
Habboi12 years ago2012-07-01 13:56:00 UTC 7 comments
Well, looks like it's confirmed my chicken hat wont get into TF2 :P I made it last year and I knew Valve wouldn't add it. In fact they've got shit tons of top quality weapons and hats made by the community but they hardly accept them.

The reason they wont add it? Well here's mine

and here's why:

Oh well :D
2muchvideogames12 years ago2012-07-01 03:35:25 UTC 3 comments
Hallow TWHL! Check out my gameplay of vanilla HL. There's no commentary or anything, but it's slightly different from your average playthru, and you might be bored enough to watch all the episodes. (the first episode is tree_c2a4, then tree_c2a4d, then surface tension... fairly obvious if you played vanilla HL.)
Blitzkrieg12 years ago2012-06-30 20:41:21 UTC 16 comments
I got a pet! A parakeet. They are awesome! They are super social and highly intelligent, can learn to talk and sing with you, and aren't meant to be caged for long periods of time. Soon this little dude will be chillin' on my shoulder watching me game. Only problem is that I haven't named him yet!

Gender is unsure, since it's nearly impossible to tell in birds, particularly when they're as young as this guy. So, gender neutral names would be best but male or female names are fine too!

He is white, with a baby blue belly and tail and little spots of black. Let's decide an appropriately geeky name for him!

Nothing too silly, because they've got lifespans of 10-15 years, I don't want a joke name that will get old fast.

TWHL brainstorming session GO!
Skals12 years ago2012-06-29 18:47:49 UTC 5 comments
Who here likes theme parks? I hate them, but I went to one nevertheless, pretty much the first big theme park I've been to. I was going to try the big crazy rides, but I was shitting brix on the medium ones so I decided not to.

Here's me in Thorpe Park:
User posted image
So yeah, had a fun time. Got soaked wet on the water rides. What kind of experiences have you guys had?
Notewell12 years ago2012-06-29 11:02:48 UTC 9 comments
Graduated last night. I now have a High School diploma, yet I don't really feel any different. Just sad because I'm worried I'll fall out of touch with my friends.
Anyway, I still have to go back there next semester to pick up a course I didn't get enrolled in, so I can get into programming courses in uni. So I haven't seen the last of that place.

Probably not a good thing.
monster_urby12 years ago2012-06-28 11:15:55 UTC 8 comments
Halfway through my second to last day.

Totally drained and cannot focus on any of these site's I've got left to build.

It's not uncommon for me to get bored at work but this is just a genuine lack of motivation, with good cause I guess.
Notewell12 years ago2012-06-27 11:54:32 UTC 7 comments
Hey, remember that HD shotgun model I made?
You can download it here.
hlife_hotdog12 years ago2012-06-24 08:51:59 UTC 3 comments
Just got back from a great weekend and the yearly pop culture expo Supanova. It was great, got to meet Verne Troyer who I believe has done so well for himself despite his hurdles and he was a really nice person to talk to.

I also saw Christopher Lloyd while I was there but I didn't get to meet him as the line was huge and I was exausted already.

A great weekend overall :D
Captain Terror12 years ago2012-06-24 03:09:55 UTC 8 comments
I haz new stuff!

After 3 years of using a shitty, itty-bitty-baby mobile mouse, i finally upgraded and bought a Logitech M510 cordless mouse: User posted image
It sets up in seconds soon as you insert the dongle(looololol) in a usb port, and tracks better than any mouse i ever used before(my first cordless mouse in years).

I can already feel the relief in my wrist.. frigging awesome, PLUS there are 2 extra buttons, comfly placed to move fore or aft in your browser.

Also, i bought a logitech k360 cordless "chiclet" keyboard, so now i can easily recline/rock in my easy chair whilst mapping/gaming/candlestick-making: User posted image
'Twas very easy to setup like the mouse, and works great, but size-wise it feels a bit cramped. Also would be nice if the keys lit up, but, i'm sure that would severely reduce the 3-year battery life, not to mention increase the modest $29 pricetag ;)

Tomorrow, i think i'll pick up a new 2.5" hdd, so i have the space to reinstall all mah games, Trailer Park Boys movies, and of course have room for cs:go =)

That is all gentlemen, carry on!
monster_urby12 years ago2012-06-22 10:59:37 UTC 23 comments
For those of you not in the know, the company I work for announced that they are closing down the sales and design departments. This puts me out of a job this time next week.

Again, for those not in the know, I am married, living in a rented property, paying for a car on finance along with all the regular bills that I need to pay.

Bricks are now being shat.
Striker12 years ago2012-06-22 04:44:58 UTC 7 comments
I just ate some pickled herrings. For some days I had an enormous crave for them. They taste awesome!
I would also like to try some surstromming, but that stuff is incredily hard to find.
srry12 years ago2012-06-21 18:18:53 UTC 5 comments
I just bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for $30 last week. Today I find out it's on sale for $7.49.

satchmo12 years ago2012-06-20 21:41:27 UTC 1 comment
Portal, the best way to educate children.

When you guys have kids, remember Portal.
Striker12 years ago2012-06-19 13:08:37 UTC 16 comments
User posted image
Lajron12 years ago2012-06-19 11:30:22 UTC 5 comments
My bro
He has 7 years
He practically watched every move i made in hammer since i installed it.
I didn't teach him anything he just watched me and started mapping.
He knows how to use some entetys like prop_static , prop_physic then npc and stuff also knows how to use displacement.
He also knows how to copy/paste in hammer (f*ck) >_>
I compile maps for him because hes a big bot :D
I must say i'm really proud.
Here's his new map unfinished :lol

btw inspired by satchmo and his little kid :)