying shenanigans though. :)

P.S. Windows 7 starter is the only OS I have ever used in my life that has desktop backgrounds intentionally designed out. Seriously. WTF, man.
srry14 years ago2010-05-24 03:09:59 UTC 18 comments
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srry14 years ago2010-03-22 23:06:42 UTC 3 comments
My school's auto shop is apparently being shut down next year. I am disappoint.

Upon the teacher's suggestion I'm starting a petition (useless as those are) to try to keep it alive, and my father is probably going to speak at some board meeting or somesuch to urge against ditching it. It's only one more year for me, but an infinite number of years for future students. Whatever, all good things come to an end.

In other news, I haven't opened VHE in months.
srry14 years ago2010-01-31 18:16:18 UTC 20 comments
I have the chance to travel to a rural French village to attend a relative's wedding this summer, but I don't know if I want to go or not. The idea of traveling to a place where nobody outside of my family speaks English scares the shit out of me, not to mention I'm too self conscious to try and blurt out patched together sentences from some English-to-French phrasebook. The opportunity for uncomfortable social situations is staggering.

It's this or I stay at home alone for a week.
srry14 years ago2010-01-12 03:52:22 UTC 3 comments
Got my new engine started for the first time today. Runs beautifully, though it's still being broken in.
srry14 years ago2009-12-26 15:17:03 UTC 11 comments
I got a severe case of poison oak on Christmas eve, so bad that my eyes started swelling up. Today one of them is practically swollen shut, so I'm basically blind in one eye. It's been a miserable, itchy, blurry-eyed Christmas for me.
srry14 years ago2009-12-16 21:37:15 UTC 3 comments
Demonoid is back up. Woohoo!
srry14 years ago2009-11-14 03:04:37 UTC 12 comments
I got my new engine together a few days ago.

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It's now at my auto shop undergoing the final assembly of exterior components before it'll go back into my car.
srry14 years ago2009-11-05 22:46:54 UTC 11 comments
Sup TWHL, I actually remembered the fifth of November and took off my mask.
srry14 years ago2009-10-19 16:56:56 UTC 13 comments
I sick. I think I gots the swine flu oink oink.
srry14 years ago2009-09-27 22:04:12 UTC 10 comments
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Shit's coming along finally.
srry14 years ago2009-08-27 20:16:38 UTC 7 comments
My car fixed itself. We drove it from our house to my auto shop, billowing smoke all the way. The next day I start it, and it's running fine. No smoke from the exhaust, and the spark plugs somehow un-fouled themselves. No burning oil. I guess miracles do happen.

EDIT: I take that back. I just drove it again, and while it isn't fouling the plugs like before, and it isn't spitting out coolant, it still burns way too much oil, necessitating a rebuild same as before. Shit.