
pepper16 years ago2008-10-05 04:06:46 UTC 5 comments
I ran across this Flash game a few days ago, i think they did a great job on it! Its a RTS game, but not in the classic C&C style.

Use [ url ] [ /url ] to make a link clickable.
GameMasterPau1016 years ago2008-10-04 08:59:40 UTC 15 comments
My favorite game: Half Life 2 gets high (popular)! LOL
It is the most popular game!
Taylor16 years ago2008-10-04 08:13:27 UTC 12 comments
Serial Experiments Lain episode 13. The last episode in the series, that I've just watched, now I feel all "WUT?"

Got to see this anime again.
SpaG16 years ago2008-10-04 08:11:23 UTC 1 comment
This is your 3000nd login.
Where's my congratulation message? :-(
That's what i miss the most from twhl2.
satchmo16 years ago2008-10-04 00:50:23 UTC 11 comments
This is my professional profile.
Skals16 years ago2008-10-03 16:29:59 UTC 7 comments
i decided to upload some screenies from my compo 26 map. here they are:
(warning, this MAY contain spoilers.)






LCP16 years ago2008-10-02 18:08:59 UTC 2 comments
No computer for even longer...

I cant hold on much longer....

received broken Mobo sending back.... Taking weeks.... No computer for longer than i expected D:
pepper16 years ago2008-10-01 15:54:04 UTC 14 comments
Adobe CS4 is deu in for November 08, certainly interesting for me. Would i mind having a legal version so i could actually sell my work? Yes. What is the price i would pay for that? Well, take a look at this stuff:

Now, if we put this into google:

adobe CS4 pricing


Something is seriously fucked up, and someone should smack those people at Adobe in the face. Offcourse you can apply this to many products like 3D studiomax, which even though is a really good product but also terribly overpriced. Somehow, i think this isnt going to change anytime soon, and it really isnt wise to startup a business with illegal software.
Livewire16 years ago2008-09-30 11:53:03 UTC 10 comments
Well it was my turn to see In Flames yesterday, and holy crap they were awesome. So since Huntey supplied the pictures, I'll supply some videos.

I'll try find the best quality ones I can.

The Chosen Pessimist (Introduction, curtain falls at 4:10. Amazing)

Colony -

Cloud Connected - (1:15 = batshit awesome)

I was told to give Sonic Syndicate a chance, I'm glad I did, they were great.

Gojira scared the fucking shit out of me, but still awesome.

It was an epic night.
Spike16 years ago2008-09-29 17:20:23 UTC 11 comments
My last creations, 2 large (very large!) trees I've made for TF2 (ep2 engine), I'm very sattisfied with them because they look very TF2-ish and the shadows it makes on the leaves are "realistic". I'm also very sattisfied because it really feels like a dense leaves, on the second one you can't see the sky from below. And they're not too high poly, 6k each one (aprox). But I'm going to do lots of lod models so it will go from 3k to 6k.

Pics of the first one, which I like the most and you can climb on it because the trunk is sliced:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
2nd tree:
User posted image
Oh yes I forgot to say textures are ripped from Crysis and modified (to a TF2 style). Don't blame me for doing that.
NineTnine16 years ago2008-09-28 19:30:48 UTC 7 comments
the other day i auditioned for Pirates of Penzance musical and i got the role of a swashbuckling pirate, Narrrgh!
some of the dance is quite tricky actaully, ill need to wear knee pads the amount of times i scrape my legs along the ground
Tetsu016 years ago2008-09-28 02:49:52 UTC 13 comments
Hey fellas. I'm at a party right now. I just wanna let you know; because i'm extremely inebriated right now, that you guys, especially zeeba, rimrook, hlhotdog and strider, in particular, have been so much of an inspiration to me.
That's all.
/End drunken slur
Skals16 years ago2008-09-27 11:26:45 UTC 2 comments
Umm, i decided to share some of my spore creations. here they are:

every single one of em
Tetsu016 years ago2008-09-26 08:19:58 UTC 12 comments
Hey! It's my birthday today! Yep, that's right Tetsu0 is turning 20 Years old today. How am i celebrating? Resees puffs and fruit loops for breakfast, and i took the day off from work!
Actually i still have school today, but it's only til noon, then i gotta party to attend. Still gotta wait one more year to (legally) drink. But I can wait.
MattyB16 years ago2008-09-25 09:20:49 UTC 8 comments
Dropped back in to see how it was all going. Seems like things are good in TWHL land.