Wow. I've been going through some of my old forum posts and realised what a jerk I was back then. Admittedly, I'm still a jerk sometimes, but I like to think that I'm better than I was. I will continue to strive to remove all jerkiness, but you might have to be patient.
I've only really gotten better over the past year, so, for the times I was a jerk to you, the reader, I apologise. Please forgive me for being a twat.
In other news, I have a big programming project that has been in the works for about 6 months now. Some people (who join IRC every now and then) know of it, and I hope that it will be useful to everyone. I might announce it this month or next month, depending on how well I go. Please, if you do know what it is, don't spoil the surprise for everyone else! (Also, to those people who already know, if you catch me on IRC, there's some updates you might enjoy seeing)
Also, I've always wanted to use "pants" as an insult.
People who abuse exploits in Left 4 Dead are pants.
Did I do it right, British people? It's a British term, isn't it? I'm so confused right now.