Commented 9 years ago2015-04-02 03:21:05 UTCComment #52869
This question usually occurs to people who do not know the mission objectives. Press TAB to see your mission objectives.
Unfortunately, life is a crappy untested game where the developer forgot to put in important gameplay elements, like displaying objectives. The game is also not in active development, as the developer has appeared to turn everything over to the community. Therefore, like some generic sandbox game, you need to find the objectives yourself.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-02 20:56:11 UTCComment #52867
I exist because my parents were horny in 1987.
I don't know of a reason for me to exist, as in why I was brought into existence, but I do know I have decided upon a personal objective: To make the world a better place for others to exist in.
If, however, what Ninja said is true, this is nothing but a purposeless endeavour that exists entirely in the mind of the reader.
That's too boring, though, so I still want to make the world a better place. If only to pass the time.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-03 06:04:29 UTCComment #52858
Im here because God decided to create me to be so... I'm here to commune with God and His creation, which gives me value and meaning for my life and find it in others... Not here to start a religion debate, mind.
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-04 15:39:30 UTCComment #52864
kinda the same isnt it. I mean i think theres no reason for our existence beyond that weird thing, you might have been a few microns of latex away from not existing
Commented 9 years ago2015-04-10 21:35:05 UTCComment #52855
In my mind's eyes; compare it to this saying. When the benefit outweighs the risk, you take the risk "if you so choose."
In existence in general, I think the good outweighs the bad, so with that being the case, existence is simply true if you are born.
This unfortunately does not pertain to some people's lives. "The bad might outweigh the good in their existence." So for those you can only hope they get another run. And hell, you can only hope they get an infinite amount of chances to get it right.
There's no telling for sure, but it would make sense that when you die, you have the option to go again or not. Either that or if the case is that when you die "if your entire knowledge of existence lives in your brain" then there's two things that will set you at ease. Number one: don't worry about it because you can't know your dead after your brain and entire body checks out (you die). Number two: you might try living each day like your last because you believe or are convinced (don't have faith otherwise) that this is all you got. That's where a lot of people turn to religion, it's just a bunch of choices you make. You can even have faith without religion.
So like I say, i'm here right now because when I died I chose to live again, since the beginning. Either that or it was an accident. Now the beginning implies that there is one, but that's just non sense in my mind's eyes. A beginning doesn't make sense although since so many things we experience have a start and finish like a vehicle, a toy, anything in reality that vehicle comes from various stuff that was already around. It was just organized together in a certain way. So you might fear that "we are so complex" that when we are destroyed we will never exist again but that's like saying in an infinite amount of time "reality's medium" your combination of complexity will never reconstruct itself on its own. Well you might not remember it when you come to exist again on another planet in a trillion years but it sounds highly probable when infinity is the playground and chance is the father of everything.
Why do you think technology is so advanced? It's simple. Anything that's worth remembering is stored somewhere. If you are worth remembering, your span of being remembered will go on for a certain amount of time. Probably not long enough for you to live again while those memories can be found realistically but who cares.
In general I think it makes sense to live your life to the fullest you can. Sometimes it involves taking educated risks. Hell without such the case, we might not exist...
Might I add, you should probably consolidate your objectives. Mine used to be a ton of shit. Now, it is to "make good furniture". When you have less goals, you have a lot more time to focus on what is important to achieve them successfully.
3 weeks agoOskar PotatisNo clue, stop! Try another map editor
3 weeks agostop!hey guys, thanks a lot for being such an awesome community, I learned a lot here, but today I have released my last map. I will move on now to starting a more successful career than the level designer one hopefully haha. All the best, Daniel
2 weeks agoCombiner 1PYes, I've seen the news, we're waiting for awesome mods.
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Isn't the TF2 bot problem still around? If so then the SDK release could be a lazy attempt to skip fixing it.
2 weeks agoMotaLast I heard it, Valve dealt a major blow against the bots about a year ago. Dunno if they've recovered yet, though
2 weeks agoXylemI haven't seen the bots since the update a year ago thankfully
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Still. I think Valve grew tired of maintaining TF2. Since it's code is out.
2 weeks agoFingersntoesI have just come to the conclusion that the helmet soldier , black overalls engineer and the ugly sentry is lost media cause when i tried to run the leaked tfc files it didn't give me the models .Such a disappointment...
2 weeks agoFingersntoesnot "is" it should be "are"
2 weeks agoFingersntoesHl is lost media if i am not mistaken
Unfortunately, life is a crappy untested game where the developer forgot to put in important gameplay elements, like displaying objectives. The game is also not in active development, as the developer has appeared to turn everything over to the community. Therefore, like some generic sandbox game, you need to find the objectives yourself.
Peter Watts, Blindsight
Seriously though, I don't think there is a reason or meaning to existence outside of religious beliefs. We simply are. Life is a fantastic accident.
I don't know of a reason for me to exist, as in why I was brought into existence, but I do know I have decided upon a personal objective: To make the world a better place for others to exist in.
If, however, what Ninja said is true, this is nothing but a purposeless endeavour that exists entirely in the mind of the reader.
That's too boring, though, so I still want to make the world a better place. If only to pass the time.
Not here to start a religion debate, mind.
Not in this journal, anyway.
In existence in general, I think the good outweighs the bad, so with that being the case, existence is simply true if you are born.
This unfortunately does not pertain to some people's lives. "The bad might outweigh the good in their existence." So for those you can only hope they get another run. And hell, you can only hope they get an infinite amount of chances to get it right.
There's no telling for sure, but it would make sense that when you die, you have the option to go again or not. Either that or if the case is that when you die "if your entire knowledge of existence lives in your brain" then there's two things that will set you at ease. Number one: don't worry about it because you can't know your dead after your brain and entire body checks out (you die). Number two: you might try living each day like your last because you believe or are convinced (don't have faith otherwise) that this is all you got. That's where a lot of people turn to religion, it's just a bunch of choices you make. You can even have faith without religion.
So like I say, i'm here right now because when I died I chose to live again, since the beginning. Either that or it was an accident. Now the beginning implies that there is one, but that's just non sense in my mind's eyes. A beginning doesn't make sense although since so many things we experience have a start and finish like a vehicle, a toy, anything in reality that vehicle comes from various stuff that was already around. It was just organized together in a certain way. So you might fear that "we are so complex" that when we are destroyed we will never exist again but that's like saying in an infinite amount of time "reality's medium" your combination of complexity will never reconstruct itself on its own. Well you might not remember it when you come to exist again on another planet in a trillion years but it sounds highly probable when infinity is the playground and chance is the father of everything.
Why do you think technology is so advanced? It's simple. Anything that's worth remembering is stored somewhere. If you are worth remembering, your span of being remembered will go on for a certain amount of time. Probably not long enough for you to live again while those memories can be found realistically but who cares.
In general I think it makes sense to live your life to the fullest you can. Sometimes it involves taking educated risks. Hell without such the case, we might not exist...
Might I add, you should probably consolidate your objectives. Mine used to be a ton of shit. Now, it is to "make good furniture". When you have less goals, you have a lot more time to focus on what is important to achieve them successfully.