Flea markets
I love em!
Yesterday i went to the local flea market, named Naylon, to see if there is anything interesting this weed. So i walk by and spot an replica of an Xbox (ecksbawks lawl) controller. I examine it and it appeared to be functional, so i ask the guy "how much? he said 10 e, than i noticed it misses an receiver, since its wireless, so i lover the price to 3e! Damn im good.
Next i walk by and see an TrekStor German MP3 player, i.beat organix FM 1gb, i try to turn it on but it didnt give any signs of life. The guy asked 5e for it, i thought it must be the battery, probably needs some jumping, so i lover the price by telling him some tech stuff, like:
"- Maybe the retro capacitor is broken, those things are expencive!"
And guess what, he believes me LOL, So i get that baby for 3e as well.
Walking even further i spot Soundblaster 5.1 sound card, appeared functional (no capacitors were bloated, and there was no burn marks) so i buy the thing. Damn the sound it makes is too sweet :>
Costed me 2e lol
Plus i boughed some other crap, like tinnol wire and a 2 headed eagle badge, as well as an USB 2.0 5 port add on card, a bluetooth adapter and a 2.4GHz wifi reciver (in hopes my bigben PC wireless joypad will work with it).
Also here is a pic with stuff i boughed yesterday and the week before:
It also includes a Trust card reader (metal casing O_o), a kingston CF 1gb card, Krone LAN cable clippers and a really shitty small pc fan (jsut for teh lolz)

The point of this was to show that with 12e you can actually buy lots of cool stuff