
Instant Mix13 years ago2011-05-09 14:25:55 UTC 4 comments
Edited because my posts don't make sense:

I think i've managed to fuck up my general music exam. Some asshat at the SQA thought it'd be a good idea to have the first 'excerpt of music' to be an orchestral version of the Go Compare advert theme.
Not only did I hum along, but it took over my head for the whole of the paper. Couldn't get anything right!

oh, and for any of you beautiful people who don't know what it is, listen to this pile of garbage:
satchmo13 years ago2011-05-08 03:43:09 UTC 10 comments
His first time visiting Disneyland. The highlight of the day was the Jedi Academy. He saw it three times before deciding to participate.

It was a good thing that he had an opportunity to practice with the light saber first before Darth Vader showed up. He was struggling to activate his weapon at first. But when it really counted, he rose to the occasion and defeated the Sith Lord and the Stormtroopers.

The Force is strong with this one.
satchmo13 years ago2011-05-06 03:47:19 UTC 8 comments
He's only three, but he was able to figure out some simple puzzles all by himself.

In this video, he just got the portal device, and he's exploring.
Captain Terror13 years ago2011-05-05 15:59:07 UTC 4 comments
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Stupid Project #7268

I wanted to have a shortcut on my desktop to run nyan cat automatically, and also, to have it in my steam games list.

First, I tried a firefox shortcut to the main non-stop nyan cat! page, but i couldn't link it to steam games because steam requires an .exe to shortcut a non-steam game. (even despite my trickery trying to rename the shortucut to .exe) One thing that worked tho, I was easily able to change the internet shortcut icon by swiping the nyan favicon from the NSNC! homepage. =)

Second, i researced batch files and learned you can call up programs using a batch file, and furthermore, you can convert BAT files to exe(using a program called BAT-to-EXE Converter. Here's my first batch script ever(which took a little time for me to get right):

"G:g2setup x64- desktop shortcuts�32811 downloads- misc videoNON-STOP NYAN CAT [original].flv"

After getting this to work, all that was left was the steam icon. Unfortunately, steam by default takes the icon of the original .exe(which for mine unfortunately, was that generic windows 7 program icon), so i tried using a program called Resource Hacker to edit the icon, but was unsuccessful.

Getting frustrated something so simple was taking so long, i finally realized that under steam game properties, you can select your own icon for any game! The kicker is tho, the icon must AGAIN, be an .exe file.. This time tho my trickery worked! By renaming the favicon.ico to favicon.exe, i was able to use the nyan cat icon in the games list.


This whole last part mostly for nothing as you can see, cuz you can't even make out what the icon is with the big shortcut block there... poop.

Brb, killing myself..


Striker13 years ago2011-05-05 15:33:34 UTC 8 comments
Great news! Last month I participated in a snapsort competition and I won a photojojo Nikon Cup( the great prize was a Nikon D3100 DSLR :( ).
Anyway, I received it today:
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It's basically a mug in a lens body. It's not much, but at least I won something. I rarely win in competitions...
Awesome! :D
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-05-04 21:02:30 UTC 3 comments
Would anyone considering buying an Goldsource or Source game server? Here's the story, A friend of mine and I have been discussing buying one for a little while now. Last week he went onto a new server that came on and saw that it was for sale. After a little discussion with the owner he messaged me. I said I'd think about. I later told the guy that we wouldn't be able to purchase his server, he then told me that my friend had apparently told him that we were 100% sure we'd buy the server even though he wasn't the one who'd end up paying for most of it in the first place, that would be me. The guy had turned down other potential buyers thinking we'd buy it soon. So I told the guy I'd make it up to him by trying to find other buyers. He's offering it for $23 dollars a month, it's being hosted in London and even my ping here in the US was pretty low. 14 GB of RAM, 4 Intel Xeon Core processors, 100 GB connection, up to 32 player slots. You can contact him at
satchmo13 years ago2011-05-04 20:39:21 UTC 5 comments
Cruising around in my virtual Lamborghini late last night.
Striker13 years ago2011-05-04 19:06:01 UTC 11 comments
Wow, trolling or not, this is fascinating:
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It's mathematically impossible, but practically...
monster_urby13 years ago2011-05-04 07:02:13 UTC 6 comments
Happy Star Wars day TWHL.

May the 4th be with you.
38_9813 years ago2011-05-03 13:11:57 UTC 9 comments
Is it bad that when I first heard Osama had been killed by a gunshot to the head that all I could think of for the next 30 minutes was "BOOM, HEADSHOT!"?
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-05-03 03:08:39 UTC 6 comments
Like other TWHL members, I feel the need to recount some kind of dream that might be considered interesting. It wasn't lucid because I'm such a noob at that. But it's weird enough.

Well anyway it starts out in typical fashion, where I was being chased by a badly modeled Alien from the Alien film that was a model replacement for the monster_zombie. I evaded them simply by going onto a desk not unlike the one supplied by worldcraft/hammer (modern desk, south facing). The setting was some generic office cubicle that was eerily lit and largely abandoned. All was silent. I looked out the window, and to my horror...

That night, it turns out that all across the city the aliens attacked. People were desperately jumping out of windows to escape the dark beasts. Pandemonium ensued across the streets, that is, until an elite commando team was sent in to eliminate the alien threat. They went in, guns blazing, and managed to keep casualties to a minimum.

It was then that the manager of a hotel approached the squad leader of the commando team, asking him to eliminate a possible alien threat in the office building adjacent to the hotel (the same building that I was in). It was also revealed that I was a close friend of the squad leader. He sought to enter the building alone to find and rescue me, for he was a really close friend.

And so, he went in, like a badass, firing his guns at the badly modeled aliens. He then threw a grenade into the next room and looked all nonchalant and cool. Following the big BOOM from the grenade, he walked up, only to encounter his close friend and several others, who have become mindless zombies. The squad leader stared in surprise, too late to react to his friend who leaped forward and bit hard into the neck. The squad leader's yell of pain was muffled by an eerie silence...


The squad leader and his friend were recovering in the hospital. They were in the same room, joking among themselves. It would seem that they were rescued and brought to the hospital. The two friends laughed about their predicament, but then, in a hushed tone, the friend suggested that they need more allies. The squad leader then proceeded to pick up the telephone...

A skinny-legged nurse was summoned to the room. She walked downed to the hallway towards the room to which she was summoned. Upon opening the door, there were 5-6 people, sitting in a half-circle around the room, all smiling eagerly at the nurse who just arrived. The squad leader and his friend were among them. Realizing the awkward situation, the people in the room attempted to converse with one another. The nurse, supposing nothing out of the ordinary, went inside and closed the door.
Striker13 years ago2011-05-01 08:36:50 UTC 19 comments
I just upgraded to Firefox 4(after being lazy for more than a month since I said I will do it).
I know I have a lot of tabs opened all the time, and firefox 3.6 sometimes consumed 50% of my CPU for no reason. Oh, and it also consumed about 700 mb with all these tabs...

But, surprise! Firefox 4 seems to be worse: it went up to 1,2 gb of RAM with the same things opened. And it still consumes a lot of CPU power. Argh.

[EDIT] Also, what's with wrong with the text? It's not pleasant to read with such a "skinny" text:
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I mean, in Firefox 3.6 the text was "normal". Has a new feature been added or something?

[EDIT2] Found the problem. It's because Windows ClearType. But it was already turned on, so I don't really see what's the actual problem.

[EDIT3] Oh wait, it doesn't affect at all the text in Firefox, or in Chrome. Although on the Firefox help page this is what it tells me to do.
Notewell13 years ago2011-04-30 14:47:42 UTC 8 comments
So, after weeks of my friends trying to convince me to shave (I had been shaving, but the part I was trying to grow out wasn't coming in so well) I finally caved. I got what there was of the goatee cleared with the back, but when it came time to use the main part of the shaver, one of the razors fell apart. And went in the sink. Luckily, it didn't go all the way to the U-bend, and I managed to fish it out with tweezers, but now I have to wait for it to dry before I can put it back together and finish shaving.
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-04-30 01:25:56 UTC 8 comments
Okay so get this, I walk over to my wi-fi browser for no particular reason, but I walk over none the less and it's COVERED in tiny little ants. We occasionally get them in the spring but just if we leave food out or dirty dishes in the sink. This was completely different. I pick it up and underneath are more of them, and tons of eggs and larvae too. I quickly run and grab the vacuum and suck them all up, but more keep pouring out from INSIDE the router, turns out the ants decided that my router would be the perfect place to set up a colony. So after shaking this thing out for about 15 minutes they stopped coming out, and I had a while ago sucked up the queen. I proceeded to dump the ants contained in the vacuum out in the forest.

I think they were in there because of all the rain we got, lots of areas here are flooded and many roads and bridges are washed out. Maybe their actually colony got flooded and they decided the wi-fi browser would be the perfect place to set a new one. The funny thing is they didn't seem to damage it at all, it was working fine before and it works fine now and now if they come back they will die a slow painful death of being poisoned.

Yeah imagine this with 10,000 tiny ants covering it.
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ThatGuy487813 years ago2011-04-29 21:02:08 UTC 2 comments
So, because everyone seems to be busy programming games and telling the world about it, I would like to tell the world that I have been doing on-the-side programming for a game called SUANGFG (Super Ultra Awesome Ninja Gun Fighting Game). It is at the stage where I could release it as a flash game or something (because it is not all that impressive), but I just keep on adding things, plus the tournament mode glitches up. It does provide 20 minutes of fun, tho.

Here is a video of game-play (it is an outdated build, tho. The bot in this build is really stupid. I fixed him.) (<<This is a trailer)
(Sorry about the sound, my screen recorder's sound capture function exploded)

E-Mail me or something if you want a copy, because I'm not planning to sell this for money.