
The Mad Carrot11 years ago2013-07-27 21:03:37 UTC 15 comments
I am officially old as of today. The big three-oh.

Dang it.
Captain Terror11 years ago2013-07-27 02:05:28 UTC 7 comments
Easiest Fresh Install Ever!

My computer was slow, and getting slower by the minute... Simple file operations and boot times were taking FOREVER, and it seemed to be getting worse with time.

Tried everything i could to fix it to avoid the extra work of a reinstall, and i mean i tried any and all gimmicks and quick fixes to improve system performance, but nothing helped. (a couple times i thought i had it sorted, but nooo..) :P

Sooo, after backing up my steamapps folder, firefox bookmarks, and of course all my documents/maps/music/etc, as well existing drivers with driver magician just in case, i loaded a previously image of a fresh windows 7 install, and proceeded to reload my core applications and drivers.

Surprisingly, i had most everything i use restored within a couple hours(minus windows updates and antivirus), and Shit is DAMN FAST now! So fast i don't even want use Windows Update or anything to fuck it up :P

I still have to decide what kind of antivirus/firewall i'm going to go with, as i don't think i'm going to use Avast/Commodo anymore.

Also, for the first time ever i tried Windows easy share to help with the transition, which was pretty successful at saving most of my windows settings, and desktop shortcuts, as well my pinned applications(which helped a lot).
zeeba-G11 years ago2013-07-22 21:47:23 UTC 7 comments
Reading through old posts is painful. Thanks for putting up with me TWHL, i've come a long way. You guys are great!
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-07-22 08:41:43 UTC 3 comments
I had the luckiest encounter about a week ago.
As I've spammed here months ago, I'll be studying Computational Physics at the University of Edinburgh in quite literally a couple of months. The only problem I've had however is that I've not really been able to speak to anyone about the subject- considering so few people take it- leaving me partially in a dark place until I actually start the course.
Anyway, I was working in my beautiful little hotel in this beautiful little town whilst it was boiling hot, and this old couple I was serving was asking what I was doing there, considering they'd seen me working there the year before. I told them that it's not a summer job and I've had it for just over 2 years now, and that I'll be finishing shortly to leave for university. They initially got flustered because I'd chosen to study at Edinburgh ( I quote: "Ooh, Missed out on a great education at Glasgow there" ). I then explained that I'm doing computational physics, and they started talking about astrophysics and eventually I walked off because they were boring me with their old ways.

As I was leaving to go to the bar to talk to the manager, another couple stopped me and said "Excuse me, did you just say you were studying Computational Physics?". I could tell he was pretty shocked, considering that was probably the last thing he was expecting to hear - not business or psychology.
Turns out that after a very long conversation (that I could tell the manager was getting pissed off about) , this person who had stopped me actually did the exact same course as me - about 12 or so years ago - at Edinburgh. He's got a doctorate and actually helped with the design and operation of the LHCb experiment at everyone's favourite Large Hadron Collider. Contrary to what the two old farts sitting on the table at the other end of the restaurant, he said that Edinburgh by far had the best physics labs, and the tutors were all incredibly talented and "quirky" people. He gave me his email address and literally said that if there's anything I'm struggling with or worrying about either now or in the future, just to contact him.

It's honestly so useful being able to meet these people, but really bizzare to meet someone so intelligent who'd worked at CERN to be in this really small hotel in this small town.

It's a small world. Oh, and his wife let slip that her daughter was going to the same halls of residence as me. Not telling me her name was probably a good idea :L
Striker11 years ago2013-07-20 11:55:44 UTC 5 comments
Got a 10.1 (1024x600px) inch Android tablet.
Short story: I need app suggestions of tablets. Considering energy efficiency is a bonus..

It's nothing really special, but it works. It runs Android 4.1 and has an ARM Cortex A8 (1.2 Ghz) processor, a MALI 400 GPU and 1 GB of RAM. The screen is crap(but what the heck?), having really weird viewing angles(can't look at it perpendicularly), though I can get used to it. Let's say it's good for starters, at least I know what I can get from this price range further.

So far most of the applications run pretty well, and I didn't experience any lag. Movies play well, browsing the net works well, I even tried 3D games and they work well. One nice feature is the OTG cable it came bundled with. I tried a couple of things: my wireless mouse, an USB stick, even my Nikon, and they all work.
The only nasty thing is that it doesn't charge by USB, only with the power adapter.

Now, because I'm not very used to the Android ecosystem yet, I'd like some app suggestions. I realized that it isn't as simple as just looking for an app, because energy efficiency is an aspect I don't want to neglect.

For example, what combination of media player and video codec would have the least impact on battery life?

Looking for all kinds of apps(even games, why not?) suggestions. Thank you for your time :).
Tetsu011 years ago2013-07-19 14:16:02 UTC 5 comments
I'm flying to California Monday for work.
Any TWHLers live in the Chino area?
Want to meet up for a beer?
Rimrook11 years ago2013-07-15 17:40:29 UTC 18 comments
EDIT: Ooooooh i never posted the news here... I swear I did...
This is a copy from elsewhere about it.
I've been sick and on worker's compensation from being exposed to calcium hypochlorite disodiumsalt of ethylenediaminetetraaceticaciddihydratediammoniumsulfate with still unknown floculent ingrediants. This stuff was puffed into my face when I folded up a single layer of cardboard that covered the wooden palette. On this palette was about 12 boxes of the stuff. I handled the chemical perfectly, I got sick handling a piece of cardboard.

So how did the cardboard become covered in this chemical? Ever get a bag of flour and there's flour all over the outside of the fucker? Its from the factory and can't be helped. So my company has been very nice to me lately, though I'm now entering my 4th week of having little breath to spare and still coughing. I see a specialist soon next month at least.

All this means I am home a lot and I have been around to do some art to stay active. I will likely stream some sketches and make things fun. I've felt like crap, can barely go outside, and I don't know when I can return to work.

Lastly I leave you with this... WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE!?!? I'll let everyone know when I sprout boobs or something...

Walked into my job today after 3 months of recovery from the chemical inhalation. My right arm went tingly, my lips turned white, instant headache, and I couldn't breathe. I can't go back to work at that job. I might lose my job but hell if that happens, there will most likely be some legal action. I am so fucking tired of this shit.
Striker11 years ago2013-07-14 12:41:22 UTC 11 comments
I considered moving to Windows 8 for some time.

Read this.

And this

And Gabe's opinion.

I'm not very convinced anymore. Unfortunately I can't really experience it in a virtual environment due to choppy performance, and I'm not willing to waste a couple of days of moving to Windows 8.
I think I'll wait for Windows 8.1(blue) and see how that fixes some annoying things.

Like many others, I just don't agree with being forced to boot to Metro. Yeah it's nice, but I'm not exactly the illiterate facebook addict that uses his computer just for browsing. I fear windows 8 is a complete failure when it comes to productivity. The desktop- I like. But... switching between Metro and Desktop is confusing.
I'd love a Windows 8 Desktop edition...

Furthermore, Linux distributions are starting to become promising alternatives. Ubuntu might be the star of the show, but there a couple of ubuntu based(debian based) distros that strive to resemble a familiar windows-like environment. Linux Mint is popular, for example. With Wine and Play on Linux, you can run lots of windows apps. It's just that it's not very stable yet.
And there's Zorin OS, which is a Linux distro specifically designed to be a Windows alternative. It comes with a similar interface, and Wine and Play on Linux installed by default.
Rimrook11 years ago2013-07-09 03:05:36 UTC 33 comments
UPDATE! See below.


By popular demand, the reason:

For the last bunch of years, Lyssa had an IUD. She's had it for a long time and its coming up on her 8th year I think. Somehow the IUD shifted and needs to be removed as soon as possible as it could puncture her womb and cause a lot of damage. The doctors have advised that it is too risky for her to have her tubes tied, so I offered to get a vasectomy since its faster, easier, cheaper, and more effective. Lyssa and I never wanted kids anyway. As for my legacy, I always liked the idea of an apprentice which could be anyone.
Tetsu011 years ago2013-07-03 10:27:34 UTC 5 comments
So I'm backing up my Steam Folder so i can wipe, start fresh, and figure out this whole SDK thing from a clean filesystem...
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I'll see you tomorrow...
Old-ass External Hard Drives.
Rimrook11 years ago2013-06-28 15:17:46 UTC 6 comments
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I put forward a good bit of money to do this dance convention. The very same people who want me to produce their DVD is prohibiting me from nearly everything. This should be interesting.
Daubster11 years ago2013-06-27 15:44:09 UTC 2 comments
Discovered these two Nerdist podcasts with Gabe Newell a while ago. Easily his best interviews recently in my opinion - worth a listen if you're interested.

Podcast #1 (Valve's games)
Podcast #2 (Valve as a company)
Striker11 years ago2013-06-23 21:56:14 UTC 9 comments
Ok this is weird. I'm not registered on wikipedia as an editor, I never edited an article, and even if I will, I will do so constructively.
Yet today I see that I've got "a message" on a wiki page. At first I thought some kind of malware got in my PC, but I still clicked it.

Seems like for the IP I currently have (I have a dynamic IP) "I" received several warnings( on articles I never even visited), with a final warning after which I will be blocked from editing.

I'm not really concerned, because tomorrow I'll probably have a new IP, but this raises some questions:
How do PCs on internet are actually identified?
If some guy gets banned on a site and then I receive his IP, what happens?
Or is Wikipedia just broken?

[EDIT] I'm thinking of pasting a link to an interesting website I discover in each journal, or in some at least.

Link #1: Very interesting spore-like game in which you compose music by creating tiny waveform creatures which interact.
DiscoStu11 years ago2013-06-22 20:31:33 UTC 23 comments
Meet a nice girl > Go out a few times > "We can't be together. You're too perfect for me."
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Stojke11 years ago2013-06-20 07:05:09 UTC 5 comments
Whats up TWHL, long time no Journal?
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I had in mind to write an journal for a longer period of time now. I was thinking of showing off some of the things i managed to get a hold off and some project i had started. But since Zeeba made an TWHL room video topic i thought id keep that for than.

Not much has been happening lately. Been spending some time learning programming above what they teach us on College and started some CS maps i had an idea for.
I had finished first year of my IT college last week. Passed all 6 exams i had for the second semester, last week, in the first exam period. So now I'm free for almost 4 months to do what the heck i want.
Kinda hard to map and enjoy my self to its fullest due to extreme heat. Yesterday i almost lit on fire in Belegrades Ada Ciganlia beach. +37 degrees in the shade. Crazy weather.
I don't have an AC at home, but i dont think i really need it, could use a fan though.

My current projects are:
1. Building an 80486 system with the following components:
Motherboard: UM486/UM486SX
CPU: 100MHz 80486 DX4
RAM: 16MB 30 pin simms 50ns (fastest memory of this type)
GPU: Tseng Labs ET4000AX 1MB
HDD/Floppy controller: Adaptec 1542CF
HDD: 3GB Fast-SCSI Quantum Fireball
Sound: Sound Blaster CT2230 (16 PRO) / SB 1350B clone (will replace)
Casing: An big ass steel casing that weights 20kg empty.

I am thinking of getting an SB PRO 2 and an Roland Sound Canvas 55. Found one but is quite expencive.

2. Fixing an LiteON power supply. 550W of quality power supply. Dont know whats wrong with it. Everything in side is in perfect order, no damage no nothing. But on high load it just shuts down instantly. One person suspects its the capacitors. But thats strange because they are as new.

3. Finalizing my NT4 workstation Dual Pentium 1 to run Half Life alpha with Voodoo Monster 3D. I want to enable sound trough Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold, even though its way from the future compared to the PC it self.
Also thinking of trying Final Fantasy 7 PC beta with 3DFX GLide support.
Also finalizing my Voodoo 5 rig. The only thing i need are PC casing and power supply. Power supply is giving me troubles because of auxiliary power output that got abandoned after P4. Am thinking of changing the MoBo for an MSI K7D Master.

4. Various deathrun and knife maps. I really like the retro feel of mapping, but i also like the buffed up detail. Kinda hard to decide which way to go, driving me nuts :)

Selling most of my stuff i dont need. Having multiple active hobbies, being an student and having an girlfriend is quite heavy on the wallet :D
And so on and so on.

Here are some pictures from this year:
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Lambda rock :D
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Summer time chillin
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Strawberries :o
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Don't let your girlfriend touch your shit
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Mah new hat ( the kercheif is Bob Marley Songs of Freedom )

And last but not least:
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Nina-chan! I am teaching her mapping as we speak. Hopefully she will retain as much interest into it as she has now :D

Well thats for now, more to come when projects finalize!