
DiscoStu11 years ago2012-12-15 03:52:23 UTC 8 comments
My dog Brownie had to be put to sleep this afternoon, at 14 years old.

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My little sister chose the name because she said she looked like made of chocolate. Goodbye, my chocolate dog.
Tetsu011 years ago2012-12-14 18:24:32 UTC 16 comments
Gunman shoots up Elementary School 20 miles away from my hometown.
Wtf is wrong with these people!?
Saribous11 years ago2012-12-13 15:44:14 UTC 9 comments
Want a Dota2 invite?

I got 3 extra that are just collecting digital dust in my inventory, so the first three to ask me on steam gets one each. :)
Instant Mix11 years ago2012-12-12 18:05:01 UTC 8 comments
Sent out university applications, shit's getting real.

Computational Physics @ Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt ( First choices)

Physics @ Dundee, Glasgow & Aberdeen

Fingers crossed I get into edinburgh, 4 A's and a B should be enough.
Alabastor_Twob11 years ago2012-12-09 23:35:31 UTC 3 comments
Last night I went to see Frankie Boyle with my girlfriend. The opening act was Canadian Craig Campbell, who had a rather funny act about how Canada relates to Ireland, finishing with a long, in-depth story about the time when he masturbated in a tent on the side of a mountain in Alaska. Turned out the fit, young mountaineering couple he heard having loud sex elsewhere in the camp was actually a man dying of a heart attack.
Frankie Boyle himself was absolutely hilarious, although since pretty much every joke was NSFD*, I won't repeat any here.
I had bought tickets to see him in Belfast in October about 5-6 months ago, but my girlfriend found out he was doing a gig in Galway (which is a hell of a lot closer), we decided to get tickets to that. We had to pay around €70 for them, but that worked out to be cheaper than it would have been to go to Belfast and stay in a hotel.
I didn't realise at the time that the show was on the 8th, which is my dad's birthday. Had I realised at the time I would have bought him tickets too, as he likes Frankie Boyle, but by the time we realised they were sold out. I would have given him my ticket, but given the content of the jokes it would be awkward for my girlfriend.
Perhaps if he ever does another tour I can get him tickets for that.

*Not Safe For Dimbark
Striker11 years ago2012-12-07 15:07:06 UTC 17 comments
So there's a new face for Youtube. Unfortunately, I don't seem to adapt to this new way of displaying videos. I was used to seeing the videos on the center of the page, and now I feel myself forcing to watch it to the left.

Is there a setting somewhere so I can put it again in the center?
bojidar4oto11 years ago2012-12-06 13:22:49 UTC 3 comments
Mohammad Rizvi? Packt publishing? What the hell?! Is that a member of TWHL???
'Cause I just read a message from him and I want to be sure it is not spam or virus.

P.S.: My e-mail was recently attacked by spam bots...but I don't have any viruses yet. :)
bojidar4oto11 years ago2012-12-06 13:01:02 UTC 7 comments
Bureaucrats don't you have enough money? We're all dying - and YOU are responsible for it!

We've failed! Humanaty is lost! We will NEVER return! :(
Jimmi11 years ago2012-11-28 20:47:20 UTC 67 comments
Wow...I haven't been here for a while! If I remember correctly, I first joined this website when I was about 14, which was 8 years ago. Doubt anyone will remember me. Amazing to see how this site is still going strong!
monster_urby11 years ago2012-11-26 16:36:10 UTC 3 comments
It's in no way professional, but whenever a client calls up because they have an error on their site, it is so tempting to completely over-react over the phone:

"Oh my God! What did you do!? I have never, in all my years as a web developer, seen a site fuck up so royally! This is a disaster. We're going to have to wipe it and start from scratch! Hell, we might need a new god damn server!"

Sigh. A man can dream.
Tetsu011 years ago2012-11-26 14:57:35 UTC 16 comments
Cyber Monday Shopping:

I'm at work right now and want to upgrade my motherboard/processor. TWHL is not blocked, but every shopping site is so I can't do any research on my own.

If any of you guys know of any deals going on can you share?
They don't have to be a combo as i'm perfectly capable of assembling them myself I'm budgeting about $400 because i want this to be an upgrade that will last me a long long time.

Hopefully I don't need to worry about compatibility of my ram and videocard, they're both under a year old and I think they'll work with any modern MOBO.

I also have no preference of AMD over Intel..
satchmo11 years ago2012-11-26 05:21:48 UTC 5 comments
We visited the space shuttle Endeavour this afternoon.
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We are fortunate enough to live half an hour from the final resting place for the shuttle.

Some close-up of the damaged tiles underneath the shuttle (after the final mission).
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monster_urby11 years ago2012-11-23 09:44:29 UTC 5 comments
Appeared on the Dell MSN UK homepage today:

"Man dies as car trapped in floods. What's the weather like near you?"

Rimrook11 years ago2012-11-22 21:59:12 UTC 8 comments
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Happy Thanksgiving from a very full and sleepy Nahmbo and I!
bojidar4oto11 years ago2012-11-19 18:38:50 UTC 5 comments
D.A.M.N. I.T.!!!

I spent the whole fucking day to texture a SA-23E "Aurora" fighter model, I downloaded. In .lwo format, then exported to .smd and tried to convert it in .mdl, but it doesn't appear correctly in hammer or in-game either! Non-textured (invisible)!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!