
Skals14 years ago2010-06-04 10:53:44 UTC 10 comments
I am playing Alan Wake and I am shitting myself. Well not literally but nearly. I was in this bit where I had to turn the power on in my house. I was ment to go in a shed next to the house, but instead I went upstairs into the left room. There was a small picture on a study. I clicked it and got a proper shock. Well anyway, I restored the power and I went upstairs with my wife - to the opposite room. She just told me she has a surprise for me and its on the study in the 'other room'. :|. I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to see the picture before hand. and now I have to go back in there. dam.

As for the game itself, I've played it for like 1 hour now and I love it. The environments are 8.5/10, Sound 10/10 (its that good!), Lighting 9.5/10, Spookyness 10/10, story so far is very cloudy, yet I believe thats how it was intended, so 8/10 for that.
If you've got an Xbox and you don't mind scary games, you must play this one. It is quite brilliant. I love it. Alright, back to the game now. Wish me luck :|.

Edit: Ok i shat myself again. This game is fucking with my mind now.
Skals14 years ago2010-05-31 13:08:04 UTC 8 comments
I don't know if this has been posted before, but anyway; the guys behind torchlight are releasing a new mmorpg called "battle of the immortals"
(see here:

It's free to play; it's currently in the beta stages. My first impression for the game is 'amazing'. The detail for the gear is massive, it doesn't only look cool, it moves, it even transforms the higher your level is. The environments and monsters are cartoonish, but they really do look good, and the mechanisms abilitys and things you can do are just great. For a free game it's really worth checking out!

Link URL-itized -- Grim
Skals14 years ago2010-05-30 08:03:01 UTC 0 comments
So I have this new game called alpha protocol. It's alright. It's got the kinda of communication system heavy rain uses. In games like fallout3 and mass effect, the flaw with the communication system was the you could simply skip through it or take ages in thinking what to do, yet in this game, you have four buttons to choose from on the controller, each one represents a different approach. You have to listen carefully and then choose the best approach to manipulating your subject, which is pretty awesome.

Oh, and I managed to customise my character to look like one of those militia guys with the red beret, a beard and black sunglasses (which is not like totally the reason why I like the game so much) :).

Edit: I don't think the game is good enough to be worth buying guys, but If you can rent it or borrow it some how then give it a shot.
Skals14 years ago2010-05-08 03:33:32 UTC 3 comments
I went paintballing yesterday with some people from my school. Besides being shot in the head It was alrite. I did some cool stuff like sneaking into the enemy base and taking out most of them from behind. The last match was a 50 v 50 war like invasion game, but everyone was camping -.- . Was a fun day, and I didn't have to pay for it.
Skals14 years ago2010-04-29 13:05:09 UTC 12 comments
So I just read the latest news on ign. Apparently Activision Blizzard and Bungie have teamed up and signed a deal for 10 years. I wonder what those two are planning. What are your taughts on this?
Skals14 years ago2010-04-16 09:37:47 UTC 5 comments
I haven't made a journal in a long time! Well anyway, I'm currently working on a series of maps named "dissolution". The maps were intentionally intended for sven co-op, but i will also convert each into a hl1 single player map for my fellow twhlers :P. The maps take place in black messa, a couple of years after the "incident". You are a spec-op sent by the government to "clean up" their screw up by blowing the place up.
I hope y'all will like it and enjoy it when i do release it.
Here are some screenshots:

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And before you ask, I am using nightwatch textures.

Edit: I was also wondering if the name dissolution is already taken?

More updates in the future!
Skals14 years ago2009-11-24 05:01:16 UTC 20 comments
There was a large fight in my school a couple of days ago.
Some guy accidentally kicked a basketball over a fence, so he got punched in the face. Eventually half of the school had joined in and were ripping eachother apart. Was fun to watch.
Skals15 years ago2009-08-14 12:40:02 UTC 4 comments
Oh yeah, i just remembered, it was my birthday a few days ago ;P. Ate some Japanese and got a big belly ache. besides that it was OK.

Right now I'm on a vacation too. wont get the PC for a week from now tho. halp! :(

Bored right now... well bye
Skals15 years ago2009-07-05 05:47:12 UTC 10 comments
this week was an extrodinary week for me indeed.

first of all, i got this huge 23' new pc screen (my old one was 17' lol) and now im very happy. im using dual monitors now :)

second of all, i got this strange friend invite from a guy i dont know, this is what he said:
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oh and, i got swine flu. :(
Skals15 years ago2009-03-10 09:08:13 UTC 1 comment
OMG! FL_C2 is finnally here! :o
(for those of you who arent familiar with this little project yet: Chapter1)

took me quite a while to do this one since i have alot of things to do instead of mapping, but here it is ;)

I wont spoil it for you but ill give you the idea:

Title: Chapter 2, The Rescue
Brief: You're in a Xen Research Facility and your searching for answers or even survivers that can tell you what happened there.

Here are some screenshots:
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Download it here: Map vault
Skals15 years ago2009-02-25 12:42:55 UTC 12 comments
um i just noticed this strange number as i checked my profile today:
" Joined: 2nd May 2007 (666 days ago) "

:o today is my twhl devil day
Skals15 years ago2009-02-03 06:02:28 UTC 6 comments
Right, another one of those funny "about london" posts coming up:

you know how i posted my last journal about the little snow problem we had over here? well ive gathered more information about that. here goes:

you see when it snowed here, the roads became icy and snowy (slippery) and even tho the london mayor claims that there were people working on the roads to clean off the snow and the ice in any form of way, They haven't, and this had resulted in a number of incidents on the road. this is why all bus services in the first time of history were shut down in london for a whole day. Most of trains were shut down aswell because of these road problems. This is why there was also no school or no work for anyone yesterday, and there is no school today aswell. Which made england look like a 3rd world country according to some people

The mayor of london claimed that they were doing the best they could and this now 10 cm deep snow was the most snow they've had for 18 years. Well i guess we cant blaim our good old boris.

The number of incidents on the roads were huge yesterday, and i have a feeling it would be same today for the roads still havent been cleaned, and in some parts of london it rained meaning there will be ice.

But on the bright side, yesterday alot of grown-up's that couldnt make it to work got to go outside and play with eachother in the snow, yeah thats righ.
Skals15 years ago2009-02-02 04:49:55 UTC 6 comments
Merry Christmas over here from london! yes. Christmas.

Christmas arrived aproximately 40 days later than expected and now it has brought us a "huge" layer of snow about 5cm deep. yeah, huge. The hugest snow we'v had in 18 years! yeah.
more here

Its a national catastrophy over here, End of the world?
All bus services have been suspended, all primary schools have been closed, most underground and train services have been suspended and almost every single flight in the airports near or in london has been suspended because of this 5cm deep snow.

No one can go to work or leave it and no one can certainly leave london,
And the news people state that no one must leave home unless absolutely necessary (lol).

Edit: 6 million people didnt go to work today because of this. lol.

Now thats what i call Christmas eh?.

Funny. all this happens at my sisters birthday 0.O
Skals15 years ago2008-10-28 13:19:51 UTC 2 comments
Welcome back!
This is your 3000th login. uber leet you are!
(note: the flashy message is a lie)
Skals15 years ago2008-10-23 13:01:16 UTC 12 comments
i'm finished with my compo26 entry... (nearly finished) i just need to upload everything zip everything check for bugs and its done... probably by tomorrow. here are some new screenies:

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