
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-04-05 07:41:20 UTC 31 comments
Okay, let's talk TWHL improvements.

As said in the news post, I'm recoding TWHL. Why? because the current TWHL code is disgusting, and I never want to look at it again. (This is the reason I never make any changes/improvements/bug fixes/etc to TWHL.)

The solution? Recode it. Entirely from scratch. HTML, CSS, PHP. Some of the HTML/CSS is okay but mostly it isn't as flexible as I would like it to be for a dynamic website. The PHP is unrecoverable, and has been completely scrapped.

You may be thinking, "Won't the same thing happen with the new code?", and you're right to think that. Hopefully, the way that it's being coded will make it easy to make changes/additions/upgrades without making me want to kill myself. I'm using a framework this time, CakePHP, and it's actually very fun to work with. It has a ton of really nice features that are dead easy to implement, and should make TWHL a much more friendly site to navigate.

So let's look at features for said TWHL recode. For easy reference, let's call it TWHL4.

Bold - percentage lines explained:
<feature> - <percentage chance of happening>

First of all, I'm not sure if the theme will stay. I'm rewriting all the HTML and CSS, but I'm making it look pretty much exactly the same. I'm leaning towards changing the theme to something less orange, but this theme will be available as an option (as will custom user-created themes, if anyone actually bothers to make one).

New default theme - 60%
Custom/multiple themes - 90%

A better tutorial system is a must-have. I don't know exactly how it'll be better, but it will be. There needs to be drastic improvements on tutorials from proposing to drafts and tutorial revisions.

The VERC Articulator wiki will need to be implemented so that people can start adding the missing images and formatting them with BBCode. This will definitely happen.

I'll also try to make the entity/error Wiki more attractive to people who might edit them.

Better tutorial system - 100%
VERC Articulator - 100%
Wiki spruce-up - 60%

Map of the Month! I hope that TWHL4 will bring new votes to MOTM, as well as making it easier for Daubster and co. to upload reviews. I'll do this by implementing a proper MOTM admin panel for Daub (and other reviewers) to use, and putting a MOTM thingie on the right column of the main page. Also, I'll put up a big obnoxious message telling you to vote for MOTM if you haven't (disable-able, of course.)

MOTM admin panel - 100%
MOTM widget & reminder message - 100%

Javascript might play a larger role in TWHL4, but it will be designed to degrade gracefully if javascript is not enabled. TWHL3 doesn't do this. Naughty penguin.

Graceful javascript - 101%

User/Admin alerts will no longer suck.
You'll be able to view previous poll results.
A more complex polling system might be made.
I don't know about poll-threads, I don't like the idea of them. But, maybe.
Shoutbox Live might actually be live.
It'll be easier to get to your own profile.
Top right icons will be changed to look clearer.
The old avatars will be replaced with new, HL-related ones. (The old ones will still be available.)

Non-sucky alerts - 100%
Poll history - 100%
Surveys - 60%
Poll threads - 20%
Shoutbox Live living up to its name - 70%
Find yourself - 90%
Easy-function icons - 90%
New avatars - 100%

CakePHP makes URLs much neater. So, instead of
/forums.php?thread=12345, it's
This is done automatically by Cake, so I don't need to do anything!

Fancy URLs - 100%

Static pages (about, where, servers, etc) will be easier to edit, meaning that people's servers might actually get on there once in a while!

Servers/links page updated sometimes - 80%

I might open up some spaces for user-created compo's. And maybe more than one compo running at once.

More compos - 90%

Profiles will be improved - birthdays, PC stats, xfire/Steam details, last login, stats that actually increase when you do things...the list goes on.

Profiles 2.0 - 100%

That's all I can think of for now. And that's just the start of it!

In the comments: what changes would you like for TWHL4?
Please, don't list bugfixes, as they'll probably not even exist once the new code is done. I'm talking about what core functionality of TWHL you think should be changed.
monster_urby15 years ago2009-04-04 22:20:18 UTC 12 comments
Well, I should be able to run off another Map of the Month review this week. Been lagging behind after the whole "REINSTALL FUCKING EVERYTHING" virus fix. I also seem to be suffering a pretty serious case of the "can't-be-arsed" fever.

Anywho, with any luck completing this video will inspire me to run off the other few maps I've been assigned too. Here's to hoping.
satchmo15 years ago2009-04-04 11:34:22 UTC 5 comments
fold15 years ago2009-04-03 16:44:20 UTC 8 comments
This is one of those things that are destined to fail on the first try. The entire ship is an entity, many entities infact. All are set to move with the hull which is a func_pendulum set with properties from my test chamber where I ran multiple tests to get the effect working properly. Thing is, I've got no idea if it will even allow me to compile the piece of entity. This verson of the tall ship will be for Spirit, a SP version detailed to maximum.

I'm all set to go for a compile though. I just thought to write this up as a laugh for complete failure.
User posted image
User posted image
Captain Terror15 years ago2009-04-03 04:41:34 UTC 7 comments

What brighness and gamma levels do you play Half-Life at?
I play all my fps at full brightness/gamma. I just realized if i'm optimizing my maps for that whilst most people play half-life at the default settings, then my maps are going to look much darker than intended! (also same thing when i play other people's maps, cept they'll be brighter than the author intended!) ZOMG


=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-04-02 22:26:07 UTC 19 comments
I love twhl, crysis style
User posted image
Thanks fold, for the idea
Rimrook15 years ago2009-04-02 21:50:08 UTC 5 comments
I've been friggin busy trying to get life to work for me in the last couple of weeks. Daubster had invited me to help rate MotM maps, but I haven't gotten to it. I'm more concerned with trying to pay rent, rather that school, rather than work, rather than internship... the list goes on before the MotM thing is on listed.

Also mentioned that I would do some source mapping... no. But I have found that has all of the mapping/modding needs for Super Mario World rom hacking, like all the videos on YouTube of custom levels. Its all there if you have some 8bit blood left in ya, or not afraid to have a challenge. I picked it up for an hour while waiting at uni... its addicting because of its simplicity. Certainly worth a look.

Don't even mention 6D. I'm already in a bad mood.
Livewire15 years ago2009-04-02 17:26:24 UTC 6 comments
Time for an update me thinks!

In my last journal I gave rough estimates for the worktime on each area left on the Wetwork boat I'm currently making, well, ignore those estimates because I've beaten them to the floor, waggled my willy in their faces and stolen their pants.

My parents went away for the weekend leaving me home alone, so instead of getting some sleep like a responsible person, I decided to crack open a Carlsberg and continue working until about 5-6am, and I did this twice including a days work beforehand. SO!

Tower = complete
Deck = complete
North Tower = roughly 90% done

Apart from that I only have very minor things to add such as the weather, which I've already made a start on. I also threw in a Blackhawk for the CT's spawnpoint, mainly because it looks badass and fits in perfectly.
User posted image
After all of this, I'm going to spent X amount of weeks optimizing it in every single possible way, and even then I wouldn't be suprised if it takes a few days to compile.

So I'll go Black Mesa on you to be safe - It's done when it's done. :)

Until next time!

(Still looking for a modeller!)
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-04-02 09:25:06 UTC 3 comments
Yay, so I bought a $200 dollar phone. Finally figured out how to streamline my phone and laptop so they talk with the press of 4 buttons and now have quick and easy and expensive internet access at home! Yay! So expect to see more of my awesomeness!!

takes cover from fireballs behind VHE
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-04-01 21:38:49 UTC 13 comments
I had to reformat because of a bsod that appeared everytime you started windows, now i lost everything, interest, half life 2, counter strike source, crysis, 3ds max, EVERAY THING!!! >:(
Daubster15 years ago2009-04-01 12:22:35 UTC 2 comments
Wrote this new little tool for faster image posting.

Check it out! :]
monster_urby15 years ago2009-04-01 07:39:15 UTC 12 comments
It's a good thing Fallout 3 is an awesome game. In my haste to wipe my system clean of all the nasty viruses that had swallowed my Windows folder, I seem to have cleansed myself of the the progress I had made out in the wasteland.

There were a few other titles I have inadvertently erased but Fallout 3 was the biggest one in terms of hours played.

I'll have to reinstall it at some point and get started again. I also decided to give Far Cry 2 another try, see if I can actually finish it this time. I've put 9 hours in so far. Man its fucking boring. Even the multiplayer. Thats a bad sign right there.

I miss GoldSource mapping :(
satchmo15 years ago2009-03-31 14:11:17 UTC 9 comments
Had a really busy on-call night last night.

I worked for 30 hours straight, and I am pretty damn tired now.

I even missed breakfast this morning because I was rounding on the patients.

Just have to wait for lunch then.
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-03-30 21:56:13 UTC 8 comments
Cod4 > Half-life 2 > Big rigs over the road racing > Half life 1 > Crysis


Anyways, I've re-installed raven shield in hopes to a moddablitity, and it works, but i can't import the damn texture for my imported model! >:(
Alabastor_Twob15 years ago2009-03-30 18:19:53 UTC 4 comments
I started playing Far Cry 2 again recently. (I had stopped because my save file had got corrupted)

I'd forgotten how fun sniping is in that game, plus the occasional amazing shot that makes you stop in wonder (before getting gunned down for not paying attention)

I had also realised that I'd been playing on normal difficulty all along.
I set it to infamous and it really opened up oppurtunities for adaptive tactics.
My usual tactic is to go near a base, take out any single mercs with the dart rifle, fire a flare into the middle of the base and then shoot them down with the M1903 as they run from the flames.

The smaller max. ammo capacity and syrette capacity, coupled with the fact that I don't have ammo or medical supplies at the Bowa Seko safehouses means that I constantly have to pick up new weapons and adapt my tactics as I play. It's really increased the fun that I get from the game.