
Tito14 years ago2009-11-30 21:36:08 UTC 14 comments
Oh yea,....I just found a picture of the newly released, official Iron Man 2 movie poster! And by the looks of it, his side kick "War Machine" is looking pretty damn sweet too! Man, this movie is going to ROCK!!!
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Now, on a related superhero news story.......

I don't know how many of you here watch the Smallville TV show, but for any of you here that do, here are a couple of screen picks of the upcoming two hour special "Smallville: Absolute Justice". Before any of you say anything,.....yes I know, Hawkman, Doctor Fate and especially Stargirl look campy as hell! Man, they look like they got their costumes from the local costume shop. But hey, what can you expect from something meant for TV?:
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Rimrook14 years ago2009-11-30 18:55:55 UTC 23 comments
Blue Shift randomly appeared on my Steam Games list, so I played it :D
brendanmint14 years ago2009-11-29 05:38:38 UTC 6 comments
Well steam wont launch, i sent seam support a message two days ago. and those bastards wont answer me. Ive deleted the clientregistry.blob countless times. when i launch it, it will say 'Steam - Updating -' and it'll be from 21-35%. and then it either resets it self or shuts off.

anyone have a clue at whats wrong?]

EDIT: steam works now. i don't know what happened, but it finally got past 35% and so now i have all my stuff. YAY.
monster_urby14 years ago2009-11-27 18:52:47 UTC 8 comments
Huntey is officially the most awesome person on the internet.
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Early XMas pressie. Thanks mate. :)
Tito14 years ago2009-11-26 17:41:54 UTC 16 comments
A major blow to many pirates out there has just occurred!, one of the biggest and better known torrent sites on the web, has started to restrict itself to non-copyrighted infringed files, which Mininova refers to as "Content Distribution service". It should be very interesting to see how this will affect Mininova's more than 47 million visitors a month web traffic.

Anyway, here's Mininova's blog explaining this in more details:
satchmo14 years ago2009-11-26 02:30:52 UTC 2 comments
Going to take it easy tomorrow for Thanksgiving. We are not traveling anywhere far.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-11-25 23:08:25 UTC 7 comments
Does anyone know of free web page creation/builder software. I need it to give to a bunch of people who barly know how to use a computer so they can make their own websites.

Habboi14 years ago2009-11-25 11:29:37 UTC 2 comments
Perhaps one of you peeps can help me out.

I'm writing a dissertation on sound in horror games soon and I need to know the different categories of sound effects.

Wiki says in film that you get:

?Hard sound effects are common sounds that appear on screen, such as door slams, weapons firing, and cars driving by.

?Background (or BG) sound effects are sounds that do not explicitly synchronize with the picture, but indicate setting to the audience, such as forest sounds, the buzzing of fluorescent lights, and car interiors. The sound of people talking in the background is also considered a "BG," but only if the speaker is unintelligible and the language is unrecognizable (this is known as walla). These background noises are also called ambience or atmos ("atmosphere").

?Foley sound effects are sounds that synchronize on screen, and require the expertise of a Foley artist to record properly. Footsteps, the movement of hand props (e.g., a tea cup and saucer), and the rustling of cloth are common foley units.

?Design sound effects are sounds that do not normally occur in nature, or are impossible to record in nature. These sounds are used to suggest futuristic technology in a science fiction film, or are used in a musical fashion to create an emotional mood.

But what about video games? Any sound pro?s here that can perhaps tell me? I have a mix of sounds such as bangs, ambience and so on but it would be great to know the full names for each sound effect type.
Tito14 years ago2009-11-25 00:44:33 UTC 12 comments
Um,...I don't know how to put this, except to say that some people need to take a break from video games every once in a while, or else their perception of that imaginary line that separates the fantasy world from that of our cold hard reality could merge in their head, and eventually could become a problem. To understand on what I am trying to say here, read the following sad-story case (and pray it never happens to you):
Notewell14 years ago2009-11-24 19:14:21 UTC 9 comments
So, in a mod, what would be more important to you?
A)Being able to replay the original HL maps with the new weapons/models, or
B)Having the new chapter names show up in the savefile loading screen?

(This isn't for Colony 42, just data collecting for future mods. Also, I posted it here for easy reference and because it's not thread worthy, imo)
Thanks for your opinions in advance.
Skals14 years ago2009-11-24 05:01:16 UTC 20 comments
There was a large fight in my school a couple of days ago.
Some guy accidentally kicked a basketball over a fence, so he got punched in the face. Eventually half of the school had joined in and were ripping eachother apart. Was fun to watch.
ashephard14 years ago2009-11-23 07:30:28 UTC 13 comments
Back from schoolies! it was off tha hookkkk!! but now im soooo fuckedd!

Latest news, got a new labrador puppy, called Monty, hes a nut case
and I got my new gaming/family computer, specs:
staying with XP
nvidia gtx 260
4gb ddr2
gigabyte 775pin mobo
antec tp 750w
antec 902
asus dvd/cd/burner drive

i also bought the valve complete pack over steam, but im faced with a massive dilemma, i only get 10gb/month download, and am on adsl2+ but ive gone over the quota, so now ive been given dialup speeds til the end of the month :'( (10kb/s downloads from steam) but what makes things EVEN worse is that I can't even start the download, while it is 'preparing the files for install' the load bar completes but the next button remains un-clickable and steam either freezes or is going to need 2 days to allow me to press next

is there any way that i can get the games onto my computer without downloading off steam, considering theres approximately 25-30gb of dloads and i only get 10gb/month - would copying the files of a friend's computer work?
Alabastor_Twob14 years ago2009-11-23 00:40:37 UTC 2 comments
Well, I'm bored and I haven't posted a journal in a while, so here's one.
There's very heavy rain here at the moment, and there's some bad flooding. The area where my uncle works is in about eighteen inches of water, flowing pretty rapidly, so that place has been shut down. One of the bridges in town has become unstable, the water is now almost over the bridge, and it's been closed off. If it collapses, it will probably dam the river and cause the water level to rise enough to flood the place where my dad works. A few streets away from where I'm sitting now is a field that now resembles a lake, and all of the schools in town have been shut down bar the one I used to go to, which is odd because it's the only one right next to the river. The military are around helping with rescuing some of the worst affected people. It's odd though, my house is in a valley yet it's affected no worse than any other time that there's rain. I feel I've got off lucky.

Edit: Oh yes, I've been a member of TWHL for 1000 days now. Over a quarter of the time that Half-Life has been out. Sweet.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-11-22 20:56:36 UTC 12 comments
A little something to fill the void left by the absence of 6D...
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Only having internet for a short time and being at my GF's place for the weekend, I've had under 2 hours of internet time. I've only been to TWHL and Gmail, and I GOT A MOTHERFUCKIN VIRUS! Nasty shit too... did a quick google and there was so little useful information on it, including from the library of AVG. Ad Aware picked it up and it wasn't in its library nor did it have any information on it beside it was from China and it had the highest maximum threat level possible.
Livewire14 years ago2009-11-22 15:51:55 UTC 6 comments
So at first when playing MW2 online I was raging, being spawn killed constantly, people always shooting me in my back and random-ass missiles and boxes coming from the sky made me want to power roundhouse my TV out of my window and off into the sky Team Rocket style.

But now that I've got my head around it all, It's slowly growing on me, minus a few occasions where I've bit my pad, threw it on the floor and literally screamed 'Fuck' at maximum vocal capabillities numerous times.

Apart from all that rage, I've ordered Assassins Creed 2, so that should be here in the next few days, woop! ANNNNNNND something I've been working on for far too long is almost finished, and by almost I mean last minute tweaks and figuring out the VPK stuff.

All I'm gunna say is that there are no rescue boats on this ship, so It looks like you've got some amount of work to do whilst being pretty wet.
