I coded a random headline generator today.
You can download it
here.Be sure to let me know what you think about this first version!
If anyone doesn't know what to do with .7z files, you can use either 7-zip or Winzip/Winrar to open them.
Also, don't poke around the site or share the link around too much. It's a hideous school project website from a year ago, and the free host doesn't allow for much bandwidth. You are free to put up mirrors if you like, though.
Seriously, why did you include only Dimbark?
Anyway, I can tell that you're using the pseudorandom generator included with most programming languages. Multiple results from a specific timeframe are similar.
This is somewhat amusing, I made a random poetry generator 2 years ago.
What's this btw? C# ?
Not sure why I included only Dimbark. Was contemplating adding Archie and Urby as well. I knew Dimbark would react well to it, I guess.
Scotch: I did have a grammar disclaimer, but it seems from Dimbark's screenshot that it either disappeared on the final compile and I didn't notice, or it only shows up on WinXP.
lol'd for so very many reasons.
But will it blend?
@Striker: Even though most pseudorandom number generators use timestamps (among other things), you won't get similar results from similar timeframes unless you generate two in the exact same millisecond using two generators that have been created with with the same initial seed value. I would say that the similarity of results you're seeing is based on a small sample size.
Performance drops are also present when you try to add more than a few moving objects at once (killing them when they get offscreen) as the game I made in grade 9 can attest to.
VB6 is at least 15 years old and you may not even know it.
Anyway, assuming you're using WinForms, it's not optimised to do animated graphics. It's not difficult to hook into a control's "Paint" event and do your drawing on a lower level, I've done this and performance is reasonable. The rendering issues you were getting with transparent images is probably because you didn't set the control's "DoubleBuffered" property to true. 3D capabilities are available in .NET via frameworks like XNA (for Direct3D) and OpenTK (for OpenGL).
@Stu: VB.NET 6.0 doesn't exist, the first version of VB.NET is 7.0. It's the direct successor to VB6.
I did set the images to be doublebuffered, it helped but didn't eliminate the problem. Of course, it was one of the first games I ever coded from scratch, so I guess problems like that are to be expected.