
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-10-30 01:16:24 UTC 4 comments
hlife_hotdog has preordered L4D2...


drumroll for the next 20 days
2muchvideogames14 years ago2009-10-29 19:57:42 UTC 8 comments
In an attempt to prove that this website can crank out new maps instead of just new forum topics, I am to post another map with around the same calibre as the first map I had.

Aside from that it's time to discuss another Half Life 1 mod. I am looking at Operation AMOD today. You might have come across this, but good for you if you didn't. The creators admit in their readme that the mod is "crap", so I won't be bashing the authors, only the mod itself.

This mod begins with what is possibly the coolest action cutscene in the history of HL mods. You are an assassin standing on a roof of an apartment trying to nail this doctor in the head. He steps out of the car with his bodyguards, who faithfully take your shots to save his life. The doctor escapes into a building and is never seen again.

At this point the USMC (not the police) is called in to secure the apartment you shot from. Apparently you are that much of a threat with your noclipping and godmodding powers. So, they send in this helicopter full of troops into your building, and you have to escape through the car park and give chase to the doctor on foot. You make it out of the apartment only because of your godmode powers.

You enter the building that doctor went through, seeing beautiful reflecting floors (as you might have seen before in Poke646 and Escape from the Darkness) Two bodyguards rush towards you with handguns. You dispatch them easily with impulse 101.

You enter a stargate-ish portal and end up in the weirdest of places... a temple full of houndeyes...a bar filled with bodyguards...a poorly-lit subway...among others. The temple in particular has the power to strip you of your weapons. Eventually, though, you enter a large airship and end up at a large complex chocked full of bodyguards. No aliens. No weapons. No health. No chargers. Only bodyguards who have 20-20 vision and aim.

After walking through endless corridors and surviving off godmode and impulse you arrive at a ship of some sort, which you pilot and go to the moon with. At the moon the sky is red and you maneuver through another complex filled with bodyguards. When you finally make it outside the game ends in that satisfying "fade to black" manner.

You wonder what could happen if you didn't impulse and godmod. Well, then there are many ways for you to snuff it in this mod. You can get killed by USMC corps because you ran out of handgun clips. You can get killed by the bodyguards because you ran out of handgun clips. You can get killed by the houndeyes, even, all because you ran out of handgun clips. Or you could just have fallen into a large chasm and died without handgun clips. Either way, you have no ammo. And waiting up ahead are 20 barneys who want you dead. They definitely have handgun clips.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-10-29 10:02:31 UTC 2 comments
I'm currently playing the new Batman: Arkham Asylum

I must admit, the game does true justice to the comic series and does not play up to the blockbuster movies. The characters are so immersive and gameplay is interesting yet simple. The Joker actually reminds me of Jack Nickelson, who I still believe was the best, better than Heath Ledger. You also find the extra things quite interesting, the riddles, and Bio's are really interesting, even if you are not a fan of the series.

Fun to play, especially on the PS3
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2009-10-28 10:32:00 UTC 3 comments


But all is well, at least everything is nice and updated...

Except U forgot to backup my Fallout 3 saves :ultra dies: Oh well, i'm playing it again and i'll be evil, MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! MEGATON IS DOOMED!!!
38_9814 years ago2009-10-27 22:59:41 UTC 2 comments
Well, bad news for me today it seems. After months of struggling, the small cafe where I worked out just can't stay out of the red, so they had to lay off a few of us part-timers, including me.

There's a few places near me hiring, so I should, with any luck, get a new part-time job.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-10-27 15:49:15 UTC 8 comments
Need to find a place to live in under 48 hours.

brendanmint14 years ago2009-10-27 11:03:52 UTC 4 comments
Habboi14 years ago2009-10-27 06:36:50 UTC 11 comments
So yet again I've been asked if I want to come to a game event and this time it's for L4D 2. Now some know that I'm actually not that interested in L4D 2 because I feel the price tag is too high however that does not mean I'll destroy the only connection I have to the industry.

Last time I met some dev's and so on and it was great fun so this time we get to shoot guns and learn about camo etc with real army chiefs before playing the game. You know how marketing is.

I'll take a camera this time because they want more coverage. It's happening this week wednesday in London.

I'll edit this on Thursday @_@ Then on Friday I'll be at Eurogamer. Gonna play some sweet games and listen to some DEV lectures.

Oh and this was sent to me:
Tito14 years ago2009-10-27 01:04:42 UTC 7 comments
A few days ago I posted a journal about Microsoft's ridiculous promotion with Burger King's "Windows 7 Whopper":

The only proof of this I had was the promotion picture I posted on the first journal. Well, you are not going to believe this, but there is this nice looking Japanese female reporter that did a news report on this, went on to order the infamous Windows 7 Whopper, and she actually ate the whole freak'n thing! On camera! I almost threw-up watching her eat that 7 meat-paddy burger!

See for yourself:
brendanmint14 years ago2009-10-25 23:36:36 UTC 7 comments
Ive recently learned my power box thingy on my computer is going bad, and in someway its crashing my computer when i compile a big map in hammer. or play a game that uses a lot of RAM? i think. which means until i get a new one my mod is stopped in production insert sad faic
Notewell14 years ago2009-10-25 08:10:06 UTC 23 comments
It's my Birthday today.
I had the party Friday-Saturday (yay long weekends!) So I get today all to myself. I got The Sims 3 from my parents and some cash from my buddies on Friday, and I just got Scribblenauts this morning.
Unfortunatley, It seems I need (at least) a new graphics card for the Sims 3 to work. Any suggestions?
raver14 years ago2009-10-24 20:18:25 UTC 9 comments
Today I tested out a new dish: "Curry/Coffee soufl? with white chocolate custard". Delicious.
Tetsu014 years ago2009-10-24 12:49:54 UTC 4 comments
User posted image
Just got this in the mail last night.
Thinking if it'll affect my HL mapping.
I'm running an NVIDIA card so hopefully it wont hinder it.
Plus i'm going from 32 to 64 bit. Which i'm currently researching all the driver and compatibility bs right now.
And i promise that Castle Disposed will not be affected by this in any way, shape, or form.
Unbreakable14 years ago2009-10-24 12:36:12 UTC 3 comments
WTF! How could I have missed this! OMFG!

Its not playing here at the theatre, but I can't wait till it comes out on blu-ray!