Journal #7155

Posted 13 years ago2011-04-10 11:34:10 UTC
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Flea markets

I love em!

Yesterday i went to the local flea market, named Naylon, to see if there is anything interesting this weed. So i walk by and spot an replica of an Xbox (ecksbawks lawl) controller. I examine it and it appeared to be functional, so i ask the guy "how much? he said 10 e, than i noticed it misses an receiver, since its wireless, so i lover the price to 3e! Damn im good.
Next i walk by and see an TrekStor German MP3 player, i.beat organix FM 1gb, i try to turn it on but it didnt give any signs of life. The guy asked 5e for it, i thought it must be the battery, probably needs some jumping, so i lover the price by telling him some tech stuff, like:

"- Maybe the retro capacitor is broken, those things are expencive!"

And guess what, he believes me LOL, So i get that baby for 3e as well.

Walking even further i spot Soundblaster 5.1 sound card, appeared functional (no capacitors were bloated, and there was no burn marks) so i buy the thing. Damn the sound it makes is too sweet :>
Costed me 2e lol

Plus i boughed some other crap, like tinnol wire and a 2 headed eagle badge, as well as an USB 2.0 5 port add on card, a bluetooth adapter and a 2.4GHz wifi reciver (in hopes my bigben PC wireless joypad will work with it).

Also here is a pic with stuff i boughed yesterday and the week before:
User posted image
It also includes a Trust card reader (metal casing O_o), a kingston CF 1gb card, Krone LAN cable clippers and a really shitty small pc fan (jsut for teh lolz) :D

The point of this was to show that with 12e you can actually buy lots of cool stuff :o


Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 12:11:37 UTC Comment #66454
interesting this weed
Oh and, good to hear that stuff actually worked.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 12:54:36 UTC Comment #66459
Damn, how i mistaken weak for weed xD hehe

Well, all work except the joystick, which i will have some trouble with...

I am surprised that the solder wire has this much quality.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 13:54:17 UTC Comment #66455
"retro capacitor" LOL. Where do you live, or Serbia has Euros?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 15:50:33 UTC Comment #66456
Many years ago a friend found in a dump a box full of computer power supplies labeled as not working. He put it in the car and drove off, then removed the fan from each one of them. He gave me one. I used it in those hot summer days until one day I passed too much voltage to it (to speed it up a bit - it didn't quite work as expected). Now I want another one...
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 16:20:07 UTC Comment #66460
@ Animator

Nah i just converted so its easy for you guys :D

@ DiscoStu

Haham i had a big 8" fan that almost flew into my face once xD
Now its quietly cooling my pc
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 19:34:30 UTC Comment #66452
Flea markets are the shit! If you master the art of haggling, you've got a goldmine ^^

Nice finds.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-10 21:21:24 UTC Comment #66461
Yeah :D Thx

Some times i cant decide on what to spend my money so i go and buy food lol
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 03:36:50 UTC Comment #66453
These may be good deals, but do you really need them?

Just because things are cheap do not mean that they're deals.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 06:01:55 UTC Comment #66462
Well yeah, i mean i can always sell the junk i buy on online auctions.

I need solder wire because im an electrician and ofter make / fix stuff
My old MP3 was broken
Xbox controller is awesome, good for games
1gb cf card can be sold, and is good for backup

I never buy what i wont use or sell, except for that little fan :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 18:52:41 UTC Comment #66457
Does the 360 controller work?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 19:11:22 UTC Comment #66463
Yup tried it with its original receiver, buuuut... The receiver isnt mine xD
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-11 19:57:05 UTC Comment #66458
Lucky, I got a real 360 controller, but fucking microsoft charges 40$ for a wireless receiver.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-18 06:58:14 UTC Comment #66464
Hot damn O_o

Good luck finding a receiver ;D

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