
Prototstar16 years ago2008-06-24 18:43:59 UTC 6 comments
HEy yay, my first journal entry. I didn't notice the journal entry feature on this site until now. :S I'm not sure whether the blog entry support HTML or BBCode. Would be great if it support a preview option, wouldn't it?

It's summer over here down in southern California and the heat is cooling off this week. That's a plus because in the past few days the temperature has been averaging around mid 90 to over 105 farhenheit. I could hardly work outside around the yard without loosing focus and feeling nuasea. At the moment I'm typing this I am also having my 27th glass of ice cold water.

Anyway, I've got a huge load of works waiting for me to finish. That includes working on Pit Worm's Nest for Source, releasing beta version of Catalysm map for Garry's Mod, working on a new texture set for public, finishing map for the Interloper Map Battle #25, finishing restaurant menus for my mom, work on websites, and cut our lawn.

I'm also learning to map in UnrealED 3. I'm quite amazed by how easy and quick it is to design a level compared to Valve Hammer Editor. I love the 'carving out' the room idea. No need to worry about aligning primitives to seal the room...

One awfully long blog by me. Yes, that's my habit. :)
Strider16 years ago2008-06-24 08:22:25 UTC 12 comments
New avatar, aww yeah. Drew it myself. :>

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..anyone else find the fact that Keanu Reeves is in a film about Earth standing still hilariously ironic?
Luke16 years ago2008-06-24 00:59:18 UTC 2 comments
I've been into blogs more and more lately. I know, I'm like 3 years behind in the blog craze.

I just found how interesting it is to hear how others feel about things, or how people report certain news with their own clever wording and style you don't find on mass news networks.

As a few weeks ago, I've been regularly following Engadget, and just yesterday I started reading Rock, Paper, Shotgun. I am also excited for TF2's new blog, which has only been updated once, so far, but am looking forward to new listings.

Before all of this, though, I read Garry's blog, the same Garry that brings you Garry's Mod. Just interesting things he has to say.

Which leads me to my next point / question:

Have any interesting blogs about technology / gaming / anything under the sun you think I'd be interested in? Even things that just have someone explaining their day to day life, much like Garry, but in a comical / amusing way I seem to like.

Anything at all.

I'd do my own blog, but my life is generally boring and uneventful, and I'm widely unknown (get it?), so no one would read it.
FresheD16 years ago2008-06-23 18:52:46 UTC 8 comments
I am bored. Anyone else?
HLGenius16 years ago2008-06-22 11:06:18 UTC 15 comments
Our house was flooded earlier...But I still managed to use my PC...A while ago my feet was soaked with water while i was on IRC :)
raver16 years ago2008-06-21 10:12:38 UTC 0 comments
kznl_factory got released!

hf playing it!
pepper16 years ago2008-06-19 17:11:05 UTC 11 comments
I went a career fair today, with basicly all the big players in the dutch gamedesign industry, talked a lot, saw a few interesting projects, got a few offers for a stage(working in a company in the 3rd year in school). And a possible freelance job, making accurate 3D models for a rescue simulator that is used by local and european governement services. Also worked on one of my flash games this evening:
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Created a base for the tree, i know the leaf's are still highly oversized, but the style is what i want.
Alabastor_Twob16 years ago2008-06-18 05:57:09 UTC 12 comments
A few weeks ago three of my cats became mothers, but a lot of the kittens have died. My favourite one just died, so now it's down to two left out of nine. It's kind of depressing the way they're just dropping like flies.
jaguar16 years ago2008-06-18 02:48:32 UTC 7 comments
My second concept.
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Luke16 years ago2008-06-17 22:38:18 UTC 7 comments
I've been doing a lot of thinking on what kind of car I want, and I've decided that I'd happily give up one of my testicles for a 1967 Chevelle SS.

Would have to be in good condition, of course, but I just cannot get over how awesome this car is.
User posted image
Fuck gas millage, this probably gets 10 miles to the gallon, if even.
LCP16 years ago2008-06-17 22:17:52 UTC 1 comment
Just saw meet the sniper and it was sick! you guys should watch it!
satchmo16 years ago2008-06-17 13:50:12 UTC 4 comments
Tetsu016 years ago2008-06-17 09:42:53 UTC 5 comments
GREAT news!

I might get signed to a major record label within the next year!
A band from the BOSTON area is in need for another guitarist and they want me to join 'em. They have contacts with 3 major record labels. Hollywood records, Universal Records, and RoadRunner records.

Oh GOD i can't wait to take a road trip up there. Hopefully next week.

And i have youtube to thank! :)
They said they wanted someone who liked breaking benjamin (ME) and who had a decent sound and equipment (ME) and someone with a decent amount of skill and lives in the northeast (Also ME)

So they saw a few of my videos and i got an email from the drummer and they wanna check me out.

And they kicked out their old guitarist because he was too emo. So i'm thinking i'm gonna like these guys.
Mariowned16 years ago2008-06-16 18:13:38 UTC 13 comments
Just ate a fortune cookie and the fortune said:

Your luck has been completely changed tobay.

Well, I guess I'm going swimming. See ya!
alexb91116 years ago2008-06-16 14:15:18 UTC 2 comments
Finally got around to setting up a domain - been wanting to for a while.

Sod all on there on the moment and using a free template, but it's going to be a side project for me over the summer.