
Striker15 years ago2009-07-11 20:15:24 UTC 17 comments
Ok , I just made a little funny videoclip. (aprox 30 seconds, it's short, but it's HD :P )


[EDIT] Video also on youtube now ! Youtube here :P
Notewell15 years ago2009-07-10 19:39:51 UTC 5 comments
I love exposing bugs in games.
I was playing c2a5, and having a pistol fight with the ickyosaur, when I killed it mid-leap. It hung in the air, twitched, and rolled over, just like when you kill it in the water. Then it slowly floated down towards the water's surface.
"Hey look! A floating prehistoric fish! Fasinating!"
"Sure, doc, sure. Someone's had one to many aliens appear in front of him"
:D Hilarious.
Side note, press F5. I got a new avatar, to celebrate my re-discovery of the fun of my gamecube games.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-07-10 13:51:40 UTC 6 comments
Remaking Maprookie. (lol Maprookie2) I'm looking at the source behind TWHL.

These to be exact:

However, I still can't find out what keeps TWHL centered on the page. What's the div tag property and value that will do that?

...Well for now I could just use a table to set it.
Habboi15 years ago2009-07-10 10:59:18 UTC 14 comments
Edit: So I finished my review and hopefully they likey.

So I went to that EA press party last night and I took a friend. I didn't take any pictures as I didn't want to lug it around but the picture ZIP emailed to me contains one picture of some reporters playing here:

So I might as well describe the night in detail since I'm sure some people are interested. I need to get my writing noggin' on anyway since they expect a review and I don't want to throw away another chance at being invited to one of these.

So I took an old friend along with me who I hadn't seen for half a year and as we got to the train station I realised I'd left my ID under some clothes so we had to walk back and get it which was the first bad experience of the day. I needed it in case a pub man wanted to see it, especially since I don't look 20.

So yeah we got to the end of our journey on the tube and had to walk around a bunch of roads for bit to get to the bar. We got there 20 minutes early and spotted a pub opposite so we went there until it was time. Once it was time we walked over and was greeted by a hot woman who I thought was hired just to pimp up the event but it turns out she plays Fallout so that shut me up.

We went in after saying our names and after navigating winding corridors and stairs we came out into a sexy, sexy club / bar with chandeliers and candle tops etc. Then a Japanese guy came up to us and gave us cocktail menus in the theme of the game. Such names like Infantry something and Sniper something...Yeah the names didn't stick in my head but they were mighty tasty and "free". They?re normally 9 pounds according to the website.

So we order the drinks and are greeted by some people who ask if we want to try the game so we sat down on this nice curved sofa and I got the first go. I did some research on the game beforehand so that I didn't look like a noob but that failed when I accidently threw a grenade which landed perfectly on my teammate?s tank causing it to explode and team kill. Good start?

Then all that happened was I was approached by all these people and they were asking where I came from and why I was here and I kept explaining how I just made a simple blog about my life and games and how surprised I was to be invited to this. I met a guy who wrote reviews for The Times newspaper, a digital distributor at EA, a developer who told me how he got his job and Bill Bailey. No, not really but the guy was so much like him that I kept laughing.

So yeah, these guys were all pretty big and here was me and my friend. Me with my personal blog and my friend with nothing D: That didn't stop him from being the "Man of the Party" as he was chatting to everyone etc so I was glad I took him with me.

In the end I drank more free cocktails, ate free food, met some really nice people who actually listened to me and walked into a mirror. What? Yeah as I came out the toilet I was looking down so my eyes caught someone walking towards me so I move out the way and to cut it short I soon realised after bumping into this person that it was me in a mirror. D:

Anyway it was a nice night and very insightful etc. These people were down to earth and were easy to chat to. A lot of them had one thing in common and that was they had hardly any time to game because of work which worried me :o I can't live without me games.

So after 3 hours we left and said our goodbyes and went to the pub for half an hour before returning home and ending the day.

As for the game? Yeah it was alright but nothing new to the industry but pretty damn awesome since it's only 9 pounds. But what's even better is I got a free code to download it so hoorah for my blog. Oh yeah and they said the evening was for the press so I felt honoured to be called that. :D
Tetsu015 years ago2009-07-09 23:23:00 UTC 7 comments
Just dropped $650 UDS on this bad boy : BUGERA!

Omfg is it sexy. It's like upgrading from a crappy 4 cyl car to a Corvette.
The clean is bright and crisp (Imaging December by collective soul)
Yet the distortion can shread your face off (Imagine Metalocopalse, and the death that follows each gig)
Also hits every single tine in-between. If my old crappy one lasted 5 years, i should get 20 outta this thing :)

We got a show coming up next saturday. There will be video mose likely, so you'll get to hear it in action!
IMUS15 years ago2009-07-09 01:17:16 UTC 5 comments
My bro has released his latest map Mansion 4, another Ep2 single player horror map. I agree with some of the comments, it's confusing. He's best work yet though. Also my compo 27 map is nearly finished so I'll definitely be entering.
Livewire15 years ago2009-07-08 11:56:02 UTC 3 comments
House party tonight, I unfortunately missed the last one for some reason, I can't remember why... Well anyway, I'm going to this one, I've been warned it gets pretty wild considering that last time a guy put his hand through double glazing, peanuts where thrown everywhere (oh the horror) the house was wrecked and the cops and ambulance turned up.


In my last journal, or the one before... I can't quite remember, I mentioned how I had to do a live performace for a show that night, well my friend actually recorded me and put it in his band videoblog. So, for your entertainment you can see me at 16 seconds in.

Note that drums are being played and I'm not moving an inch :|

So TWHL, you might not hear from me for the next few days as I will either be so hungover I'm bedbound or dead.

hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-07-08 04:07:20 UTC 6 comments
So...i'm back in the working world that i mind...I could use the cash badly right now. But the plus side is, they want me take on a supervisor role as soon as my probation period is up :D so more cash my way!! Sweet!!
srry15 years ago2009-07-07 18:06:11 UTC 13 comments
I finally got my driver's license today.
Habboi15 years ago2009-07-07 11:18:18 UTC 20 comments
Edit: So I passed my university second year. Respectable marks ranging from 48-70 and the max is 100 so yeah. I knew I'd pass but I wasn't sure if my essays would get a decent mark so yeah. Woo me etc.

Original Post:

So I get an email.

Hi William,

I was looking through your blog and was wondering if you would be interested in covering the launch event for DICE?s (an Electronic Arts Inc. studio) upcoming release of ?Battlefield 1943? ? a FPS available through Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation Network (out on the PC later this year)

The event takes place this Thursday in Covent Garden. If you are interested in coming down and reviewing the game, please drop me an email as soon as you can, so we can book you a place (fairly limited at this stage). You will find more information on the game below.

Please let me know if you would any further information.

Have a good evening,


T 020 7419 8622 /F 020 7419 6963 /

What do you think?
Tetsu015 years ago2009-07-06 07:58:24 UTC 20 comments
Project Source Development Week 4:


I think I may have to do a complete Re-work of my map. I really don't want to do that either.

I'm way behind schedule. WAY WAY WAY behind schedule. It just seems the source engine is more picky than goldsource.
Can't get my lighting to work (Might be a result of the "too many leaves" error)
Can't fix that damn leaf-saw error
Models that say they're prop static ARENT. So i have to manually change each individually to prop Physics (TAKES FOREVER and i don't know why i can't select a bunch and change the entity type. It just erases the model name)
Even tho the map seems big, it's smaller than i would've hoped. It doesn't take any time at all to run through the map. I'm going to have a hard time making this a good combat map.
I still have to learn scripts. They don't work for me and i'm just starting to get pissed.

This is one of the most frustrating experiences i've ever had with mapping. Ever.
In other news: Turns out the drummer in my band indirectly knows the bassist from Shinedown. We're getting studio time in South Carolina with the company that they themselves record with. We're doing a full-length album, re-mastering all of our old songs, and putting in all of our new ones. It's going to be a week-long ordeal sometime during winter. I don't know the exact date yet, but we may get a record deal out of it..
I'm crossing my fingers on this one, it's going to be almost a $10,000 investment.

Hopefully It'll all be worth it someday.
and if anybody reads this, i scrapped my entry. Starting over in goldsource.
Striker15 years ago2009-07-05 12:16:55 UTC 3 comments
New Site !

Yeah, well, I want to make a site "a la Half-Life" and the best solution is a blog. A heavily modified blog...
I'm using because it's much more flexible than any other blogging solution. As you can see the theme I'm using is not present under templates, I downloaded it from the web, modified it, and then uploaded to the blog.
Maybe you'll notice the ads : yes, I plan to make some money, invest them in some space on a webhosting and making a ... real site. I already bought a html book, but I'll only learn the basics now( that's why I knew how to modify basic things in the xml document :D )

Visit here :

And a word for the slow net guys : I'm using a 6mb/s(that's bit not BYTE, which is smaller) and it takes 1-2 seconds for the site to load. Which, in my opinion is not bad.
Skals15 years ago2009-07-05 05:47:12 UTC 10 comments
this week was an extrodinary week for me indeed.

first of all, i got this huge 23' new pc screen (my old one was 17' lol) and now im very happy. im using dual monitors now :)

second of all, i got this strange friend invite from a guy i dont know, this is what he said:
User posted image
oh and, i got swine flu. :(
Habboi15 years ago2009-07-03 11:12:31 UTC 17 comments
So I was looking through the SWTOR forums for any news on Fridays update etc and came across a thread that linked to the engine that the game is using.

Eventually I found a video on the website that shows off a level editor that lets you design levels with other people at the same time.

Quite interesting and something I wish Hammer would have. I mean let me ask you programmers out there, is it possible for a third party to program some sort of online tool that would allow people to join your hammer? Logic says that since something hasn't been made in all the time Hammer has been out, I'd say it isn't possible without Hammer's Source code? I'm just guessing since I have no real coding knowledge.

I like how one guy was working on the environmental lighting while the other two worked on landscaping and adding foliage :)
Trapt15 years ago2009-07-03 01:38:19 UTC 5 comments
User posted image
One of the funnier deathcams I've gotten in DoD:S lols. D:

In other news, got my first semester results back for uni, 3 HDs and a D. Not bad, was one 1% off getting 4 HDs though. :( At least I get to keep my scholarship! Hell yeah, free education.