
Striker13 years ago2011-04-17 20:07:10 UTC 38 comments
[NEWS EDIT!] This is very important.

A friend stumbled on this:
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Btw, about that friend. Do you know he's actually a member on twhl? Heh, TWHL is more than a mapping community. It's a virtual place where some people meet and become best friends :). I met him here 4 years ago, and through a coincidence, he's romanian too.
Here's his profile.

[EDIT] Oh btw, I rediscovered an old map I've put a lot of work into. Cs_Assault_Market. Yep, it's a rip. But I've worked for weeks on it in 2007, it'd be a shame to throw it to the garbage. I mainly abandoned it because it wasn't practical to wait ages for it to compile, it became huge. I didn't deleted it because I knew somewhere in the future, with a lot more computational power-efficiency I'll be able to compile it.

And that's what happened. Got Hammer 3.5 reinstalled, installed The Compilator with HlFix and SHLT 3.9 which take advantage of my upgraded dual core processor. The map was compiled, in a huge box(a truckload of problems to rectify and modify!)(this was only a test to get it to be playable, so I can fuel my nostalgia even more) in under 15 minutes! That's almost like source compiling guys! Normally this would have taken easily more than an hour.

I also decided I'll make it a hldm map. I didn't realise at the time, I was carried by the wave of modification, being obsessed of having an entry and rooms in every damn building you'd see in cs_assault. But now I realise that Counterstrike demands simple maps, or if a remake, simple additions, not a ton of them. A good example I always remember was very fun to play with my friends: cs_assault_1337 and there was another one that had 2 routes for the hostages. Bot of them had simple additionsmodifications that made the map a lot more fun to play.

It will be fun to play in HLDM once I finish it, though :). Not going to waste a lot of time on superoptimizing. It's not really a problem, on my pc it runs very smoothly(come on, hl is an old game already). And a lot of you guys have modern pcs.
It's not really a problem. Seriously! Even those with older pcs will be able to play it... decently.
I mean, the r_speeds are not that bad in some areas...
It's no more than 4500 2500 wpoly :D.

-Epicsode 3 is here.

-TWHL isn't just a mapping community, it's a place to make best friends

-Nostalgia made me reinstall Hammer, The Compilator, Hlfix and SHLT 3.9 to finish some of my old mapping projects. Expect a hldm map soon.
Kurosaki Ichigo13 years ago2011-04-16 11:29:18 UTC 1 comment
My brother purchased Magicka complete pack (all the current DLC's) and the things we do as opposed to what we're supposed to do in local co-op is hilarious.

Seeing as my character is wielding a Patriot staff (Staff with the Eagle on top wrapped in the American flag) that has the ability to throw "Liberty grenades" and an M16 burst fire, it's actually quite badass, until you deliberately hinder the progress of the story by throwing nades at fellow members especially when you try to BSOD a boss only to get yourself or your mate.

Crash to Desktop is probably the most spammed skill during our co-op so far as it targets anyone, friend or foe. The results... well whomever is targeted is flashed by a BSOD followed by their disappearance. Funny stuff indeed.

TL;DR Magicka co-op with the Vietnam pack + Crash to Desktop = LOL
Habboi13 years ago2011-04-15 12:50:03 UTC 2 comments
So my internet was spazzing out lately and it turns out my modem was dying. I was still using an old NTL box which is funny since NTL got taken over by Virgin Media years ago.

The bloke was surprised I was using such an old relic. But hey, if it works, why change it. Well, in this case, changing it made me realise what a dope I was. The old box didn't really support the speeds I was paying for but I was never bothered for some reason.

In other news, second week at Beatnik Games was average. I did more level design and played some Left 4 Dead 2 with a few of them. I also watched a video playthrough of Amnesia Dark Descent. I see why people find it scary but there's no way I'd play it cause dark games, at least as dark as that, frustrate me to no end. But I do like my horror, Silent Hill, Resi Evil etc

Finally, Portal 2 eh? I replayed Portal an hour ago. It's a really short game although they did say it was more of a test and they didn't expect it to be such a big hit. I'm just getting ready to record a playthrough like I always do. Why? Well, I was bored one day and recorded HL2 EP1 and suddenly got a few subs. After that it became tradition. I don't record anything else except Half Life related games.

I think that one comment from an afghanistan gamer made it worthwhile. He said something like not being able to afford the game and thanking me for allowing him to continue to follow the Half Life universe.
brendanmint13 years ago2011-04-14 23:21:53 UTC 13 comments
Don't know if anyone has been following the Portal 2 Valve ARG, but I think we finished it, after a week I think of puzzles clues decrypting and re-decrypting, we've found an Aperture Science website with a count down, I think its the release date for portal 2 on steam, many clues have hinted toward an early release, Including an email from Gabe Newell. So yeah, also, anyone get any potato's on there steam profile? I got one :( also, I'm only listening to Still Alive for the next 24 hours.
Striker13 years ago2011-04-14 22:44:25 UTC 13 comments
Almost 3 hours since I'm legally mature. I feel like a child unprepared for adult responsibilities :(
Oh man, how did time pass like this? It was like yesterday I entered highschool, and had no concerns about my future...

On the bright side, I'll soon be able to drive cars :).
Feels quite odd to know that I can be independent from now on. And scarry.
Tetsu013 years ago2011-04-14 01:27:19 UTC 5 comments
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How the hell did Notch know I was going to be playing Minecraft!?

2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-04-14 01:10:22 UTC 5 comments
So I was on the CS tourney server and smack dab in the middle of game I got around 10-20 phone calls within the span of 1 hour. For being idle all the time I got kicked. But that's not the real problem. Seems these phone calls were about an important mail being delivered late which could nullify all the work I was doing for the previous week.

Uh oh.

BTW I probably won't be going into this tournament on the 16th. Not only is my ping in the 300's, there's this random thing that suddenly came up, at not only the exact same day, but also the exact same time that the tourney is supposed to start. I knew that the black cat that crossed the street while I was driving the other day was gonna screw me up one way or another.
Archie13 years ago2011-04-12 23:16:26 UTC 20 comments
Portal 2 preloading?

Portal 2 preloading.

Striker13 years ago2011-04-11 21:48:52 UTC 11 comments
Soup Miner is feeling special today. Probably because he's turning 22, heh?

Dear Soup Miney, happy birthday and best wishes!

Chicken Soup toast for Sean!
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And yes, today I'm eating really chicken soup.
Notewell13 years ago2011-04-10 21:50:34 UTC 5 comments
After much deliberation (okay, okay, about half an hour) I've decided to redo at least the predisaster maps for Colony 42. This is because the current versions are horrible, and I can do much, much better.
I'm thinking scripted scenes will be about the same, and areas will follow the same basic concept, but everything will be made with my current skill level, and the maps will be more expansive (I'm thinking the bridge will be roughly 5x larger, but not fully populated because of the early hour in which the mod starts.)
Habboi13 years ago2011-04-10 21:01:19 UTC 13 comments
So, probably wondering how my work experience went?

Yeah it was good. First day was just meeting the people and using VUE to make some sky domes. Easy to use since it's all numbers and sliders.

Second day wasn't that good. They got me to do some art tests and I wasn't doing so well. For some reason the 3DS Max on their machines weren't working properly. For example, snapping was snapping meshes 5 cm away from where I wanted them and shift click didn't select loops or faces.

Third day I did level designing which I enjoyed the most. I got to be creative and my ideas will most likely end up in the final game.

I can't talk about the project itself since I signed the typical NDA contract but I can say it'll be a nice addition to the portfolio / CV.

You're probably wondering where the other 2 days are? Well I don't go in on Mondays and Fridays cause Monday is meeting day which is pointless for me and Friday cause train tickets cost a lot and I'm working for "free".

So I go in on Tues, Wed and Thurs and get the rest of the week off to do some remote work and enjoy the sun.
Stojke13 years ago2011-04-10 11:34:10 UTC 13 comments
Flea markets

I love em!

Yesterday i went to the local flea market, named Naylon, to see if there is anything interesting this weed. So i walk by and spot an replica of an Xbox (ecksbawks lawl) controller. I examine it and it appeared to be functional, so i ask the guy "how much? he said 10 e, than i noticed it misses an receiver, since its wireless, so i lover the price to 3e! Damn im good.
Next i walk by and see an TrekStor German MP3 player, i.beat organix FM 1gb, i try to turn it on but it didnt give any signs of life. The guy asked 5e for it, i thought it must be the battery, probably needs some jumping, so i lover the price by telling him some tech stuff, like:

"- Maybe the retro capacitor is broken, those things are expencive!"

And guess what, he believes me LOL, So i get that baby for 3e as well.

Walking even further i spot Soundblaster 5.1 sound card, appeared functional (no capacitors were bloated, and there was no burn marks) so i buy the thing. Damn the sound it makes is too sweet :>
Costed me 2e lol

Plus i boughed some other crap, like tinnol wire and a 2 headed eagle badge, as well as an USB 2.0 5 port add on card, a bluetooth adapter and a 2.4GHz wifi reciver (in hopes my bigben PC wireless joypad will work with it).

Also here is a pic with stuff i boughed yesterday and the week before:
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It also includes a Trust card reader (metal casing O_o), a kingston CF 1gb card, Krone LAN cable clippers and a really shitty small pc fan (jsut for teh lolz) :D

The point of this was to show that with 12e you can actually buy lots of cool stuff :o
satchmo13 years ago2011-04-10 04:42:56 UTC 8 comments
Just watched "Inception". What a brilliant film. I love films that make you use your head a bit and the writer doesn't assume that the audience is too simplistic to appreciate the complexity of the plot.
4N!M4T0R13 years ago2011-04-08 16:58:18 UTC 5 comments
Nintendo power!
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Notewell13 years ago2011-04-07 09:42:31 UTC 12 comments
As of yesterday, I now wear glasses.
This is going to take some getting used to.