
Moaby14 years ago2010-08-15 06:22:12 UTC 2 comments
You will never believe it.

I had a dream.

Thought I would carry on the almost common "dream journals" trend.
Skals14 years ago2010-08-14 05:01:10 UTC 17 comments
Wow, Yesterday I kind got powned by my dream, the dream really took the piss, in a funny way. I was dreaming about being in the woods, everything seemed realistic, suddenly I spotted a bunch of foxes, at first there was like one but then more kept showing up, there were a lot. I managed to scare them off by shouting at them and looking big (because that's what you're actually supposed to do in this situation). I was very relieved, thinking that was very close. Then all of a sudden a massive grizzly bear came out of no where, chased me down and destroyed me. :|
2muchvideogames14 years ago2010-08-14 00:01:18 UTC 7 comments
I just played a limited game on steam for free called serioso sam. It's about some american stereotype wearing dark sunglasses and an impressive body mass. Maybe the croatian version of duke nukem or something.

The demo allows you to play one level, which at first I thought was level one. But after some poking around I found out that the free level given in the demo was actually closer to around level 11. Huh. Well, okay.

Gameplay consists of large, open spaces with plenty of room to maneuvre. This is supplemented by having hordes of monsters to battle at once. So what kind of monsters? Well mostly you have some humans that were victims of the French Revolution, accompanied by what looks like monsters from a Super mario game called "wario's woods" (image search "galrog wario woods" you see what I mean.) On the higher end of the danger scale we have undead steers and what looks like obese madcows, along with harpies and those bipedal mechs from Star wars. I like the variety.

Setting: Egypt. The game didn't tell me any plot exposition, seeing as it is a demo. So I'll just make one up: Sam is on the run from aliens and is trying to plunder ancient egyptian pyramids for artifacts that will help him unlock doors so that he can get somewhere. Why do the aliens want him dead? Dunno, maybe they're just mental or something.

This game features what can essentially be called a Pokedex that travels with you and subtly helps you out. Everytime you see a new pokemon err I mean a monster the pokedex thing will automatically update itself to give you useful information about it. Like how a red scorpion looking human toting a chaingun is very dangerous because of its religious convictions.

There was one thing I didn't like about this game: it was how monsters can spawn right next to you. Gameplay is usually a trigger_once that triggers a multi_manager that targets a bunch of monstermakers. If you see a good item lying on the ground (or rather, floating magically above the ground) then chances are there's a trigger_once covering that area. I made a radically bad mistake when I approached a healing pickup that I didn't need. Because when I got there, some people appeared and yelled at me that I made a stupid move. Apparently they think their yelling wasn't loud enough so they ran towards me holding large black boomboxes still yelling at the top of their lungs. It was very hard to communicate with them.

I think this game is very simplistic. Large open areas, lots of evil minions. Shoot. Blow stuff up. Then maybe get blown up yourself. Lots of action. Fun. Everybody, give this a try.
brendanmint14 years ago2010-08-12 20:53:46 UTC 4 comments
Alright, fuck the ShoutBOX,
User posted image
Thats my new map. its going to wok like Cod5 NZ. and, is it anyway possible to have the Math_counter show up on the Hud? like a |Showonhud| |true| type thing?
Notewell14 years ago2010-08-12 19:07:54 UTC 11 comments
JeffMOD is back from his cottage!
With no internet, computer, and only 1 channel, I had no pressure for the compo or any other outside source, and not much high-tech stuff to do, and as such spent most of my time relaxing in the form of reading, sleeping and swimming. I also spent some time doing the highly popular activities known as eating and breathing.

My parents are now fighting, so there goes the lack of stress I gained from the last 4 days.
Habboi14 years ago2010-08-12 15:55:40 UTC 4 comments
Question to the technical people out there.

I got a call from a client saying her stock list wasn't updating on the websites FTP so I check it out to find a block from AVG saying the site is infected with a JS/REDIR.

I find out the index file is infected or rather, there's code in there that probably leads people to some porn site.

My question is how did that get on there? The only person who accesses it is the client. Is it possible there's a virus on her PC that is programmed to access FTP's and replace the index file?


Might want to add that I replaced the index with an old one from my HD and all is fine. I just want to know how it got on there.
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-08-12 14:53:00 UTC 14 comments
The girl I nearly had something with just emailed me. She wanted me to know she "officially" has a girlfriend now.

Life just likes to tease me.
satchmo14 years ago2010-08-11 00:41:14 UTC 12 comments
I just found out that I'll get a $1,000 tax refund from the government. This is refund that was owed to me ten years ago.

It's a nice surprise.
Mariowned14 years ago2010-08-10 15:55:22 UTC 9 comments
I am looking to buy a new laptop, so I wanted to see what people thought of this:
It's fairly cheap, and I feel like it might be worth the money. What does everyone else think?
Skals14 years ago2010-08-10 04:06:35 UTC 11 comments
It's my birthday today! I am now legally old enough to have sexy time. alllllllllllll right.
But on a serious note, I wonder what I'll get for my bday, I know I might get a new PC which is very nice, but my mom said she ordered something from Hong Kong, and I have no idea what it is! Any ideas?

By the way admins, can I get the ability to change the text under my name that says "member", I made a tutorial, aren't I supposed to get that?
Rimrook14 years ago2010-08-09 14:35:21 UTC 18 comments
Some more generic layouts, had a moment of blah.
User posted image
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monster_urby14 years ago2010-08-08 05:24:57 UTC 7 comments

So I threw together this video all about mapping decent looking corridors in GoldSource. Its all basic stuff but take a look. ;)

Check it out here

Also, let me know if I made any errors.
brendanmint14 years ago2010-08-07 03:41:38 UTC 18 comments
Aight, i posted this in the ShoutBox, but no one ever really replies to me in there, but I recently (as in a few hours ago) got a hold of a 25$USD gift card, now L4D2 is 30$USD, and L4D1 is 20$USD, so should i save for another one of those sales steam has, or go ahead and buy L4D1?
Livewire14 years ago2010-08-06 11:14:36 UTC 5 comments
Hey guys, just dropping by to kindly ask you all if you could spare a few minutes to sign up to and rate my map.

It's hard nowadays to get even a small amount of attention to a map, so I'd really appreciate it if you could!

Here's a link to the map -

If you scroll to the bottom you can see what others think.

Thanks! <3
Skals14 years ago2010-08-06 03:50:06 UTC 15 comments
I'm back from my holiday! It was a pretty good holiday, it got a bit crazy in the final two days though. I think it was Tuesday when y'all were sitting on your computers doing your shit while I was being viciously attacked by lightning clouds. I went to the country side with my dad, we wanted to plant some fishing nets into the sea but a massive storm cloud kept moving over our house; It even hit some electricity wires a couple of times, which made a light bulb explode right in front of my face. Anyway, The weather eventually turned good, so we figured now 's our chance, lets go now. We got a couple of meters away from the shore in our boat till they suddenly came back, I could see lightning clouds coming from all directions, we got surrounded by them :<. We made a run for it, I had to walk like a kilometre back to the house with heavy rainfall and lightning hitting all around me. The thunder was deafening too. Pretty scary huh?

A couple of other things happened too; like in the next day I got into a fight and got punched in the face, and on my way home I got viciously food poisoned by Airbaltic air-plane pasta! The vomiting started when I got out of the plane. I had to take a couple of trains to get home. During the hour I vomited like 20 times, all over the trains and the train stations, People had to jump when I was leaving the train. That was yesterday, it pretty much sucked.
Word of the wise: Air-plane pasta; It will kill your insides!

Edit: here are some photos from my holiday