
saw183312 years ago2012-02-03 06:43:47 UTC 7 comments
Oh hai thar.

I figured if the world is ending this year I may as well at least drop in and say hi.

But the world isn't ending this year, regardless.

saw183313 years ago2011-02-15 19:52:01 UTC 15 comments
Birthday? Who's having a birthday? Me? What? Oh, yeah, that's right.
saw183313 years ago2010-10-12 15:21:10 UTC 6 comments
User posted image
Now some of you may being saying "omgwtfbbq, how can you play by yourself, die, and still win a campaign?!? H4X"
Others of you may be saying, "Ha, TOO BAD I KNOW HOW THIS WORKS."

So, without further ado, I will, on TWHL, reveal some not-at-all-rare information involving Left 4 Dead 2 (yeah this is 2, despite it saying Bill, right?).
Anyway, what I did was I simply played The Sacrifice campaign with the Last Man On Earth mutation. Nothing special.
THIS is where questions may be asked. "But LMOE was long over by the time The Sacrifice came out!"
True, but with a simple console command, you can play any campaign you'd like on any mutation you'd like. You can even host a dedicated server to do this, but it'll essentially be friends-only.
Command is simple:
'map [mapname] mutation[#]'
For example, to do the sacrifice on LMOE you'd type:
'map c7m1_docks mutation1'
Tada. Now I suppose you'll want a list containing all the current possible mutations:
mutation1 Last Man On Earth
mutation2 Headshot!
mutation3 Bleed Out
mutation4 Hard Eight
mutation5 Four Swordsmen
mutation6 Nothing
mutation7 Chainsaw Massacre
mutation8 Ironman
mutation9 Last Gnome On Earth
mutation10 Room For One
mutation11 Healthpackalypse!
mutation12 Realism Versus
mutation13 Follow the Liter
mutation14 Gib Fest
mutation15 Versus Survival
mutation19 Taaannnkk!
saw183313 years ago2010-08-30 20:39:12 UTC 6 comments
This was in my email. 'Nuff said.
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saw183313 years ago2010-06-25 23:25:09 UTC 0 comments
I've done a small mod on my car and the results look like this:
REALLY crappy cell phone camera, laggy and skippy so it's not consistent at all like it is in person.
Another crappy cell pic to top it off:
User posted image
Tinted tails. As you can see in the video above, light shines through perfectly fine.

Edit: Storm news is now irrelevant since it passed without so much as moving the basketball laying outside, which I'm pretty happy about.
saw183313 years ago2010-06-23 20:28:19 UTC 5 comments
So, in relation to JeffMOD's journal, I experienced some shaking of my own. This morning (although anyone else is dumb enough to say last night) at about 2:30 AM, I was awoke by sudden, loud noises. Come to find a violent storm casting itself down outside, consistent lighting, maybe every second or so was a flash. Judging by the thunder, some of it was AWFULLY close.

Just to be safe, I grabbed my phone and prepared to relocate to the basement. I sat back in my bed for a brief while, waiting to see what happened next. This is when I panicked. The whole house began to shake from the violent winds, and unable to tell what was going on over the heavy rain, thick darkness, and loud sounds of the wind and lightning, I prepared to die. They say when a tornado hits, it sounds like a freight train, and boy, it was a damn loud one too. I knew at any second the house would lift off and I would cease to exist. But as quickly as it started to shake, it stopped.

Come to find out this morning, it was purely straight winds, only reaching 70mph, supposedly. Our fence was collapsed, most the panels removed, 5 of them obliterated and located far out in the field. Each of these panels weights roughly 70-80 lbs... many trees, maybe even most of them, had fallen in the neighborhood. Sheds, shacks, hand-built garages, were down. Most of them had been eaten by the storm. Some trees weren't knocked down, they were just plain uprooted, bringing the turf with them... needless to say it was traumatic... From about 2:30 AM to about 6:40 PM, our house had no power, along with a good majority of people. Before 7:15AM, at least 6,000 were without power, until 5:30AM, at least 4,800 were without...

What a day.

Tl;dr: Big storm, scary as fuck, lots of damage.
saw183313 years ago2010-06-18 11:47:14 UTC 7 comments
Not quite thread-worthy, but much more than ShoutBOX worthy...

Rick Astley has released a new song. Putting the Rick Roll aside, this song in my opinion was pretty good considering that its not even my style of music.

Give it a chance and state your opinion below this line.

saw183314 years ago2010-05-04 20:58:33 UTC 4 comments
So last night I was out doing some serious drinking. It was pretty fun, until we decided to play basketball. We were just chillin' shooting some hoops when a couple of guys, they were up to no good, started making trouble in our neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said "your moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

I begged and pleaded with her day after day, but she packed my suite case and sent me on my way. She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket. I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like? Hmm, this might be alright. I whisted for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought nah, forget it yo home to Bel-Air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight I yelled to the cabbie yo home, smell you later! Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
saw183314 years ago2010-04-14 18:42:42 UTC 2 comments
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Yes, I've already played through the main story, yes I did play it on the hardest difficulty.

Excited for it, and not disappointed.

Though it had MANY strong points, including the visuals, the new stealth system, mark & execute, etc. there were a few weak points.
One was the difficulty. Simply put, I played through "realistic" and while definitely presenting a challenge, it wasn't AS challenging as I had expected. Now I don't know about the lower difficulties and what is changed from them, but other than getting killed is easier, most the challenge was in the stealth.

Also, the lack of some of our familiar favorites was a bit disappointing as well. The SC3000 does make an appearance, as does the Five-Seven pistol, but neither of these are available immediately. The SC3000, nor any gun for that matter, can launch attachments, which saddened me. Sticky cameras were available, but since there was no launcher, you threw them. Lolwut?

The goggles are basically a landmark feature in the series and made their appearance, but not as I had expected. They appear with only one mode: sonar. While this is AWESOME, it doesn't really help you see in the dark as they said it would. But other than that, it didn't need another mode.

The new P.E.C. system for both single and multiplayer is pretty awesome, but I feel that it's very infant in design. First, the only thing you can use in singleplayer are weapon upgrades. Each weapon has three upgrades, and each piece of "gear" (grenades and such) have 2(both the same with stacking effects). In multiplayer, you're allowed to "purchase" new outfits, different skins for each outfits, and upgrades (3 of 3, similar to "gear" upgrades, you can unlock each of these 3, 3 times over and they can stack). The catch to gear is, you can only have 3 pieces on at a time, so you could go all out with one upgrade, or balance it out a bit.

Finally, unlocking these pieces come from points you earn through both single and multiplayer gameplay. It's similar to Modern Warfare 2's challenge system where you will do a certain task (I.E. Get x number of kills without being detected). You will be given a variable amount of points that can go toward these upgrades.

All in all, I do highly recommend the game, especially to anyone else who is a fan of the series.
saw183314 years ago2010-04-10 12:44:06 UTC 9 comments
I have the new Splinter Cell: Conviction game pre-ordered for Xbox 360, hopefully it should be here the 13th or 14th. I have the collector's edition coming so it should hopefully have a few nice goodies.

The demo is up on LIVE for anyone wanting to try it out. In my opinion, it is pretty amazing. I've played it a few times, and still plan on playing it more, to develop my "skill" in that area.
saw183314 years ago2010-03-01 19:49:15 UTC 12 comments
So neat bit of javascript code here.
Enter this in the toolbar, and the whole site you're on becomes "editable" to a point. It's client-side, so don't expect to change anything and save it.

"JavaScript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0"

Sorry ahead of time Rimmy.
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saw183314 years ago2009-11-06 23:51:12 UTC 5 comments
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony

Let me start by saying, if you were smart enough to purchase your copy for GTA4 for 360, you deserve a cookie.

Like the previous expansion, exclusive only to the Xbox 360, Rockstar gives us a new playable character, with his own personality, his own story, and even his own "style" (animations, unique from Johnny, who was unique from Niko).
Again, like the previous expansion, we get a butt-load of new guns, almost all VERY cool. The auto-shotty was amazing on its own, but with the option for exploding shells? Just yes. The advanced sniper is just better than the rest were, hands down. The new smg is great, where as the gold uzi is the same, just gold. The machine gun, which will replace your assault rifle slot, is nothing to brag home about sadly, it just lasts long on ammo. Finally, the sticky explosives were and are the best part. Especially in passing the time. Tossing stickies on passing vehicles for a nasty surprise?

Cars, I'm so glad it wasn't new bikes, to be honest, as nice as the bikes were, I wasn't in to muscle bikes. The Bullet GT is just gorgeous, and takes the cake as the new most "competitive" car in the game.

Parachute... a novelty item. It's fun to mess around with, but base jumping isn't all it's cracked up to be, not to mention it's hard as hell!

Club activities are once again, a mere novelty. Something to do when you're bored. There are various other activities around the city, like the fight cages and drug wars, I won't go into detail.

The actual story itself was pretty entertaining, and at times a bit unpredictable. Certainly the best new character is Yusef. Also, it will once again tie into the original GTA4 storyline a bit, but this time MUCH more than the previous did. It was well written, but nothing more than any other Rockstar title. A new feature they included with TBoGT is replay. Once you've completed the game, you can access ALL the missions again from your cellphone, and you get percentage ratings based on criteria you will see at the end of the mission.

Once again, just like in TLaD, you have the option to call one of two friends, one who will supply you with a van including the new guns in the game (and a parachute), and one who will deliver you almost any of the new cars, and a Cavalcade FXT (the truck version).

All in all, this expansion is a great buy, running 10 hours of storyline gameplay, not including the countless hours doing various things around the city, and costs only $20. Better than spending $50-60 on any other game which will net you maybe 4-12 hours of gameplay depending.

If you have a 360, and have not played this, buy it now. If you have a 360, but have GTA4 on PC or PS3, have no fear, Rockstar released an independent game titled "Episodes From Liberty City" which includes "The Lost and Damned" and "The Ballad of Gay Tony" and DOES NOT require the original GTA4 to play.
saw183314 years ago2009-09-25 23:58:35 UTC 9 comments
I've mentioned it before already, but since I've been asked, I now have proof. Just for sitting on my ass and logging in once a day, and then answering a personal-choice style question, I get "PTZ" which when accumulated I may spend at the point store which is restocked periodically. The next time being Oct 15 I believe.
Anyways, today I received my FREE copy of [PROTOTYPE] in the mail.
Pics or it didn't happen:
Excuse the shitty cell-phone quality.

Anyway, tl;dr. Lockerz is real, if you want an invite PM me. I won't keep checking this journal.
saw183314 years ago2009-08-19 17:08:42 UTC 7 comments
I just discovered 4 cut, previously unnoticed weapons from fallout 3. Yay me. They were cut from Operation: Anchorage DLC and are only accessible via mods or console commands.
saw183314 years ago2009-08-14 12:35:23 UTC 1 comment
So a friend introduced me to this fairly new, quickly growing site called Lockerz.
The basis of Lockerz is a reward site, but not the typical "do survey get .001 points and once you have enough you can buy that 1000point chewing gum" shit.
Basically, their point system is all whole numbers, and all rewards are mostly priced based on USD price. (Example, Prototype for Xbox 360 is 60 points)
Also the collection method is much simpler. You log in? 2 points. You answer a question? 2 points. You invite a friend? 2 points.
If you have 20 friends join, every point you gain is doubled.
But, most will be saying, "Why not skip this and join myself, disallowing you from getting points just cause I'm an asshole?" Well, because the site is invite only.

TL;DR: Free shit for doing almost NOTHING.
Just leave me an e-mail address (preferably in a PM but if you're that lazy leave it here) and I'll get an invite to you when I can.