
Skals13 years ago2011-08-07 19:17:47 UTC 24 comments
look what I found in my room over at my old house:
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my old sega genesis games, and I found these too:
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the yellow cartridges are for the super nintendo, they might be fakes but the games worked well.

Out of the over 30+ games I played on the sega genesis, the best ones I had were probably in this order:

5.Dune 2
4.Bare Knuckle / Streets of Rage (1 & 2, 3 not so much)
3.Golden Axe Series (1 good, 2 was just as good and 3 was even better)
2.Sonic (All games were great fun, although not my faves)
1.Comix Zone (I think one of the greatest games of all time)

If you lot haven't played comix zone at all, go check it out on youtube, or even download one of those sega genesis game emulators and torrent the game for your pc. It's a great experience and genius game.
Hey, i'll even link you to a video:

Honorable Mentions:
The Tom & Jerry game was really good too, great fun, so was the tiny toon game. Battle toads is one of my faves but it doesn't make the list of best games.

Edit 2: I will post some new pictures soon. Btw did y'all know that there's a Michael Jackson game too? You walk around as him saving little girls from smooth criminals and you kill them by doing a dance. Your special move is to do a moonwalk and all enemies on screen dance together with you and then fall over and die, this is not a joke I'm serious.

Edit 3: Here you go, some games you didn't see in the previous images.
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Skals13 years ago2011-03-23 06:11:02 UTC 7 comments
I went on yesterday during my college hours, just to check out latest news and so on, and I saw a topic on the front page about Sucker Punch, which is a pretty awesome movie that's coming out on theaters here next month. Anyway I clicked on this link and read what it said, and I couldn't believe it but IGN was offering FREE premier tickets to see this movie all over the UK, and they had a link where I could actually book the tickets straight away, and I did! I managed to get them for croydon which is basically 20 minute bus drive from my house :D, I told my friends and we all managed to get about 4 tickets each, so I think the entire class is going lol. 10 minutes after I discovered it however, they were all sold out :>. Lucky huh?
Skals13 years ago2011-02-21 17:51:36 UTC 9 comments
The 5th mod that people nee... SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO SOMETHING BETTER WITH YOUR TIME. Thnx. This journal will probably be removed, but I made my point.
Skals13 years ago2011-02-16 12:42:34 UTC 14 comments
There was a crazy preacher guy on my train today. I think he was one of those crazy black Christians that want to exterminate white people? He was randomly shouting at every white person in the train, and then he started shouting at me, I have no idea what he was talking about, the only bit that I understood was "sex toys"? He was coming closer and closer to me and shouting at me randomly, but the train stopped at a station, and some like 70 year old man tried to get off, but the preacher was blocking the way (he was facing towards me and the older man was behind him asking him to let him pass). The man behind the preacher was constantly touching him and asking him to let him pass, and then the preacher just randomly shouted "THE MAN BEHIND ME SHOULD STOP TOUCHING ME" or something like that, and then he just flipped out, turned around, and pushed / threw the older man onto the floor, shouted, and angrily walked out of the train. D: The older man was okay but I didn't really want to say anything to the preacher, cause he had so much golden christian bling all across him, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a gun in there as well.
Skals13 years ago2010-12-03 11:36:24 UTC 14 comments
I just realized howbig my pussycat has grown! Just a month ago he was so small!

Skals13 years ago2010-11-11 11:53:15 UTC 19 comments
Ok, so black-ops just killed my xbox. The video does not work for it any more, at all. wtf do I do now?
Skals13 years ago2010-10-23 02:08:03 UTC 2 comments
To those of you who haven't been so lucky to be blessed with fallout: new vegas yet, here's my first impressions review (I've been playing for 6 hours total but still that's only a scratch into the game.)

I'll try not to make it long... Basically over all, fallout new vegas is the same old fallout 3 game but with many little improvements to all aspects of it. The one improvement I find the best is the Hardcore mode, It doesn't really live up to the name since I'm finding it easy even when playing the game on hard, but it adds a much more realistic feel to the game. Basically with this mode on, you are forced to eat food, drink, and sleep or you die. Which is actually good, since you are actually using all the food and water you can find, unlike in fallout 3 where it was just a waste of bag space. Repairing has also been improved to allow you to recycle old ammo and create new ammo, and there is a new skill called survivalism which allows you to create food and increases its benefits.
The monsters ai is also so much smarter now, the wild animals actually team up in packs and try to stalk you, if they get low on hp they run off to nearby friends and call them to attack you too.
So far I am loving the game, If you enjoyed fallout 3 this is a must get, because it is not only better but it also has a completely new story and environment.

Oh and also, There is this new dodgy perk you can choose at the beginning, you should get it :> (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it).

As for myself, I'm going on a holiday for a week now, cya guys!
Skals14 years ago2010-10-12 15:29:20 UTC 8 comments
Hey guys, my college tutor showed my class this very nice little website / game today:

Apparently this site has a game of pinpointing locations around the world, and every time you get a location given right, you will acquire water cups, which will be later donated to some very poor countrys around the world (Ecuador I believe or maybe Africa.)

How may this work you ask? Well My tutor told us that they get paid when people click on their website, and later they use this money for charity water to these poorer countries, it's really nice, All you need to do is click their website, play the game and you're donating water for free! Try it!
Skals14 years ago2010-09-20 09:16:46 UTC 2 comments
Over the past few months I have been replaying my final fantasy games, and I have finished Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2 and just entirely completed Final Fantasy XII. I don't really have much to do at the moment so I figured I might as well write little reviews for each one of them, So If you're interested in them or want to see what I have to say, read on (also feel free to discuss in the comments)!

Final Fantasy X
Over all I have to say this was a brilliant game. It was a good game and it exceeded in some particular areas, like music and story; Everything story wise was laid out perfectly, you'll be fascinated with it all the way through. The game is also very challenging, there is almost never a moment where you over power the content due to being too high level or too well equipped, it always throws new things at you to make you die over and over again. It is also very strategic. The only flaw to this game I can think of is lack of freedom; something that exceeds in final fantasy xii, but this is not a major problem.

Game-play: 8.5/10
Sound: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Character progression system: 9.5/10
Battle system: 9/10
Entertainment: 9/10
Over all around: 9.5/10
Notes: If you do choose to buy the game, buy the international version. There are a few different variants of this game, but the international version has better graphics, additional end-game encounters, and more equipment and quests to be acquired/done than in the normal version.

Final Fantasy X-2

This game to me overall was a big disappointment. Over time I grew to somewhat like it, but it did not have the same impact on me as the previous game and in no way was it better. The music was worse, the story was worse, even the graphics were worse which was weird since the game was released at a much later date. The battle system in this game was the one you see in ff13, you don't take turns but you still engage in the same manner. It was also way shorter than ffx and the character progression system was awful. I don't advise you to buy this game unless you really want to, in fact the only reason you should buy this is if you want to know what happens next.

Game-play: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Character progression system: 6/10
Battle system: 9/10
Entertainment: 8/10
Over all around: 7.5/10
Notes: Again, there is a normal and an international version of this game. There is a big difference between them and I can't say which one is better, this is what you get to choose from: In normal version a story that still makes some sense but you get less content or in international version the same thing except you get this new in-game tournament which when beaten allows you to acquire new weaponry and characters; which completely go against the whole story.

Final Fantasy XII

This game was equally good to FFX, It was very good over all but it exceeded in different manners. The music was very good and the story was equally good, but not good enough to beat FFX. It did however have better game-play, it was more entertaining, and It gave me much more hours of play than the other two games. This game has a complete new battle system to the other final fantasy games, rather than opening a new battle screen whenever your character is under attack, you are in an open world with all the monsters already roaming the area, allowing you to freely attack them. This game gives you massive freedom, more than any FF game has ever seen besides the on-line one.

Game-play: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Story: 9/10
Character progression system: 9.5/10
Battle system: 9.5/10
Entertainment: 9.5/10
Over all around: 9.4/10
Notes: I don't advise you to buy the international version, It only adds some over powered weaponry and a new character progression system (which is not better than the old one in any way), If you want a real challenge buy the normal version, The game contains several very hard supper bosses, including the longest fight in all ff history: Yiazmat, it takes around 3-6 hours to kill him. With the international version you get weapons and armour which make this fight four times easier, which is pretty terrible.
Skals14 years ago2010-09-11 08:54:46 UTC 20 comments
Hey guys, I'm having this problem with my video card... It's an Nvidia Geforce 7600GS. Basically what's wrong is, A couple of days ago I downloaded the latest driver from the Nvidia website, It searched my system and told me which one to download and said it's for my model as well as many other newer cards... Anyway, since I've had this new driver installed, my pc keeps getting the blue screen of death and freezing up commonly, I'm ultra sure it's the new drivers fault since it's been happening since I installed it, and I'm pretty sure Nvidia won't bother fixing this error for a 4 year old card, so what should I do guys? I'm thinking of buying a new card soon anyway, but I don't have the money for it (I want something good so I don't have to upgrade for some time). So I have to fix this somehow in the mean time.
Skals14 years ago2010-08-14 05:01:10 UTC 17 comments
Wow, Yesterday I kind got powned by my dream, the dream really took the piss, in a funny way. I was dreaming about being in the woods, everything seemed realistic, suddenly I spotted a bunch of foxes, at first there was like one but then more kept showing up, there were a lot. I managed to scare them off by shouting at them and looking big (because that's what you're actually supposed to do in this situation). I was very relieved, thinking that was very close. Then all of a sudden a massive grizzly bear came out of no where, chased me down and destroyed me. :|
Skals14 years ago2010-08-10 04:06:35 UTC 11 comments
It's my birthday today! I am now legally old enough to have sexy time. alllllllllllll right.
But on a serious note, I wonder what I'll get for my bday, I know I might get a new PC which is very nice, but my mom said she ordered something from Hong Kong, and I have no idea what it is! Any ideas?

By the way admins, can I get the ability to change the text under my name that says "member", I made a tutorial, aren't I supposed to get that?
Skals14 years ago2010-08-06 03:50:06 UTC 15 comments
I'm back from my holiday! It was a pretty good holiday, it got a bit crazy in the final two days though. I think it was Tuesday when y'all were sitting on your computers doing your shit while I was being viciously attacked by lightning clouds. I went to the country side with my dad, we wanted to plant some fishing nets into the sea but a massive storm cloud kept moving over our house; It even hit some electricity wires a couple of times, which made a light bulb explode right in front of my face. Anyway, The weather eventually turned good, so we figured now 's our chance, lets go now. We got a couple of meters away from the shore in our boat till they suddenly came back, I could see lightning clouds coming from all directions, we got surrounded by them :<. We made a run for it, I had to walk like a kilometre back to the house with heavy rainfall and lightning hitting all around me. The thunder was deafening too. Pretty scary huh?

A couple of other things happened too; like in the next day I got into a fight and got punched in the face, and on my way home I got viciously food poisoned by Airbaltic air-plane pasta! The vomiting started when I got out of the plane. I had to take a couple of trains to get home. During the hour I vomited like 20 times, all over the trains and the train stations, People had to jump when I was leaving the train. That was yesterday, it pretty much sucked.
Word of the wise: Air-plane pasta; It will kill your insides!

Edit: here are some photos from my holiday
Skals14 years ago2010-07-22 08:21:57 UTC 6 comments
I came across something interesting when I was looking at Black Messa source on it's wiki, It's about G-man. During the second part of the chapter "Interloper" Of hl1, You can hear the nihilanth saying [green]"You are man... he is not man... for you he waits... for you..."[/green]. Now on the BMS wiki site (here: ) It says that the Nihilianth is possibly referring to G-man and his inhuman abilities!
Now G-man does meet Gordon at the very end of the game after Gordon defeats nihilianth, so can the inhuman part be true as well?
Do you guys remember that one crystal Gordon inserted into the laser beam that caused the invasion? I read on the same site that it was somewhere stated in the game that the crystal was supplied to the Black messa facility by the very same G-man.

I don't know about you guys, but to me this looks like Valve is hinting us that G-man is perhaps some alien himself who planned out the entire invasion? and Gordon is just a stepping stone for him? He needed Gordon to kill off nihilanth, and now he's using Gordon for something else? Like getting rid of the combine which could be in his interests?
Skals14 years ago2010-06-18 12:50:56 UTC 6 comments
So I'm almost finished with school. Two more exams to go. Technically I already have enough good grades to get into colledge but I'm still improving them. I'm going to do games design in colledge and get a level 3 in it. Already have a level 2 in ICT. Technically I've already been conditionally accepted into Souththames colledge, with all the necessary grades bagged, and I like the course, but I was wondering if anyone else knows other good colledges in london with such courses? Perhaps even some of you have taken such a course? Just need advice, thats all.