
Rimrook10 years ago2014-06-11 22:14:12 UTC 5 comments
I made a slot machine game!
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Instant Mix10 years ago2014-06-09 15:32:59 UTC 4 comments
I have this odd habit of finding something interesting and then delving into the deep end onto what it is. I was speaking to my girlfriend about this, almost thinking it was some sort of sign of autism, it's made me OK in some lua coding, haskell, photoshop, and a bunch of other things. I find it strange that I let myself be "slightly OK" with a lot of things rather than amazing at one thing.

So yeah, my latest fad?


I don't even know why, I find lighting interesting and thinking of joining the Edinburgh University Bedlam theatre tech group - was going to last year, but irresponsible drinking took that over.
Although the physical desks cost almost half a grand to hire out for less than a week, I thought it would be quite smart to learn it as the FREE program comes with a 3D visualiser for everything you do in it, so you could theoretically programme a whole show and then plug in a real desk and do the real thing.

It's bloody complicated, and i'm still trying to learn how to properly use timecode, cues and executors but meh.

So far I've made a couple shitty little things
( These are GIFS )
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Jessie10 years ago2014-06-09 12:30:33 UTC 6 comments
So after having Serious Sam 3: BFE for ages, I've finally gotten around to actually playing it (and finishing it). I've played through The First and Second Encounters several times, and I still love 'em. Haven't touched SS2 any more than the demo.

This one though... I can't put my finger on how I feel about it.

Yes, it does have the more "modern" quirks, I.E. aiming, reloading, sprinting, and I thought that that might harm the game. But really, they impact it so very little. Sprinting, eh, who cares. Aiming is only with a few weapons and even then it's not like they're particularly inaccurate without doing so. Reloading is a little annoying, but again, it's only with a few weapons, and all in all doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

More than anything I was worried that it wouldn't recapture the feel of the previous games. I mean, the first two set the bar pretty damn high, so I wasn't expecting "better than", I just didn't want "way worse". But the more I play it (started on a second run through, on Serious of course =P), the more I realize that beneath the more modern perspective, it really hasn't changed much at all.

Weapons do pretty much the exact same amount of damage to enemies as in the past (5 rockets for Major Bio-Mechanoids, 4 for Adult Arachnoids, 2 bullets for rocketeers, etc). The pistol is no far reach from the .45s, perhaps slightly more useful. The shotguns are exactly the same, bar the 10-clip of the single now. The Assault Rifle is the Tommygun. It fires roughly the exact same speed, does the exact same damage, is just as useful. Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Lasergun, Sniper Rifle and Cannon are no different either. I miss the Knife, but the sledgehammer is just as practical. The Devastator seems to have replaced the Grenade Launcher, and frankly I didn't really get what it was there for (a faster-velocity rocket launcher, basically), but in use it seems different enough to justify it. The C4 is new, and I quite like it. Fills a nice niche left by the other weapons.

As for the enemies, not a whole lot changed there either. Beheadeds are the same. The Clone Soldiers are effectively just the Zorg from Scecond Encounter with different guns (distanced them from the Rocketeers, which I'm very okay with). Gnaars look quite different, but are functionally the same. Bio-Mechs, Arachnoids, Kleers, Werebulls, Witch-Harpies... They're all there. The Highlander's replacement (whatever they're called... Knumm or something?) are more of a bother than the Highlanders were. I don't like the Technopolips, but they fill a good role. The Scrapjacks are just a beefed up version of Zumb'uls. Wasn't fond of them to start with, but that's just me.

The final boss was a bother, since it took me (and my co-op partner (brother)) quite a while to figure out what we were supposed to be doing, but that in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Sniper Rifle and Lasergun. They (and their ammo) are only ever found in secrets, meaning that compared to the other weapons, you really have to moderate your usage of them. Especially considering that they're not all that particularly more useful than the other weapons (sniper rifle especially, does the same damage as the rocket launcher), they seem needlessly limited.

If nothing else is worth saying about BFE, you must really appreciate how smoothly they blended modern shooter-ness into a classic-style game. With the aforementioned quirks (and shreds of PLOT), players who aren't used to the Serious Sam-style stuff are eased into the experience more (by the last few levels, you're pretty much playing Second encounter). The plot felt like it was just being shrugged off a bit by the end, which was a bit jarring.

So yeah.
tl;dr: Played Serious Sam BFE. Feelings status: Mixed
Tetsu010 years ago2014-06-06 19:43:16 UTC 8 comments
Hey All.
I'm not entering anything into any community competition for a little while.
I recently came across a project that I'm devoting 90% of my spare time to, and let's just say the Unreal 4 tools are everything I've ever wanted as a developer.

Not leaving, mind you, and I might drop a map here and there... But if this project takes off, I'll keep you all informed.
monster_urby10 years ago2014-06-02 21:43:13 UTC 5 comments
Game Idea

What with open world survival now being the trend, I came up with an idea this evening while watching a documentary. How about an open world, first person survival game, where you play as a cat.

You have to hunt small creatures such as birds, mice, rats etc for food, while avoiding other larger creatures such as dogs. Hell you could make it a post apocalyptic setting if that's your bag, or maybe set it in the chernobyl exclusion zone meaning you could enter buildings and such to find food as well, while having to avoid heavily irradiated areas.

Take it online and you have the potential of teaming up with or facing off against other cats in order to defend your territory / to have the ability to hunt in the area undisturbed.
Rimrook10 years ago2014-06-01 00:53:29 UTC 11 comments
I came home and found that my neighbor left a notecard on my door. The note said lightning hit the tree. Sure enough, the tree 6 feet from my door is all fucked up. I'm glad we weren't home at the time because we probably would have been outside watching the storm, sitting on metal chairs near a metal railing that runs closely by the tree. Though it doesn't appear that any lightning jumped to the railing, still I wouldn't take the chance.

It's dark out and I will try and get pictures tomorrow morning.

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This is the tree.
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From the corner of the stairs. Not far now is it? Only a few inches from the roof.
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A wide shot, I live on the corner. Lyssa is there reading a book so that's how close we would've been.
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Pieces of the lightning enchanted wood that my neighbor has. I wonder what he's going to do with it? Lucky bastard.
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Looking through the flecks on the ground, I started finding tree amber. This small piece is actually quite shiny. Picture doesn't do justice. It's really orange around the edges.
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Blown out chunks of sap. There are parts that are marbleized from the heat, and other parts are burned. Smells really good for some reason.
Archie10 years ago2014-05-30 21:07:03 UTC 17 comments
My cat died this morning :[

Got a big pit in the bottom of my stomach, it's horrible. You don't appreciate things that have been with you your entire life until they're gone. She lived to the grand old age of 21, which for cats is pretty damn old. But yeah, I'm only 22. She's just always been there. nnnngggrgh.


/cries like little bitch.
Notewell10 years ago2014-05-28 18:27:20 UTC 9 comments
I decided to give learning Source Filmmaker another shot.

I uh, I made a thing.
Alabastor_Twob10 years ago2014-05-22 18:36:34 UTC 18 comments
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I'm going to assume that this is because of lighting related tutorials and forum threads that I may have posted in.
Suparsonik10 years ago2014-05-21 15:24:00 UTC 30 comments
Claiming dubs while I still can.
satchmo10 years ago2014-05-20 14:22:13 UTC 10 comments
Das Keyboard 4 unboxing.

My son inherited my Model S Das. Fast typing starts young.
Penguinboy10 years ago2014-05-14 12:07:34 UTC 9 comments
I posted a link to my (very basic) JavaScript RMF loader/renderer in the Shoutbox yesterday and a few people said they were interested in learning more about JavaScript and 3D stuff, so here's my official guide to learning JavaScript and/or 3D stuff! Hopefully someone finds it useful or interesting :)

Even if you're not interested in learning programming, I would recommend clicking on the links to the D3 and three.js websites - the examples for those libraries are really damn cool!


What you need to get started:
  • A computer
  • ...(with a browser)
  • .......(that's not IE, use Firefox/Chrome/ChrOpera)
Learn the core language: Eloquent JavaScript is a slightly old, but still relevant introduction to JavaScript, and programming in general. No previous programming knowledge required!

Learn some basic HTML and CSS: This video series from Google is said to be a good introduction to HTML and CSS, as well as some more stuff about JavaScript.

Learn more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript APIs: MozDev is one of the best resources for doing front-end web programming. It covers every API and element that Firefox supports (or might be supporting in the near future) - which is basically everything you'll ever need to know.

Look at cool JS libraries!
  • jQuery - easy HTML/CSS manipulation, AJAX, HTML events
  • Backbone - write a single-page application like all the other cool people! I'm writing one at work at the moment. SoundCloud is an example of a single-page website made using Backbone.
  • D3 - a super-cool library for graphing and displaying data in a visual way. Supports topography/maps, graphs, animations, interactivity, and other cool stuff. The examples are great!
  • three.js - Really easy OpenGL (see below) for the web! I used this for my RMF demo. There's tons of examples, so it's really easy to get started.
3D stuff (I only know OpenGL, sorry DirectX fans!):

What you need to get started:
  • A computer
  • A graphics card that supports OpenGL 3+
  • Programming knowledge. You can't just jump into 3D programming, you need to know the basics first. JavaScript works, but so does C, C++, C#, VB, Java, Python, and many other languages with OpenGL bindings. JavaScript is one of the easier options due to the three.js library (see above).
Learn how to use (modern-style) OpenGL: Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming is one of the best modern GL references out there. You may have heard of, or stumble upon, the NeHe tutorials website - be careful! These tutorials (especially the intro ones) are mostly for OpenGL 1.0, which is extremely slow and no longer part of core OpenGL! Learn the new pipeline that is in OpenGL 2+, you will save a lot of time.

Learn GLSL: The above tutorial will get you started with GLSL shaders, but you can use websites like and to work with GLSL without needing all the extra wiring up that OGL requires.

Skip all of that and learn three.js instead: Skipping the OpenGL stuff will certainly put you at a disadvantage, but three.js allows you to get started with 3D programming without having to deal with the lower-level stuff. If you want a quick 3D fix without having to learn loads of really difficult stuff, you could do this, and learn the complicated stuff later!

OpenGL bindings that I know of: Bonus: Put all your work on GitHub (it's free!) so other people can learn from your work!

I put all my code on GitHub, you can check some of it out here:
The JS RMF loader from above:

Double bonus: Help me out by contributing new features to Sledge >____>
Instant Mix10 years ago2014-05-09 17:12:27 UTC 27 comments
Sat my Mathematics for Physics exam yesterday.
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I spent a good hour or so on B1. It was completely wrong.
I didn't even attempt B2.
B3 I attempted the very first part, and failed.
B4 was incredibly easy for 10 marks so I think I've screwed it up.

I don't think I've passed.

Isn't there someone here doing engineering?
Archie10 years ago2014-05-07 16:13:00 UTC 12 comments
Look what just arrived signed by the Author :)
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Tetsu010 years ago2014-05-07 01:00:21 UTC 4 comments
Semester Over!
My final project was a moderate success.. almost...
Automatic Bottle Opener:

That ate a lot of my time :(
So did the book though :P
2 more semesters to go and I'll have my engineering degree.
Cant wait.