
NineTnine15 years ago2009-03-30 04:54:01 UTC 12 comments
So if people are going to start going on about medical stuff,

ill just like to say that my girl friend has ... glandular fever!
then she had an alergic reaction to the medicene...

but thankfully shes slowly getting better....
satchmo15 years ago2009-03-30 00:22:09 UTC 19 comments
My son's first typed document:
iobg t ../,;lppppc mop mart4.rcht5jyi c m,ccsxm ccccccccc ccvfc cdsffffffffffffdfddeenxdddffdfdfwded , MM, fjjjjjj nmfnnnjjfufuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijhhh hhy yvfdu7f rrr7yyyyyyyjhffjtyj f c, vmkxm jkkkkkkkkkkkl kkkkkkkkdkldsssss . s aThat was a goodslkdlsxdafdede e ecfdvc XI jjfvdunjmmk gjkijk fg jik fji jik f jr i l cm 4e,ms fd mkjI9OR IR IO RI IN NIBIttttttttttt gggggggtkmlykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkhnj mjjhnnnnnk kkkikikikkkk kkii iggg g fddefef4:27 PM 3/22/2009ffdeefeerde rdeerrf,MKJJJIO IBO eredqarewq qa ,YONJ NNNNMMNN NNNNNNNNN m ,vmbbmkllp;g;pgpgppggl,;gkkloo,N./B.,opt00t,IGIGIOGITOGRIGTTGR990OOLKKMMMMM ,,//S 1244LL, L,BB L BLB BLB L1

'gg''''' yy
lk,l,gfbl, bbbbbbbbbb/ /.;;;.ldgl
Notewell15 years ago2009-03-29 19:39:08 UTC 17 comments
For those who enjoy making a mockery of Satchmo's medical quizes:
An 18 year-old male comes in complaining of pain in his left hand. When the points out the sources of pain, they are in the shape of a triforce. Of the following, the most likely diagnosis is:


Common cold

He's faking it

Daubster15 years ago2009-03-29 16:36:54 UTC 12 comments
Missed my 4th anniversary here by two weeks.

Also, Ep2.
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Best achievement ever. Adds a more-or-less new level to the gameplay/experience. :>
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-03-28 19:12:16 UTC 14 comments
Today i installed rainbow six vegas 2 only to find out it's un-moddable! >:(
fold15 years ago2009-03-28 18:34:44 UTC 3 comments
Love is in teh air ...
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satchmo15 years ago2009-03-27 18:21:44 UTC 15 comments
A mother brings in her 4-year-old boy because she is concerned about his increasing clumsiness. He has been previously healthy and achieved developmental milestones on time. His growth parameters are normal. On physical examination, his mental status is normal, as are results of cranial nerve and sensory examinations and reflexes. However, he cannot rise from the floor without using his hands, and his running looks clumsy.
Of the following, the MOST appropriate next test to assess the cause of this child's symptoms is


lumbar puncture

measurement of serum creatine kinase

muscle biopsy

spine magnetic resonance imaging
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-03-26 21:13:06 UTC 9 comments
Pengy closed the newspost on twhl getting hacked.

fold15 years ago2009-03-26 15:31:17 UTC 2 comments
I seem to like modeling now more than mapping with hammer. I thank Captain Terror for giving me some Milkshape 3D tutorials and utilities which helped me get into modeling.
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(scaling the size of the railing with the cannon)

dod_favilla should be released this weekend. I'm still looking for a server (dod 1.3) where the map could be tested gameplay wise.
Stixsmaster15 years ago2009-03-25 22:24:53 UTC 7 comments

Hey all,

Today is my bday. I know it is late to say this but hell who cares atleast I said it before midnight...

I am so happy with the gifts I got for my bday...

F.E.A.R. 2 just pwns the first along with the expansions...the graphix dont look stretched out as much as they are in those...

The story is so much stronger too...but I feel that it may be hard for sumone new to the series to start playing the 2nd before the first without know what happend from the beginning...

I am currently working on an alpha version map for SC now...

The new map will be tested on my server later on when released...not going to spoil any secrets about it except that it is once again nothing like what I have done before...


Strider15 years ago2009-03-24 00:17:58 UTC 14 comments
So Rockstar have officially announced Max Payne 3. I love the first two, and seeing as they were developed by Remedy, and this new one is by Rockstar Vancouver, my gut tells me they're going to fuck it up.

Their last game (Bully) was far from polished, and I've yet to see any Rockstar team fo a game with GOOD shooting mechanics. Also, what did they do to Max?!.

Bah. >:(
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-03-23 23:55:46 UTC 4 comments
Connected to
Disconnect: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket.

God i fucking hate steam.

EDIT: "This game is currently unavailable" Bull fucking god damn horseshit.

I'm never going to even get a chance to think about working on the mod at this pace.

fold15 years ago2009-03-23 16:44:56 UTC 3 comments
What can I say... 1st journal.

Hello everyone. Names Fold, another older account of mine is F0ld on this site but for some odd reason I can't login on him anymore. Not that I care...

Took a long break from mapping while at other interests and then one day it hit me. Why not combine those interests, thats where the idea of making a map of a tall ship. I love sailing and I own my own boat, albeit a bit smaller than the one I'm working on :P

M/S Favilla, will be released for Day of Defeat, non source. Capture the flag type of map where both teams spawn in the lowest deck still separated from one another. Both teams have to make their way up a deck or two before they can cross fire. The three flags will be located at the top of the three masts. Should be released shortly. While the wait you can set your eyes on a couple pictures:
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That cannon is my 1st model ever that I've worked on so dont judge it with haste. I've had a whole 2 hours of experience with Milkshape3D ;)
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-03-23 14:19:10 UTC 2 comments
I'm bored, so I'm going to throw this out at you people that half hl2dm, get a mod called "ballmen", and join the only server on the list (

Me and my friend blaze will be there, if not blaze, then just me.

Rimrook15 years ago2009-03-23 09:34:31 UTC 5 comments
My second take on the special effects world, done for class.

Watch: The Teleporting Joe