
Tito15 years ago2009-10-03 22:42:58 UTC 8 comments
OMG....You will not believe this!....See it:

He,he, will soon enough find out why I'm laughing. Oh yea, it's a good gag to pass on to anybody you know.
Oskar Potatis15 years ago2009-10-03 11:28:19 UTC 12 comments
LOL prejudice
Edit: There were 4 screenshots here before Imageshack removed them... I think they showed Google Search's suggestions when I typed "Why are Asian/British/American/Swedish" and one was why are Americans afraid of dragons or something I'm sure it was hilarious ;)
esmajor15 years ago2009-10-03 09:00:53 UTC 20 comments
So I bought the game Portal. Anyone have this?

I want to utilize the level editor as much as I can to play around with it.
monster_urby15 years ago2009-10-02 19:10:34 UTC 4 comments
I meant to post this months ago seeing as it was back in June but what the hell?

So I sent an email to PCGamer UK ranting about how video game developers tend to fall flat on their face trying overly hard to make games with a greater sense of immersion.

Surely enough, the next issue of the magazine came out and a shortened version of my email was "The Hot Mail" email of the month. I never got my prize (a 70Gb USB Drive)
User posted image
esmajor15 years ago2009-10-01 03:46:04 UTC 11 comments
So I'm thinking about getting a gaming console.

The kind of games I like is obvious - 1st person shooter games (or 3rd person such as GTA). I'm into games such as sims, and well, I can pretty much learn any type of game there is within reason.

I'd like to know what y'all think, because so far I'm leaning mostly towards a Wii.
Striker15 years ago2009-09-30 10:54:26 UTC 8 comments
Weird. I feel weird. Maybe it's because the weather is suddenly changing into worse ? Don't know.
My life since the school started was absolutely normal. I get free time instead of math classes because last week my math teacher's fingers got chopped off from the left hand, today the biology professor came with an red eye ( looks like terminator) to school... a geography teacher will give birth in 1 month, same for an informatics teacher, but in 4-5 months...
Oh, oh, and the teacher that understands me the most. It's the physics teacher.
Me: "Oh, but theacher, isn't this supposed to be like blablabla"
Teacher: "Very good !"
Teacher: "And Avogadro's number is 6,023*10^26"
Me:" But teacher, at chemistry we learned 6,023*10^23"
Teacher:"Very good !"


I downloaded some c++ tutorials and books. If I can't learn the natural way c++, I'm gonna force myself to learn c++. Maybe my problem is the lack of concentration\boredom\laziness.

I also managed to make a solar reflector from some cardboard and aluminum foil. The only problem is that the foil is not stretched and it didn't reflect very well (I wanted to be more like a concave mirror) the sun beams. Even like that, the thermometer indicated 32 degrees C ( it was only 20 degrees C without the solar reflector). I plan on doing this on larger scales. I actually have a parabolic antenna that I want to use. I hope just not to put something on fire( it's like 1,5 in diameter).
Notewell15 years ago2009-09-30 07:40:41 UTC 13 comments
Lucky Break:
So, today I got up, visted TWHL while I ate breakfast, and went to the bus stop, as usual. I noticed that nobody was there, but I assumed that at least one of the guys just slept in. The public school student that uses our bus got dropped off, but not her sister who is of high school age. 'Appointment', I assumed. Then, the bus finally arived, the usual 10 minutes or so after I get to the stop, and the driver turned me back, saying there was no high school today. Just slightly confused, I walked back home, and looked for the school website. Seems there was a power outage at the school, and we missed the radio broadcast about it.
I get the day off. Lucky me. :)
esmajor15 years ago2009-09-29 04:11:38 UTC 7 comments
looks at 1st journal date


Holy hellman's mayonaise batman! It's been almost SIX YEARS!

Damn I was thinkin it was only about 3 or 4 since I joine dthis site. I don't even remember what mde me join LOL! Or even how I FOUND IT.
SpaG15 years ago2009-09-28 11:36:54 UTC 8 comments
This is your 4000th login.
Joined: 24th October 2004 (1800 days ago)

srry15 years ago2009-09-27 22:04:12 UTC 10 comments
User posted image
User posted image
Shit's coming along finally.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-09-27 21:10:13 UTC 22 comments
Mom called.

She just wanted to say my website sucks. (Her words exactly)


EDIT: I guess I should say I graduated or something...
Striker15 years ago2009-09-27 13:45:48 UTC 4 comments
I tried making a couple of artistic photos using my cellphone (3.2 MP) and my old car.
Here's a link :
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-09-27 12:57:54 UTC 7 comments
Doing a computer case mod today! Im excited its going to look hawt! It's going to take alot of work though, going to go pick up a dremel (I think its called that...?) Used for cutting steal, also going to pick up all the electrical stuff, swithes, batteries, leds, etc

Tito15 years ago2009-09-27 12:29:55 UTC 7 comments
I don't know if any of you here have ever heard of what I think has to be the two world's greatest chalk artists, men by the names of "Julian Beever" and "Kurt Wenner". If you don't know them, well, forget about their names for now, just concentrate on looking at their incredible, mind blowing drawings which were done on simple color chalks:

Personal comment: The only thing I regret is not being able to be there in person to look at these drawing marvels with my own eyes. I wonder if CGI can even duplicate something like this and have the same impact.
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-09-27 03:31:00 UTC 6 comments
Just bought Company of Heroes Gold edition (comes with Opposing Fronts), Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 which left my voucher with 10cents left, Unreal Tournament 3 for $9AUD and watched my friend "steal" some lollies only to realise he found out that they were samples... It was a good day today.