
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-12-31 01:25:44 UTC 0 comments
Happy new year!

I changed my avatar into a new year avatar! I'm the first one too! :biggrin:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-12-20 13:03:31 UTC 0 comments
I released my prize winning compo entery in the vault. I removed the mod so now you can all play in it. :)

I also added the RMF.
Logins (per day): 1600 (5.4)
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-12-17 05:54:15 UTC 0 comments
I got a Christmas avatar too! :biggrin: My cacodeamon looks so happy and full of Christmas cheer... especially with those set of teeth. :D
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-30 12:16:01 UTC 0 comments
Q: What's so bad about skyboxing? (making a hollowed box around your level textured with the sky texture)

A: Usally all the the faces that face the void aren't rendered but when you skybox those faces that you don't see are rendered for they don't touch the void also it makes it much harder for vis and rad to render the map, vis needs to create more portals and leafs(may cause errors like- Max leaf faces, Max base patches, Max portals on a leaf, leaf saw in to portal, maybe allocblock:full and all these memory errors and many more) and rad will need to conculate the light on more faces(might also create many memory errors and some faces that were discarded before might cause a melformed face normal error)- Results: Long compiling time, poor framrates and high R_speeds might even be fullbright(if you have a memory error or a melformed face error) or might not work at all(all those vis and rad errors), it's worse then a leak. If you do skybox then atlist texture the faces you can't see with the null texture, all though it wont help you alot.

I hope this will make you understand that skyboxing is bad and you shouldn't do it even if you're lazy. :glad:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-28 15:12:22 UTC 0 comments
I recently got steam. It's great. I don't understand why people say it has so many problems and bugs, I haven't encountered a single one. :D Now I have the transperity.dll and I can play in DM without hamanchi. :glad: (lower ping)

Also I shouted 2000 times. (7.3) Arghhh :roll:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-27 03:57:30 UTC 0 comments
Hello Elon Yariv! This is your 1500th login.
Nothing! :cry:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-13 10:55:02 UTC 0 comments
Forum posts: 3000 (11.7)
Thats too much! :nervous:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-26 00:30:28 UTC 0 comments
My tutorial is finally in TWHL! :biggrin: And with it came another example map! :)
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-23 07:33:19 UTC 0 comments
Hello Elon Yariv! This is your 1337th login.
9o()|) s7|_|p/-/!
What the fuck does that mean? :zonked:

I stopped modeling for a while for I want to return to building my compo entery! It's so awsome! :cool:

And my spamming rate is back to normal! :) (11.6)
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-19 06:20:02 UTC 0 comments
Started modeling a while ago with Gmax and it's great! :nuts: I only know it compiler sucks so I'll use milkshape for that!! :biggrin:

In another news I stoped forum post rate is down by 0.1. :|

Q: My hammer crashes when I compile my map! :roll:

A: If the compiling log whitens out that means it's just working really hard, not crashes! If you wont do anything in the computer while compiling then it wont whiten out. If you get an allocblock:full error in the compiling log that means you don't have enough virtual memory to compile!
1)Don't do a thing in the computer while compiling.(worked for me with my winning compo entery)
2)If that doesn't work,get batch compiler.(a compiling tool that uses less memory the ZHLT and it's not connected to hammer)
3)If nothing works then you're busted! :P Get more virtual memory or remove those hard to render spot or spots from your map. :lol:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-08 06:48:14 UTC 0 comments
This is my 1250th login,5.7 logins a day! Awsome!! :nuke:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-05 13:36:40 UTC 0 comments
Forum posts: 2500 (11.4)
I'm nuts!! :nuts:

I also shouted 1500 times, 6.9 shouts a day. :thebox: I think I should stop spamming the shoutbox!!! :nervous:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-02 05:49:40 UTC 0 comments
Congratulations Muzzleflash and Kasperg for winning in my compotition! :biggrin:

Daubster you're lucky for your entery has almost got no connection to xen! :tired: What does time travel got to do with xen's transportation system?? :quizzical:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-09-13 03:47:40 UTC 0 comments
I shouted 1000 times!!! :thebox:
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-09-07 06:29:34 UTC 0 comments
I posted 2000 forum posts??? :nuts: I'm a great spammer!! :glad: